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replacement. At this time, the architect recommended replacing the foundation <br />and putting up the frame work, roof and windows, as per the drawings <br />submitted in _October. This resulted in the house being enlarged from one story <br />t�' ;two story overall, rather than a two story home in front and one story <br />,home in back as was originally planned for the first phase of construction. <br />At this time, Mr. Rekuski went back to the city requesting a second permit <br />in. order to repair the foundation and extend the footings from the garage <br />to the porch along the east side of the home. The permit also requested <br />permission to install a new roof and walls as shown on the architect's drawings <br />previously submitted to the city. The second permit was issued in February <br />for this .additional .work. <br />In late March, 1988, Vaughn Larson raised an objection to the bay window <br />being installed on the east side of the project. At his request, the bay <br />window was taken out and a flush window inserted. At this time, Vaughn <br />Lamson started raising other objections. This Nesulted in a n;,eeting on <br />April 13 at the City of Roseville. Present at the meeting was Vaughn Larson, <br />-=rank Rekuski, Howard Dahlgren, Gordon Beseth and Rick Jobke. The <br />last three individuals are employed by the City of Roseville. Howard Dahla: en <br />kept notes from that meeting which appear as page 3 and 4 of the Planning <br />Office Hours report for April 13, 1988. It was the understanding of all <br />those present at the meeting that an agreement had been reached between <br />Mr. Rekuski and Mr. Larson which would satisfy Mr. Larson's concerns. <br />The last paragraph of the notes from that meeting show that there was <br />an agreement between the parties. On the basis of that agreement, Mr. <br />Larson stated that he no longer objected to the development as proposed. <br />Frank Rekuski has performed six of the eight items listed in that agreement. <br />The two items that he has not been able to perform result from a lack of <br />cooperation 'from Mr. Larson. Without Mr. Larson's cooperation, the last <br />two. items cannot be performed. Not only did Mr. Larson refuse to cooperate <br />in allowing Mr. Rekuski to complete the 8 listed items, but he refused to <br />sign a variance waiver- and started raising new objections. At this point, <br />Mr. Rekuski had me contact Mr. Larson to discuss these concerns. Twice, <br />the concerns were met and twice Mr. Larson changed his mind indicating <br />that this was no longer sufficient and that he wanted more. <br />The homeowner and the Roseville City Planning Department has gone out <br />of their way to accommodate any and all of the concerns raised by Mr. <br />Larson. Each time his concerns are met, he raises new concerns. The <br />(..arsons state in their letter of September 23 that they were deceived regarding <br />this construction project and that they were not informed of their rights. <br />This is not true. Vaughn Larson was advised of his rights at the April <br />13 meeting referred to above. At that meeting, he agreed that the construction <br />project would continue provided that Frank Rekuski did certain .items for <br />him. Mr. Rekuski has done all of the items that he could do except for <br />those matters requiring Mr. Larson's cooperation, which cooperation has <br />not been forthcoming. The other participants in that meeting can confirm <br />that there was an agreement between Vaugh Larson and Frank Rekuski, thus <br />-2- <br />