<br />o
<br />is an fire aoi>stlirM of Sactxxr 10. T m i?Iatfpa 23 ,
<br />to to noft tine of said TrafA "J" and 4*19 $twtli of
<br />a we r%Mt west at an angle of 90 aepneea 04', to
<br />he aim tone gt ea7dTfat t "J'° (msasurod.Aom norm s
<br />lowest fror1r8j1DirNOfl*Msadline datmok 76.33tW.
<br />earth of the no< *.W cornx at said Tract J.'' s:c'apt ;
<br />the east 264 teat tnefaW and subject to County Road !
<br />'*B " Parcel 3: AN that pan of fhe east i4 L"M of Tract
<br />J." Registered Land Survey No 86, on ale fn the of-
<br />fice of the Registrar of "Is. ✓4hin and tor_sq' id County,,,,
<br />IV" sduth.of is fine !i nning well at an.i�lgie o1.90'
<br />degrees ow to ft- east Fare of said Tract "J" (measured
<br />from north Jo west) from a point on said.east line dis-
<br />.tart 76.33 feet south of the northeast corner of said
<br />Tract "J; ' subject to.Couniy Road B:' Parcel 4• the
<br />north 17 feet of Tracts' E' and '"F, , the east:a3 feet
<br />of:Tract"H'• and apof Tracts:"D, r.....I" and "K-
<br />aU in Registered.L *W Survey No.,86, on w fn the Ot• , , •
<br />five of the Registrar of Titles within and lot said Conti-
<br />ty. Subject to Highway and subject to County Road•;'
<br />® •' All that pad of'rrsM 'E,":' F ' "H;:' and J ".
<br />Registered Land Survey No Li, r?R hie in the oflrce of:
<br />the Registrar of Tittes.wkliin and for said County, iyifi$'?
<br />north at' tlescnbed as fdbvvs Beginnfrigat a point <l
<br />on the_most'westerly line of_said Tract J+' distant 3l ,�
<br />feet south of .the . norttnves�, cgmer iheregi thence, -
<br />Notice islrereby given that the Ptanning Commissror
<br />easterly.at an angle oi.89 degrees 28'Aosaid westerly`
<br />'`line (measured from north tD easq, 230 teat. to an'in- j
<br />"of the City'o! Roseville will meet at Roseville City Hall,..:.;
<br />tersectfon With aline herein er?JesGribed ,'and lying ,
<br />2860 Civic'Center Orlve. on Wednesday, March 2, at
<br />.,west of aline running north parallel toIfWwesterly,lines: ;
<br />7:30 p.m.', for tide purpose of considering the follaWfi
<br />of said Tract 'J"and northerly eztensrons thereo` frxn i
<br />' _ a poTrit oh the`southaefly fine of said Tract'+J" distant i
<br />request:
<br />Targot_StIores request for variances at 1515 County
<br />30 feel east of that mthwesterlyco' ar of said,Tract
<br />Road B. TargotStores wish to remodel and construct, "J'.' which Is on the south Irne; of sectiogsl0; Tract 29; .I
<br />a,10fOQ0'.quarq_toot addition on the southeast corner Pap 23 to a point distant l7 feet sonrth;ottho north 3
<br />o} the store: proposal Will requlr6,a building set
<br />tine of said Tract' F'+ d tying"south of the north tl,j
<br />,q ,Tile
<br />P back vdilance'of 88 feet, a �jridng setback variance
<br />feet.of said Tracts , F , and E .: Subject to Highway
<br />`ot 14'feet"and'screen wall height variance of 4.1eat = `The south', 30 feet of off that' pan of Tract
<br />t, .The City Council, of the City of Roseville wag meet Registered land Survey No 66, on fileln,the ofhcenf l
<br />�y�fm
<br />Monday, 14, 191i8;;at City,HaU at 7 30 p.m
<br />Ma
<br />(,the Registraro1Milles`.wrthin and for old County lying
<br />i to consider thls�request '
<br />north of a Ifne described as follows Beginning at a point
<br />;�,il E(iAG':DESCRIPTION j
<br />` on the most westerlyline of said'Tract 'J" distant 81
<br />All that part of Tracts' F, :' H and J ' Registered
<br />aget south of the northwest corner thereof thence run-
<br />Land Survey Na 86 on (ale in'the ofliceof the Registrar
<br />'ping easterly at an angle of 89 degrees 28' to said,,
<br />q of Title@ within grid for said bounty, lying east o(a line
<br />,Yve&telly line (measured from nonFi fo eaSf),�230 test ,
<br />;,running north�paraltel id the westerly Tines of said firact
<br />,� `to an intersection with'a dne hereinafter Eesenbed anti
<br />Asald Tract+: �J8 3 eiccept�the ;east 33,fe's1 l said Tfact v',
<br />H" parcel 2 Atl that paR ol,?ract''J, ,.f9egistered land
<br />Survey Np �88 0, fife"in the of(Ice ofahe Registrar oft
<br />tTltlea:wjihin andor safe Gounty lying east of a line'
<br />r Mrunn(i g ncrth parallel to th'ewesterly,lines of said Trani
<br />and iortharly exionslons (hereof from a paint on
<br /><. * 'i James F Andre i
<br />- .City Menager-
<br />3 �eview Feb 16 1988) �
<br />