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0 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />RE: Vacation of Clement Street Page Two <br />which separates the parcels of land owned by the Sommerset 19 Condominium <br />Association. <br />5. In our opinion, the ultimate solution could include the following: <br />a. Clement Street could be vacated in its entirety from Wentworth <br />Avenue to the northeast corner of the existing park subject to <br />a drainage and utility easement of perhaps 20 feet. The <br />northeast corner of the park is indicated as Point B. <br />b. From Point B to Fourth Avenue, Clement Street could be vacated <br />as a street, but retaining a 60 foot right-of-way for pedestrian <br />purposes, drainage, and utilities. <br />c. That area from Fourth Avenue to 3'z Avenue should not be vacated <br />at all. There is sewer constructed in this street and <br />the property immediately to the east which it serves .(between <br />Fourth Avenue and 31z Avenue) has a soil condition problem. <br />In the distant future, however, such properties will achieve <br />such value that it will be economically feasible tc excavate <br />the property and develop the land with residential units. <br />6. We suggest that none of the vacations outlined in the preceeding paragraph <br />occur unless the street right-of-way for 32 Avenue (extension of Upper <br />Colonial Drive) is secured. Preferably this should be done by <br />negotiation with the Sommerset 19 people in exchange for the vacation <br />program outlined. <br />7. With respect to the Jaeckel subdivision, we suggest that unless agreement <br />can be reached with the Sommerset 19 people regarding the overall vacation <br />program, there should be no vacation of Clement Street at this time. <br />We suggest that the Council approve the Jaeckel subdivision without the <br />vacation inasmuch as the 30 extra feet of land he would acquire with <br />vacation will be there as open space in any case. Mr. Jaeckel or someone <br />who purchases the easterly most lot of the two could request a variance <br />to place his home within a few feet of the right-of-way line. This would <br />be reasonable in our opinion inasmuch as we understand from Mr. Ed Kishel <br />that the Sommerset 19 condominium building is located -within eight feet <br />of the east side of the Clement Street right-of-way at this time. The <br />required setback in either case, of course, would have been 30 feet. <br />8. In summary, we are suggesting that the public interest is best served if <br />the City takes a very cautious approach to vacating the right-of-way <br />inasmuch as the City gets no benefit from such a vacation. In the City <br />of Saint Paul for instance, vacated right-of-wayis sold to property <br />owners who benefit and acquire title. This practice has not been <br />followed in suburban communities where title is simply reverted to the <br />