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That part of the Southwest Quarter (SGVy) of Section Eight (8), Township <br />Twenty-nine North (T29N), Range Twenty-three West (R23W), lying Westerly <br />and Northwesterly and.adjacent to the Westerly line of the Minnesota <br />Transfer Railway Company's right-of-way and bounded on the West by the <br />East line of Walnut Street, and bounded on the North by the South line <br />of County Road "B" 2, containing approximately 14.18 acres, <br />Subject to a right-of-way for a lead track described as follows: <br />Part of the Southwest Quarter (S6�4) of Section Eight (8), Township <br />Twenty-nine North (T29N), Range Twenty-three West (R23W), <br />Beginning -at the Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter (SAO <br />of said Section Eight (8), thence East on the North line of said <br />Southwest Quarter (SW4) of said Section Eight (8), Thirteen <br />hurk-Ired and twenty (1320) feet; thence South, parallel to the West <br />line of said Southwest Quarter (SW3-4) of said Section Eight (8), <br />Thirty-five (35) feet to the South line of County Road "B" 2, place <br />of beginning of land to be described: <br />A strip of land seventeen (17) feet in width, lying Eight <br />and one-half (8�) feet of such width on each side of the <br />center line of the following described line: <br />Beginning on the South line of County Road "B" 2, a distance <br />of Thirteen hundred and twenty (1320) feet East of the West <br />line of the Southwest Quarter (SW4) of Section Eight (8), as <br />aforesaid; thence South, parallel to said West line, a distance <br />of Fbur hundred five and fifty-six one -hundredths (405.56) feet, <br />more or less; thence on a Twelve (12) degree and Thirty (30) <br />minute curve to the right a distance of Three hundred eleven <br />and seventy-three one -hundredths (311.73) feet to a point which <br />is Eight and five -tenths (8.5) feet, more or less, westerly of <br />the Westerly right-of-way line of The Minnesota IiYansfer Rail- <br />way Company; thence Southwesterly parallel and Eight and five - <br />tenths (8.5) feet Westerly of said right-of-way line, a distance <br />of Flour hundred four (404) feet, more or less; thence deflect <br />to the left at an angle of Six (6) degrees and Twenty-one (21) <br />minutes, thence continue on such deflected line a distance of <br />Seventy-six and eighty-five one -hundredths (76.85) feet, more or <br />less, to the Westerly right-of-way line of The Minnesota Transfer <br />Railway Company. <br />