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Westerly along the Southerly boundary of the Lido <br />Property from the frontage road on the East to the <br />Easterly boundary of the Interstate property. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between the par- <br />ties hereto as follows; <br />A. Upon the final approval by Roseville of the Development <br />Agreement with Lido, and contingent upon the closing of the <br />purchase by Lido of the Lido Property, Interstate, Witte and <br />Glendenning shall all execute whatever documents are deemed reaso- <br />nably necessary to terminate the easement presently in existence <br />along the Northerly thirty (30) feet of the Lido Property. <br />B. Lido shall sell to the City of Roseville and the City of <br />Roseville shall purchase the right-of-way pursuant to the terms <br />and conditions more specifically set forth in the Development <br />Agreement between Lido and Roseville. <br />C. The parties hereto shall petition Roseville for the deve- <br />lopment of a public roadway within the right-of-way; the City of <br />Roseville, as soon as is practicable, shall construct a public <br />roadway over and across the right-of-way and connecting with the <br />frontage road on the East and the Easterly boundary of the <br />Interstate property on the West. <br />D. The cost of constructing the public roadway shall be <br />borne by Roseville and shall be assessed against the benefited <br />property owners by assessing one-third (1/3) of the cost against <br />the Lido property, one-third (1/3) of the cost against the <br />-3- <br />