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I \II\L!Lin1s,-teAp",ulaIyS Cu. PURCHASE <br />AGREEMENT ,l'1[ITL•:—iJrfrfrre•,'v�oppY y <br />pY <br />f'1 \ [i—I3u�'rr•'s I,roeipt <br />.... ....•t... P.a.u.l.. <br />RECEIVED OF Lido Cafe ............ Minn., .... O.c.t,ober...2..... . <br />r....Inc. <br />,....�...M-in es.o.ta.. Co.rporation.. <br />1985.. <br />the sum of ... Ten .,Thousand ____-_ <br />(Check. Cash, <br />and..,no/100.................--•------. ---, ($ 10, 0.00.. 00) DOLLARS <br />be deposited upon acceptance, or Note —State Whicas earnest money and in art a <br />ox <br />- - - - - - - - ___ P payment for the purchase of prope y, <br />County of .....Ramsey •-----....--,---.--....-.-.--.-.- -----.------ rc <br />situated in rhr <br />State <br />of Minnesota, and legally described as follows, to -wit: <br />Lot 2, Block 1 Slawik Park Second <br />Minnesota (the "Property"). Addition, Ramsey <br />including p � rr y County, <br />all garden bulbs lams shrubs and trees, sl4- <br />shades, blinds l including venetian blinds), curtain rods, rravrrse rods, drapery duds, li ?h ' r <br />fixtures, but water ranks and heating plant (with'any burners, can • ' <br />with), water softener and liquid gas tan a s, plumbing <br />arur, build -in , i t er equipment used in connection there• <br />dsposal, ovens, cook cop stu ps�andtce crallla r conditpioninmP�tu�evision antenna, incised- <br />g equipment, if any, used and <br />all of which r etc the undersigned has this day sold to the buyer for the sum of: <br />. 8e? n �- e. Ni e e Thousand Nine Hu <br />Seven y- ne an NN <br />which b/1f��------------ Hundred - <br />thr uyer agrees to ••. - -- <br />pay in the following " 29.9,,,9.7.1 <br />manner: <br />••""""" • 0� DOLLARS, <br />Earnesr money herein paid' 10 , 0 0 0.. O 0and S 2 8 g , 9 71. • .Oaash, on Ma .. , , . j• <br />or such other date as the parties may <br />"Date of Closing"). y , 1.986..... ,�i0tA�t4c�c%AiR�cx <br />y mutually agree in writing (the <br />See attached Supplement for additional terms <br />reference, made a <br />part hereof by <br />* (d) As set forth in <br />paragraph 6 of the attached <br />Subjru as lxrfornance by the buyer the seller agrees to execute and deliver a Supplement. <br />(to he ►�>IncJ in by spouse. if any) conveying marketable title to said premises subject only ru the fulluwin� rzcr,t' <br />1J) building and :using laws, urdinancrs, State and 1'rdrral re Said <br />Warranty DcrJ <br />Ib) Rrstricuuns rrlJting ro use or improvement of premises without ctfcctis•r forfeiture provision. ! tons: <br />Ic) Reservation ut any minerals or mineral rights to the �tatr of lslinnrsuta. <br />QdXXC Q box yOjti�701L►?(S?�•�p;ty!'p�x%.q*k <br />ac x :axksc,x arxoaa xsx�Xbotsx>�a�baxn�yQ�{s��txx' <br />* ( a) '!'h buyer shall pay the real estate tJxcs dud inn tltr yXXcar j��S �+ +�_s ('t X <br />Jnd tnrreattcr. Scllcr wafra,tts that real estate texts dud to the ft 19 8' 'Will be <br />Jnc my unpaid instJllnlrnts of, s{serial Jsstssmrnts {�J}able ,hrrrwuh <br />11i11 be the seller not the seller's agent make any representation ortwrltrantylal or whatslurOvcr'cuncrrninn slice <br />homestead cla,suicJru,n <br />which $IIJII be JSSCSSCd a,e'JInSI the proper[StIlL agent <br />subsequent w the date u( purchase. stair w•hieh � <br />e amount of real violate taxes <br />nut imiti,lcd herein Jnd all debris from the Premises nfiur to, ,,.,........... ,._- <br />- - .�+. �:uu 1•rtl�ll�lS ARE IN fsROl'!:R \\'t)RKI\CI uRUI:R <br />nc Seller funher ailedrs to deliver pussrssiun not later than Date of Clo - <br />acrrrrnrnt have brrn complied with. Uulrss uthrnvise s peciried this sale sisal! be closed un or 6rfurr Ill .i1}•s from thrtdall h edit uns of this <br />sfu� <br />1'hr buyer and seller also mutually aged that pro data J.ljubate <br />tmrnn of r rttc <br />ina,mr pruprrty, current uperat, expenses shall be made us of �a t e <br />,�� reresl, insurance and city water, and, in the Case of <br />The seller shall, within r•�, o dosing <br />.abstract certitled rn date to include pru�IY4946-after approval of this ar;rcement, furnish in abstract of title, ur J Re�isrcred No) <br />Per <br />arches <br />avrirird IU Jays after reedit thereof lot examinanun of said ude and the making ut any ublecriuns thrrra,, said (objections <br />wririn� or Jcrmrd to be NJI\•rJ. If any objr cross are csucnladrltlrksrlllrr,shall bcs. and Starr and F)dcrJl ludumrnts am <br />pert}• <br />! liens. 'rhr hu)cr shall he <br />c,xrreuun ur title the payments i inn this required shall he postponed, but upon correction of title and µ,thin It) isle froa l . made to <br />to rhr hut•c•r, the a alluurJ l_Q Jays to make such title nlJrkrtahlc. made n <br />1 a ors shall {,rthmn this agreement acc'ordin.g to its terms, <br />If �ai,l title is not marketable and is nut made n, cv , } r wriurn nuti�e <br />lerrcnlent shall he null and void, at option nt rhr hu rr%%, , ncT�l , 1} f{{u�n rhr date of written uhiectinns rhrrrw as above l,n,vi,lc,l, this <br />All ,Honer thcrctul„rc a,, ) + � I copal shall be liable for e Ili said Jama,ltes hereunder to the urhrr <br />an,i laid I+usrr shall dr aultlin anylof (he lagreemcntsrand continucle llln default fur a prriud fOund of It) da <br />licirinsI, this ,intact and un such termination all rhr {s.lymrnts rnadr upon this runts to shall bemrrtainren and <br />so made t: within1,said r 1) C. <br />y <br />th,Ir «s{�r,t,sr uurrests nta • a )s, then and in that .a.c rhr scllrr may <br />} {'{tar. is mane of ills cot ct p brine of the essence hereot. This provision shall not dept. and <br />either parr} as <br />the right lit rnturclnn the spccutr {xrh,rmance of this ages, contract Y al seller and said a�rnr, JS <br />u, rnfu«r such sprc'tic performance shall be commenced within six months after such right of action shall arise.Ili <br />{ ruviJed such contract shall nut be terminated as aforesaid, and provided auiun <br />1�r �•-iN-dada-"I'Af ll�f-IMia)l+-�,r--t spoas4'id-M�--ftht�fi•SHiiil�{..r�,l.� --.. <br />• • • . •T'c,-n►eTx i�uA6,b I{t-1 �I}-.t l'1�+1�FH-Nf-4 <br />The delivery of all papers and monies shall be made at the office of: <br />BRIGGS AND MORGAN, P.A. <br />220'0" 'r'irs't"'Nat"iorial... <br />Bank Bldg. <br />Saint Paul, MN 55101 I. the undersigned, owner of th a the above agreement above land, do hereby approve <br />nd the sale.t;reby made. <br />HAR-1, R r !NCO ATED <br />BY.( <br />...........,.1.......... / Q <br />I t S Seller • •) (SEAL) <br />.................... <br />Seller .......... <br />............................ (SEAL) <br />By.................• <br />Agent <br />I hereby agree to <br />Purchase the said property for the price and <br />upon the terms above mentioned, and subject to all conditions <br />herein ex essed. <br />B.1 I N,. s r ' <br />C.SI........................................... (SEAL) <br />Buyer <br />B <br />........................................uyer ... <br />.................................. (SEAL) <br />