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CASE NM BER: 1568-84 <br />APPLICANT: M. T. Realty Corporation Page 2 <br />4. We have shown the location of the site on a copy of the section map of <br />this part of the City which is attached. You will notice that this site <br />is at the far northwestern corner of the B-1B District, and is more <br />contiguous to I-35W than Trunk Highway 36. The land to the north is still <br />zoned Industrial. The land to the southeast (Victoria Station) is zoned <br />B-lB. The property to the east (Long Cadillac) is zoned B-3. The <br />Victoria Station sign is within the 100 square foot requirement, but is <br />located closer to the right-of-way, for which they received a variance. <br />The Mother Tucker people in this case, are not applying for a variance to <br />the location, the sign is set back 30 feet from the right-of-way as <br />indicated on the site plan. <br />5. Each of you can drive by the site and view the sign as currently erected. <br />Had the sign been designed at its maximum 225 square feet, (if zoned B-2 <br />or B-3, the difference in the size compared to the Victoria Station sign <br />would be considerably more. In vie,; of its relative proximity to the <br />interstate freeway, and its greater distance from the residential areas to <br />the south, it would appear that the 167 square feet requested may be <br />reasonable. It is noteworthy too that this section of the residential <br />area to the south is protected by noise screen walls which substantially <br />inhibits vision from the residential area. Attached is a copy of a <br />drawing illustrating the design and the site plan indicating its <br />location. <br />6. The action then is request of a variance approving a sign area 67 square <br />feet greater than the 100 foot maximum required, and a height 15 feet <br />greater than the 25 foot maximum height. <br />