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<br />-2- <br /> <br />Correspondence from BannisterEngineering was read regartling the matter <br />of the replacement of survey monmnents 'WÎ. thin the Village of Roseville <br />which will be disturbed or removed by sewer construction. <br /> <br />A letter from Bannister Engineering was read to advise the council that <br />no planning is being done to accomodate Falcon Heights sewage as the Council <br />of Falcon Heights has advised the ~or of Roseville that they are not <br />interested in t aking part in joint planning. <br /> <br />Correspondence was read from Bannister Engineering regarding their prep. <br />aration of certain reports and cost estimates for the Village of Arden <br />Hills relative to'the cost of increaslJmg the capacity of certain sewers <br />:in Roseville to provide an outlet for a possible future sewer system in <br />Al'deft Hills. Bannister Engineering su1:mitted a :Ie tëer from the Minnesota <br />Depa:Þ.l&ent of highways relative to the issuance of a permit for sditary <br />sewer construction. across and adjacent to Snelling Avenue anj). <br /> <br />A letter from. Peter Popovich, Munlcipal Bod Consultant, was read regard- <br />ing financing service connections for the sewer system. <br /> <br />.an ~.t' from ¡~ortLJ.western .BeD. 'J.'elephone \JO. was received :for tJ1e <br />placement of a buried cable in Irene Street north of North McCarrons Blti. <br />Hammersten Moved, Carlson Seconded the matter be referred to'the Engineer to <br />make Slre that this will not interrupt any future plans of the Village. <br />Roll Call A¥es (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />The Public Retirement Study Commission submitted a text of news which they <br />released to the news papers of Minnesota in Mq of 1956 regarding public <br />employee pensions. '!'he copy will be kept in the'lillage files for infor- <br />mation. <br /> <br />Survey Monuments <br /> <br />Sewer-/Faleon <br />Heights <br /> <br />Sewer-Arden Hills <br /> <br />o.Jt::wer .uona <br /> <br />'~vr \,~~, l~\. <br /> <br />~ ,,-. \> \ <L. <br /> <br />"7L'R~ <br /> <br />sd.'(;..Lc S <br /> <br />A letter from Publishers Continental Sales Corporation advised the council <br />that a manager and solicitors of that organization will be operating in this <br />community for subscrlptions to listed national magazines. <br /> <br />A letter from International Union of Operating Engineers was read asking the Local 49 <br />Council to appoint a person to serve on an adjustment panel due to ihe fact <br />that the Village authorities of Roseville did not arrive at a mutual~ satis- <br />factory understaJ'tñi-ng as to the tems of a worldng agreement for the Main- <br />tenance depa.I"'bøi1t. <br /> <br />Mayor Kitts proposed the name of Russell Swanson to serve on the adjust- <br />ment panel. McGee Moved, Carlson seconded that the council concur with <br />the Ma.Yors proposaJ.. Roll CaJ..l Ayvs (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />jßannister Engineering submitted to t he Council members tabulation reports; Sewer Contract <br />on sewer construction bids. They recommended the contract be awarded to Awarded <br />Peter Lametti and Lametti anti Sons doing rosiness as L. & L. Joint venture <br />for project (I) or (1 Alternate)-and project 1Œ (2) as a single contract. <br />Their bond was found to be in proper order and a completion date of Sept- <br />ember 15, 1956 was set. <br />McGee Moved, Ham.mers'ten Seconded that the Council condur with the recom- <br />mendation of Bannister EDgineering with the provision that project (1) <br />aJ.ternate be added as a change order if Roseville so desires within (30 days) <br />of the start of the project. Roll Call Ayes (5)-B'a3res (0). <br /> <br />A 1e tter from Guctim. Realty requested pemission to use temporary cesspools <br />