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74 indicates potential disparities in public safety concerns, building code issues, and health violations <br />75 among different hotels, which may have varying impacts on historically underrepresented communities. <br />76 While the ordinance aims to address regulatory gaps and enforce consistent safety standards, staff <br />77 recognizes the importance of impartially acknowledging both positive and negative impacts. <br />78 <br />79 Positive impacts include enhanced safety measures, improved quality standards, and potential <br />80 economic growth resulting from a well-regulated hotel industry. However, staff also acknowledge <br />81 potential negative impacts, such as financial barriers for smaller hotels and unintended consequences <br />82 for vulnerable populations, including those experiencing homelessness. The ordinance may <br />83 inadvertently lead to affordability challenges, impacting low-income individuals seeking temporary <br />84 lodging. Through ongoing monitoring and data tracking, staff aims to evaluate the ordinance's impact on <br />85 historically underrepresented communities, ensuring that the decision-making process remains <br />86 informed, balanced, and responsive to the diverse needs of the community. This approach aligns with <br />87 Roseville's commitment to fostering a safe, inclusive, and economically vibrant community for all <br />88 residents. <br />89 <br />90 There is limited data to indicate the demographics of persons using Roseville hotels. <br />91 <br />92 Data taken from a study commissioned by Visit Roseville and done by Lawrence and Schiller regarding <br />93 2019 visitors to Roseville and information from Explore Minnesota regarding visitors to the state are <br />94 included as part of the completed Racial Equity Toolkit for the Lodging Establishment License. That <br />95 information shows that 14% of visitors to Roseville are non-white and that 58% of visitors have a <br />96 household income less than $75,000 annually. (Note that these are visitors to Roseville and not <br />97 necessarily persons staying at hotels). <br />98 <br />99 Budget Implications <br />100 Administration and enforcement of the Lodging Establishment License will be done by existing staff of <br />101 the Administration, Community Development, Fire, and Police Department. <br />102 <br />103 Under state law, cities can only charge up to $150 for a lodging establishment. With 12 hotels in <br />104 Roseville and a $150 license fee, the City would collect $1,800 in revenue. <br />105 <br />106 Staff Recommendations <br />107 Staff recommends the City Council review the information included in this case and provide staff with <br />108 feedback and direction on the draft ordinance. Based on that feedback and direction, staff will bring <br />109 back the ordinance for adoption at a future meeting. If the City Council desires to pass the ordinance at <br />110 the March 4 meeting, the draft ordinance has been posted on the City website in compliance with state <br />111 law and is eligible for adoption. <br />112 <br />113 Requested Council Action <br />114 The City Council should review the information included in this case and provide staff with feedback and <br />115 direction on the draft ordinance. If the City Council desires to pass the ordinance at the March 4 <br />116 meeting, a motion should be made to adopt the draft ordinance and a separate motion should be made <br />117 to adopt the ordinance summary. <br />118 <br />119 <br />Patrick Trudgeon, City Manager (651) 79-7021 <br />Prepared by: <br />1. Map of Roseville Lodging Establishments <br />Attachments: <br />2. Lodging Establishment Summary of Pollice Calls 2018 to 2023 <br />3. Lodging Establishment Licensing Racial Equity Toolkit Analysis <br />4. Staff Summary of Lodging Establishment Licensing Ordinance <br />5. Draft Lodging Establishment Licensing Ordinance <br />6. Lodging Establishment Licensing Ordinance Summary <br />7. Lodging Establishment Licensing Ordinance Presentation <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />Qbhf!84!pg!342 <br /> <br />