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service officer prior to leaving the animals at the AHS facility when veterinary staff <br />members are not on duty. <br />b.Animal Control Officer or Community Service Officer must reach out to their <br />designated AHS contact for guidance prior to any seized animal being brought to AHS <br />that is not stray or abandoned. Ability to house animals that are not stray or <br />abandoned is notguaranteed through this contract. <br />c.AHS has the sole authority for the disposition of all animals that have not been <br />reclaimed upon the expiration of the legally designated holding period. <br />d. <br />CSO or ACO. <br />e.AHS is not responsible for collecting any fees from an owner for a municipality. <br />3.City of Rosevilleagrees to: <br />a.Adhere to the drop off procedure set forth by AHS including animal housing at the <br />shelter and paperwork. Drop off procedures and paperwork training for community <br />service or animal control officers will be provided. <br />b.Adhere to state laws and local ordinances that apply to the handling of stray or <br />abandoned animals and the seizure and return of animals to their owners. <br />c.Direct citizens where to take stray animals when not receiving permission for <br />impoundment at AHS. <br />d.Seek care for injured or sick animals prior to drop off in the event that it is after hours <br />and/or AHS veterinary staff is not on duty. <br />e.Pay the designated fees for each animal cared for from your municipality. <br />i.AHS will charge a standard hold fee for stray and abandoned animals of $225 <br />pigs, birds etc.) not reclaimed by its owner. <br />ii.AHS will charge an additional fee of $630 for stray and abandoned animals <br />with a legally mandated hold or quarantine that is not a 5-day stray hold. <br />1.This fee covers up to 10 days of care and will usually be associated with <br />a rabies quarantine after a bite. <br />2.Holds lasting longer than 10 days will be charged a fee of $63 per day. <br />3.This fee will be charged to the municipality independent of who claims <br />the animal. <br />iii.Animals that are deemed dangerous or potentially dangerous or animals that <br />require multiple runs to house safely will have an added surcharge of $75 per <br />day. <br />iv.AHS will charge a $26 administrative/processing fee to the municipality for <br />each animal reclaimed by its owner in place of the standard fee. In these <br />instances, AHS will charge the owner the additional reclaim fees. <br />2 <br />Qbhf!287!pg!367 <br /> <br />