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v.!AHS will charge a $75 DOA (administrative/processing/cremation) fee for <br />disposal of any cadavers brought to an AHS facility by a representative of the <br />municipality. <br />f.!Adhere to AHS policy and best practice for unclaimed animals. City of Roseville may <br />request and view AHS policies at any time. <br />g.!Adhere to building access rules and ensure that the service access door is closed and <br />locked after use in an after-hours drop off. <br />h.! <br />whether or not to impound an animal. AHS is not responsible for those decisions. <br />i.!Be available to members of your community to resolve their concerns related to the <br />requirements. <br /> <br />4.!Administration <br />a.!AHS will bill the municipality at the end of each quarter on a fiscal calendar year. <br />Billing will be mailed in the first month following the end of the quarter. Payment is <br />expected within 30 days of receipt of billing. <br />b.!AHS will assign a contact person who should be contacted in the event of any <br />problems, concerns or to receive feedback regarding the program. <br />c.!Any billing disputes must be raised within 10 days of receipt of billing. <br />d.!The AHS agrees to maintain all data received from City of Roseville in the same <br />manner as City of Roseville as required under the Minnesota Government Data <br />Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13. <br />e.!Insurance Requirements. <br />i.!Liability. AHS agrees to maintain commercial general liability insurance in a <br />minimum amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate. <br />The policy shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, products <br />completed operations, personal injury, advertising injury, and contractually <br />assumed liability. Upon request City of Roseville shall be named as an <br />additional insured. <br />ii.!Automobile Liability. If AHS operates a motor vehicle in performing the <br />services under this agreement, AHS shall maintain commercial automobile <br />liability insurance, including owned, hired, and non-owned automobiles, with a <br />minimum liability limit of $1,000,000, combined single limit. <br />iii.! <br />compensation laws in Minnesota. <br />iv.!Certificate of Insurance. The AHS shall deliver to City of Roseville a <br />Certificate of Insurance as evidence that the above coverages are in full force <br />and effect. <br />f.!Indemnification: <br />i.!AHS. To the fullest extent permitted by law, AHS agrees to defend and <br />indemnify City of Roseville, and its officers, employees, and volunteers, from <br /> 3 <br />Qbhf!288!pg!367 <br /> <br />