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36 Attorney. <br />37 <br />38 Policy Objectives <br />39 Partnering with retailers, including Rosedale Center, to invest in innovative tools such as <br />40 Flock Safety to ensure the safety of Roseville residents and visitors is a shared <br />41 commitment of the City of Roseville and the Roseville Police Department. This commitment <br />42 further solidifies our dedication to creating a safe and livable community for everyone, <br />43 including Roseville's historically disadvantaged communities. <br />44 <br />45 Racial Equity Impact Summary <br />46 Across the nation, auto theft disproportionately affects marginalized communities and people of color. <br />47 The loss of transportation significantly impacts those most reliant on it, causing enduring financial and <br />48 employment repercussions. Implementing license plate readers aids law enforcement in investigating <br />49 auto theft while expediting the return of vehicles to their rightful owners. This technology not only assists <br />50 in apprehending perpetrators but also plays a crucial role in reuniting individuals with their vehicles <br />51 swiftly. <br />52 <br />53 To ensure the Roseville Police Department continues to build trust with community members and <br />54 increase racial equity, the Roseville Police Department has created a policy that strictly limits and <br />55 safeguards the use of the ALPR data for specific criminal investigations (Attachment 1). The ALPR data <br />56 can only be used for official law enforcement business and is not available to the public. The ALPR data <br />57 may only be shared with other law enforcement or prosecutorial agencies for official law enforcement <br />58 purposes. In addition, policy requires the following safeguards: <br />59 o All ALPR data downloaded to the mobile workstation and in storage shall be accessible only <br />60 through a login/password-protected system capable of documenting all access of information by <br />61 name, date and time. <br />62 o Members approved to access ALPR data under these guidelines are permitted to access the <br />63 data for legitimate law enforcement purposes only, such as when the data relate to a specific <br />64 criminal investigation or department-related civil or administrative action. <br />65 o Biennial audits and reports shall be completed pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 13.824, Subd. 6. <br />66 o Breaches of personal data are addressed as set forth in the Protected Information Policy (Minn. <br />67 Stat. § 13.055). <br />68 o All queries and responses, and all actions, in which data are entered, updated, accessed, shared <br />69 or disseminated, must be recorded in a data audit trail. <br />70 o Any member who violates Minn. Stat. § 13.09 through the unauthorized acquisition or use of <br />71 ALPR data will face discipline and possible criminal prosecution (Minn. Stat. § 626.8472). <br />72 <br />73 <br />74 <br />75 Budget Implications <br />76 The Flock ALPRs will be funded by Rosedale Center and there are no requirements for the <br />77 city and Rosedale to continue the Flock Group, Inc. partnership at the end of the agreed <br />78 upon contract. <br />79 <br />80 Staff Recommendations <br />81 Staff recommends the Council approve entering into a partnership with Flock Group, Inc. <br />82 and Rosedale Center. <br />83 <br />84 Requested Council Action <br />85 Approve the contract and authorize RPD to enter into a partnership with Flock Group, Inc. and Rosedale <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />Qbhf!295!pg!367 <br /> <br />