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<br />.2. <br /> <br />Mrs. Stemper of 1955 James, Avenue, in St. Paul, owning property in the <br />vicinity of Co. Rd. "Bn and Western Avenue asked how her property æu1.d <br />be affected by the adoption of these ordinances. <br /> <br />Hr. Anderson, Attorney at law, appeared in behalf of Mr. Schwartz, <br />Mr. White, Mr. Willmus, and Mr. Wilson. These people were all i.a <br />opposition to the adoption of the proposed ordinance. <br /> <br />Francis Pierson of 2997 Chatsworth stated that his lot will not have <br />the minimum req~d depth if this ordinance'" is adopted. He was toM <br />that hardship cases may be dealt with by the Council. <br /> <br />Worth Ochs stated that he is of the opinion that if the ordinances in <br />question be adopted it would be an act of retrogression and not prtgress. <br />Mr. Ochs suggested the ordinances be published for all to read before adoption. <br /> <br />Mr. Dan Motel of 1124 Ruggles gave his reasons for in fa".ror of tlle <br />adopt~on of the ordinances in question. <br /> <br />J. R. Nelson of 115l Skillman expressed his feelings against the adoption. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schwartz asked i'or an eJ..-planation of paved a[lleys mentioned in the <br />proposed ordinance. Ihe was told these alleys will be use. by industrial <br />or cOJll1'l.ercial places of business. <br /> <br />William Stenger asked that the ordinances in question be published for <br />the residents of Roseville to read before thq are adopted. <br /> <br />Earl Olson of 1993 Aldine stated that his road would be in much be'tar <br />condition if the Village had this ordinance when his street was originaJ.J:y <br />JU" in. Harry Carlson informed Mr. Olson that at the time his street was <br />put in the Village was o~ on the second step of the Road Improvements <br />contained in the existing code. <br /> <br />James Kiwan stated that he has assisted in some of the Village plats and <br />that he is in opposition to the adoption of the ordinances. Mr. McGee <br />asked that it be inserted into the records that Mr. Kirwan is interested in <br />the matter .from the real estate standpoint &1so. <br /> <br />The Engineer and Attorney pointed out a _í'ew typograpAical errors in the proposed <br />ordinalces and the corrections were made. <br /> <br />Jesse B.mcnm of l8.35 N. Lexington caalÅ“d the Council what the reason is for an <br />85 foot lot frontage requirement mentioned in the proposed ordinance. Mayor <br />Kitts informed Mr. Brown that IJhere are cases now existing in the Village <br />where there isn't enough room provided for the building of garages on 75 foot <br />lots. Hr. BroWD asked that the proposed ordinanceshe published before they <br />are adopted. <br /> <br />, Ken Mueller of 22.30 Laurie Rd. asked if 'the ordinances will in any way affect <br />his plat which was accepted about one year ago. He was informed that the <br />adoption of the ord1Bances in question will become effective after its pass- <br />age and publicationø. <br />