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<br />- 3 · <br /> <br />McGee Moved, Salverda Seconded the two ordinances in question be adopted <br />nth the proper corrections made. Roll Call A3"es (3)-Naye:s (2~-Carlson <br />and IiJumaersten opposed. They stated they were opposed as they_had not <br />had time to read the twenty-two page ordinances. <br /> <br />Ma;yor Kitts announced sewer construction will begin June 1.3, 1956 with <br />a ceremoDy at 9:00 a.m. <br /> <br />FLAT & SUBDIDSION <br />ORDINANCES <br />ADOPTED <br /> <br />SaiER. UONST. BEGINS <br /> <br />The ialgineer reported on the portion of Oakcrest to be used as: a service SERVICE LANE <br />road from Snelling to F1'7. He stated that he has been intol"aed that CarJ.ey <br />suggested this is to he built by the Village. <br /> <br />The matter of the street name change from Capitol View to Crestiview, acted STREET NAME <br />on at the June 5, Council meeting was brought to1he Council's attention. It CHANGE <br />was found that there is a street ~ the same name in St. Paul which constitutes <br />a postal probl.. Hammersten Moved, Car~80n Seconded the action of the last <br />meeting which changed the name to Cres'&Vi.ew, be recinded. Roll Call Ayes (5)- <br />Nqes 10). <br /> <br />Hrs. Holmberg of Capitol View stated that she is presently employed by the <br />Post Office anj will be glad to assist if she can be of any help regarding <br />this matter in the future. <br /> <br />Hammersten Moved, Carlson Seconded Ed Bather be given authorization to employ BLADE OPERATOR <br />a blade operator at the rate of $2..5 per hour when needed. <br />Roll CalJ ~i3"es (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Mr. Popovich, Village Bo1"r". lJonsultant, discussed the matter of a bond sale <br />and definition or boundries in relation to the sewer project. A resolution <br />was proposed regarding the setting of boundries for Sewer project #1 and <br />the assesed by it. <br />Hammersten Moved, Carleon Seconded the resolution be adopted as presented. <br />Roll Call J.yes (5)_Nayes CO). <br /> <br />S»IER BOND <br /> <br />Mr. Popovich explained the resolution proposed in regard to setting a date <br />for issuance of a bond. McGee Moved, Carlson Seconded the resolutioD be <br />adopted as presented. Ro1.1. Call Aye s (5) -N aye s (0). <br /> <br />Hr. Mike Schwartz reported that he and his partner have pla..'1.s to laase <br />pro)srty located at 2061 N. Snelling Ave., to erect a fruit stand of <br />temporary- u.ture. Hammersten Moved, CarlsoD Seconded Mr. Schwartz be <br />allowed to erect a fruit stand at the above location providing all <br />building requirements are met wi" Roll Call Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Chris Peterson brought tojhe Council's attention the requirement of a JAMES lV Addition <br />30 foot set back on corner lots which-makes it impossibJ.e for peçle <br />"-located on oorner lots in the James 4th Addi'tion, - to build gara.geSJ <br />without deviating from. the present building code. Mr. A1.f Lein of 2545 Frr <br />and Mr. Glen Gronlin of 2544 Charlotte were present stating the above <br />problem. Mr. Lein suggested that an establishment of a s.t back line for <br />the nineteen lots in question in that addition wuld be the fair thing to do. <br />Mr. Lein will present a petition from owners of the lots in question at the <br />June 19 Council m.eeting to be ready for action. <br /> <br />TEMP. FRUIT <br />STAND <br /> <br />Delora Heye2 of 641 S. Onsso Blvå. complained of' neighbors dredging their <br />shores and emptying debris on her shore line. The council advised her that <br />they can take no recourse as such matters are a probJem between neighbors. <br />