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<br />· 2- - <br /> <br />HaDIIIlersten Moved, Carlson Seconded the resolution approV'ir}.g plans <br />and specifications be adopted. Roll Call Ayes (5)-Nayes CO). <br /> <br />A resolution was read by the Clerk regarding the approval of plans and <br />specifications for Bureau of Public ROads for the improvement of <br />TH. 280, T.H.36, and T.H.Sl within the Village of Roseville. <br />Hammersten Moved, Carlson Seconded the Resolution be adopted. Roll Call <br />~s (5)-N~es (0). <br /> <br />Resolution <br /> <br />'Tictor Lametti reported to the CouncU that he is ready to start construction Sewer <br />on the sewer project. Hammersten MOved, Carlson Seconded Lametti be authorized <br />to l::egin his work subject to clearence from the City of St. Paul. Roll Call <br />Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Roger Short of Bannister Engineering spoke regarding sewer service connect- Sewer Conn. <br />ions and the problem of septic tanks located in the back of lots. Locations <br />Mr. Haglund explained the problem. <br />Carlson Moved, Hammersten Seconded Harold Haglund be hired to look after <br />sewer cOIUlection locations at the rate of $3.00 per hour~ with mileage included <br />in that 3I11Qunt, until Auþst 1, 1~56. Roll Call Ayes (SJ-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />A letter from the Minnesota State Highway Department informed the Council ~ ,,'- uJ ~ ,- <br />that a permit for installation of a 24 inch sanitary sewer crossing may be <br />secured by at the office of the Distrj.ct Maintenance Engineer at <br />St. Paul Park, and furnishing him with a certified check in the amount of <br />$500.00. <br />Carlson Moved, Hammersten Seconded the treasurer be authorized to draw the <br />necess~ certified checks for the deposit when needed. Roll Vall Ayes (5)- <br />Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Hæmaersten Moved, Carlson Seconded the attorney draw up an ordinance regarding S,.vJ<æ..... <br />sewer coIUlections at a special meeting with Bather, Gearin, Short, and Haglund. <br />Roll Call Ayes (5).vliIayes (0). <br /> <br />Hammersten Moved, Carlson Seconded Mr. Haglund be designated to act in the <br />capacity of the Council during the interuIll period establishing location of <br />connedtions £or the sewer as he sees £it until. an ordinance goes into e££ect. <br />Roll Call Ayes (S)-Nayes(O). <br /> <br />Mr. Short has conferred with the owner of the service station located at Pumping Sta. <br />Fernwood and Larpenteur regarding the placement of a pumping station. The <br />service station owner has stated they do not want a pumping station on their <br />comer. Mr. Sauers has told Mr. Short that the pumping station can be moved <br />to the North in this case. <br />Mr. McGee and Mr. Gearin will confer with Mr. Krannak and Mr. Sauer regarding <br />the matter. <br /> <br />McGee Moved, Carlson Seconded the Clerk be designated to represent the Council Sewer <br />in dealing with Rosela'Wn Cemetery in the matter of easements through their Easement <br />property for the sewer line. <br /> <br />A letter and suggested plan for the revising of the Floyd Olson Plat <br />were su'tmitted by the Planning Commission. <br />Hammersten Moved, Carlson Seconded after some discussion that the Floyd <br />Olson Plat or1P~Ñ}y presented to the Council be accepted. Roll Call <br />Ayes (3)-Nayes (2)- Kitts and McGee opposed. <br /> <br />o <br />