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City Council Meeting Minutes
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4/9/2024 1:53:58 PM
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 11, 2024 <br /> Page 2 <br /> at that intersection and wondered if one is supposed to be there. She knew this was <br /> a concern for a lot of people. <br /> Mr. Suarez explained this is not a decision made lightly and this intersection did <br /> not meet the criteria needed. He explained there has to be a destination and an origin <br /> for a crosswalk to take place. He listed some trails with crossings in the area. <br /> Councilmember Strahan appreciated the bike lanes,but she has heard many people <br /> complain about not being able to safely get across the two major thoroughfares <br /> including Highway 36, which was another concern of the residents. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated there were several issues regarding crosswalk landing <br /> points. He thought there was not any way to move from Roselawn to anywhere <br /> safely. Referencing the first pedestrian refuge in red at Ryan Avenue, he asked if <br /> Mr. Suarez has gone out to look at this location. <br /> Mr. Suarez indicated he has not done that recently but at the southeast corner,there <br /> will be a ramp and that is not showing on the displayed plans. <br /> Mayor Roe asked with the grade change issue, is there a concern about ADA <br /> compliance if it is a fairly steep grade change from the roadway down to the path <br /> at that crossing. <br /> Mr. Suarez explained there is a threshold that needs to be met and if it is not met, <br /> then there is talk about a potential horseshoe or for something that angles <br /> differently. <br /> Councilmember Strahan indicated there is no sidewalk on the east side of Dale <br /> Street at that location so if people are coming from Roselawn and the lake, the trail <br /> is more significant at that location. This would bring the person to the intersection <br /> at Dale and Roselawn,but there is no access to cross there so the person would need <br /> to go north. She wondered how the person would get there on the east side of the <br /> intersection. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated there is the tunnel under Dale Street,just south of Roselawn. <br /> Councilmember Strahan noted if someone was walking in this area, it is pretty <br /> challenging. <br /> Mr. Freihammer explained the City does not have pedestrian improvements on that <br /> chunk of Roselawn either. Theoretically, the person would use the trail that is one <br /> hundred feet south of Roselawn, use the tunnel, connect to the trail, and get over. <br /> It is by no means perfect,but he thought that was what the overall intent was when <br /> it was built. <br />
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