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City Council Meeting Minutes
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5/7/2024 1:23:57 PM
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5/7/2024 1:23:55 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 22,2024 <br /> Page 8 <br /> City Attorney Tierney explained the City could look at that in the same way the <br /> City looks at tobacco or liquor establishments not being in conformity and failing <br /> a compliance check. Those actions for Council become very difficult when talking <br /> about housing because the ultimate consequence of revoking a rental license is <br /> evicting everyone who lives there. <br /> Mayor Roe asked Ms.Tierney to clarify if the City could consider non-enforcement <br /> of a private smoke free policy in that case, or if it must be a City policy, with Ms. <br /> Tierney confirming it must be a City policy to be considered as to the licenses. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Mayor Roe offered an opportunity for public comment with no one coming <br /> forward. <br /> Mayor Roe asked for thoughts and if the Council wanted to look at doing something <br /> in this area and if so, what these would be. He asked if the Council would want to <br /> direct a process to start the City looking at that. <br /> Councilmember Strahan indicated she would be supportive of a smokefree policy <br /> disclosure ordinance. She did not think this would help the resident who has come <br /> to the City about a specific current issue in their building, but it could help others. <br /> If there was some sort of interface where that was connected to resources that <br /> person could easily obtain. She also thought the Council could consider a <br /> declaration of support for smoke free housing. She still had reservations on some <br /> of the other ideas at the moment given others concerns and questions that were <br /> raised. <br /> Councilmember Etten concurred with a lot of those points. The disclosure piece is <br /> something he would be prepared to do and then have those education pieces, both <br /> things on a website as well as some outreach to those properties. <br /> Councilmember Groff agreed with both of those items, especially the education <br /> piece and contact with the management. <br /> Councilmember Schroeder thought it did not hurt to get more information, but she <br /> was going to withhold her support on things until she knows more. She did not <br /> want to commit to anything from that aspect. She was concerned about doing <br /> anything that the City has to dedicate resources to in order to enforce because it <br /> seemed to her if the City is going to require a management to enforce it then the <br /> management would have to evict people and she was very not comfortable with <br /> that thought. <br />
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