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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 13, 2024 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Council and there are ways to keep that as a part of the City's formal process while <br /> getting what he thought was the most robust information the City can get, the most <br /> important and authentic feedback. For him, if the City is not going to get what it <br /> wants out of this, then the City is shooting itself in the foot from the start again. <br /> Councilmember Groff explained part of the problem with this one is that it is also <br /> people that have been discriminated against in the past, so they have been told to <br /> be quiet in the past. They have been made to feel invisible when he says `secret.' <br /> Mayor Roe thought visibility of the Commission was important. He clarified that <br /> he was not sure staff was saying that if this is in a Commission format, the City is <br /> not going to get what it needs. He indicated the Council gets to choose what it <br /> wants and theoretically, it should work either way. <br /> Councilmember Schroeder thought that was a good point because the Council <br /> wants to make sure that staff would get what is needed out of this so she asked if it <br /> mattered which format would work best. <br /> Ms. Olson thought that staff could work with either format. It is going to depend <br /> on the membership and making sure the City is representing the people in the <br /> community with all different life experiences. She did not know if having it follow <br /> the Commission structure was going to make or break the group, as it is going to <br /> be the intent of making sure the purpose statement is outlined,making sure that the <br /> group is being used appropriately, that the intent of how the City wants to use the <br /> group is there. She did not know if there was a make or break for this group and <br /> she thought the work that was going to be done was going to be focused on the <br /> purpose, on the scope, the duties and the roles, and it will depend on the <br /> membership and making sure that the City gets the right people in that group. <br /> Mayor Roe thought the Council should talk about some of things mentioned as <br /> barriers: the three-year term on a Commission versus two years on a hybrid; the <br /> interview process before the Council; and, the application process. He asked how <br /> does the Council feel about those things in terms of what is better for what the <br /> Council wants for this group. With the term,he did not know that a three-year term <br /> had ever caused somebody to not leave a Commission. He struggled with that a <br /> little bit and did not know for sure what the right answer is. Ultimately, the <br /> commitment is whatever people can give to the City. <br /> Councilmember Groff explained he struggled with that because whenever a person <br /> starts on a Commission, there is a learning curve. If there are two-year terms, the <br /> first year is the learning curve and then there is one year left to make a difference. <br /> He thought the three-year term brings some continuity. <br />
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