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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/17/2007 8:46:49 AM
Creation date
2/1/2005 7:12:56 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />Village of EosevEle <br /> <br />~egul,g.r m~etinE'; of the VEla¿>;e Counci 1 îuesday De<;ember 11, 1956. <br />.he Counell met on the above date the folloHlw2' members,:Jresent. <br />3alverda, C2.rlson, Kittsó H3rn.mersten and 1'IcGee. Attorne. y Rob~rt Gearin 8lld <br />~ngineers Ed Bather dnd harles Sautter 'Tere also present. . <br /> <br />HcGee Noved, CPTlson Se conded the minutes of the December 3 meeting be accepted <br />as corrected. Roll C~ll Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />lVIINUTES <br /> <br />b. H. Loftsgaé'.rden ét:J..eared in behalf of the people 'IIho 1)8en objecting <br />to the vacating of Asbury Street. He reported th".t he and his clients have <br />come to élI1 aE,reement Hi th the people of Centennial Heffilodist Church Hho <br />.t-'etitioned the vac8ting of the street. The agreement is tl12.t the C1111.rOO <br />.Till dedicat~ a portion 01' thei.r property si.xtJT fer:t 'wide b;/ ninoty feet <br />lone to :provlde proper access to the properly o"med by lir. Loftsgaarden IS <br />cb.ents for their plans in developing t,:eir property. 1'1r. Neil ~Jooò. als 0 <br />aT)~;e0red before the council to st~.te that this is the agreement. Hr. <br />Loftsgaarden and his clients t'1.en H: thdrel-¡ tl1e::r objection to the va.catinG. <br />Hamrnersten Hoved, Cé'.rlson Seconded the street be \Æ.cated contingent upon the <br />dedication oJ the Church of the sixty by ninety foot strip of land along the <br />south edge of their property J 2.nd also m ntingent upon the reservation for <br />futl1~e sewer rights on the vacated Asbury. Roll C~ll Ayes(4)-Nayes(1)- <br />HcCee opposed. <br /> <br />The buìlding inspector re;co-L'ted that he and the engineer have investigated BÅ’JLING ATJÆY <br />the premises at 2057 N. Snelling Avenue as rec~uested by the Council at the <br />last meeting., }lax ZaJrlansky was present to represent CnPI' Canst. Co. to <br />report th'èt :~.",-ey are anxious to secnre a Dermit to Droceed"rith their <br />buiJ.c1inC beca:' 0:'.' weather conditions. He mentioned thst their deed has <br />included p::ovisions J:'or an access to 3.rlG from the parking lot. <br />Hr. Altman appeared in behalf of Fralaak and SuJ.liv::m ,Òo have secured from <br />the Village of RoseviJ.le, licenses for On 2.11Ô Off Sale Liquor, C:ti.garettes, <br />and foodstuffs severé'.l months ago, a~ which J:,ime their intentions 'rere to <br /> Cap¡.::. Canst. Co. conthact the building fer them on the S3..'ne property ',¡}-libh <br />Capp Canst. Co. now Hants to build on for tl,emselves. Capp Bonst. Co. had <br />purchJ.sed the property to build for Fralaé.'.k and Sullivan. A:Ie c.~e vlaS prepared <br />and submitted to C"pp Const. "Thieh H as verbally 8.£;reed upon. A counte r-lease <br />Has ~lIefO¡;¡J<:'R!mcm~~~ given back to Fralaak and Sullivan <br />vIi th several variations from the original agreement. I1r. Altzn&:1. stated that. <br />naVY Canp Canst. is üsinc Fra.laak éL'Y' Sullivan's sp...r¡;e pJB.n to aoply for a perMit. <br />Hr. Altman's clients felt that there isn't room for two bowliDg e.1J:ys in a village <br />of this size. Hr. Altrlan9.nc1 bis clients r6~1Û.ested the.t Hr. Cpp' s arr:::::"i~2.tion <br />be cantiDled 30 to 45 è.ays to ellm-¡ them to locate ,mother parcel in J.oseville <br />'iThieh j~ cOJì1~)3.ré'.ble to the property in <:'u8c;tion so tLat they ,'Lay have é' ché>Jlce <br />to competè(for the license. <br />}1r. Zemmsky stated tLat the Com!,)é'ny he represeY's is éc\ reputable one, tho.t they <br />are licnesed in ROS8,ñJ1A as General Contractors and in 16 other st~tes, that <br />they have alv.Jays met ,Ü th the village building code, énd that they have already <br />Dut out a capital investment. . <br />~ Hami'nersten Hoved, Carlson Seconded the m~.tter be tabled until the dedicatlon of <br />3killman is secured. Roll Cp.ll Ayes )5)-Nayes (0). <br />Hr. Altm2n asked to be notified VIhen the m;J.tter comes tefore the council ag~in <br />2.nd tb:-t a 30 to 4S days ill ntinuance on the matter iÐuld not be to the detrlment <br />of the village. <br /> <br />Hart Huber of 2141 Avon Street 2.sked to devi;ote frum the bu~ldins code hy ~1ORT HGBER <br />installing one 1000 g&.llon septic tank in pla.ce of a septi~ tm ~<: an~ ce3S- <br />pool "':Thieh vJOuld save him a substantial sum of money. ProJect if7 01 the . <br />S2Jli ta.rv SeHer Imorovement progralTI '!¡Jill bring sevJer service to that lexcatlon. <br />Roger SllOrt reporteel th<:<t bids should be advertised for on that project ¡Tithin <br />the next 30 dcys. Nr. Huber also mentioned kat if both tan::s are lfsed1 on~ o¿ <br />d -" t· d·' .' 1"'" c'~ 1"'e ·'ou".3 -f'"õ1 "T'! ".,+1-,"11 <br />them H~ 11 11.~VC to be instaJ.le Ulluer .'le"\Tay, .'J ;... . . .... d '-I--h t b <br />--~ ~. . d t ...'" . him l-lp ['1 so . l" a y <br />the ye"2.r, Hhenever the sewer J.S rea y 0 ,--,lJrVlce" .. .. .~ <br />
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