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<br />2 <br /> <br />using one tank for this period of ti:rte :18 ,{oulc1 save 22 feet of S8\;er tile <br />\,;hich C.-ill be used vThen he is serviced by the seHer. <br />H21llinersten Hoved" Crorlson Seconded that Hr. Huber be given permission to use <br />one tenk contingent on his 31 pplying a bond insuring the Village that he ""Till <br />connect to the se':Jer ,Then it is available. Roll Cdl Ayes(h)-Nayes(l)-Kitts opposed. <br /> <br />It V-IDS reported th:.t a truckinc company vJishes; to move into Roseville neaT <br />-':-1:1.e Prestressed Concrete Co., just south of the N.P. Tr8.clcs. Their request <br />a for an all v,eether road. <br />l-icGee Hoved, Ihrnmersten Seconded "Lf}e matter be referred to the Engineer for <br />investigation and report at the next re[uhr meeting as to the exact reqüest. <br />Holl C }l Aye (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />.~ petition w~'s broußht up reques tins a street li,'.:ht .J.t the corner of Fernwood <br />and Ruggles. A pole is olreudy erected there. <br />HcGee Iioved, IIai,mersten Seconded the ma.tter be tabled until the Council has <br />received in:Porn'D.tion from the En[;ineer relating t::; his street light sl1rvey. <br />Holl C:cll Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />B2nistel' Engineering report.ed th2.t the,! recently revicHed the matter of <br />t'le S~,2te Hizhway Department pe :mi ts for the construction o~ Sémi tary SeHers <br />across er elang hishvT2-Y depétr-tllent right-of-VJay under contr2,cts for Project <br />2 and L. They feel thC't the certified checks for three of these crossings <br />s[,ould ce returned to the vil age si nce the 'H) rk has been cOlTlpleted in accorQ- <br />2.nœ:e vi th the p121ls and specificé'tions, 2nd in &ccordance v-rith the provisions <br />of the permits issued by the highHay department. <br />,;(itts l'Ioved, C~r1son Seconded tÎl2.t a request be liade for tJ¡e returning of the <br />three checks nentioned in the letter and tlE'.t :. check ~.n the amount c-f';2000.00 <br />be furn:'.shed the high,va;y department as requested to ena'ale H. 'iI. Hoore to com- <br />plete c~mstr'~c tion of ti-d s se,-^Ter 3.3 part of the æ·rarded pro j e ct ;/5. <br />RoE C8.11 Aye s (c:') -Nayes CJ). <br /> <br />NcGee Hoved, Cs.rlson Seconded the ClB rk be instructed to purchase a s~nding <br />machine for the rnainteY'a;lce department in the éII10unt of ;:Þh02.50 as spec-:"Lfj.ed <br />by tlie enCineer. Roll C2.11 AYfJS (5)-Hayes (0). <br /> <br />Robert Gearin submitted a dèed from George Reiling and ,tJif'e to the Village <br />of Roseville, coverin[; a Furtion of tl-"e property purchased from Hr. Reiling. <br />This deed has no,,! been recorded and ',JaS sent to the clerkr s office as a <br />matter of record. <br /> <br />::'lo.rnmersten I1oved" Ca.rlson Seeonded that Nary Ann llicci be approved for <br />employment at the NuniciRal Lounge and Bel' as an eytra or substitute.. <br />Roll C911 Ayes(S)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Aletter H2,S rep.d from David H. Preus representjng Conditioned Air Equ~p. Co. <br />with enclosed itemized stiCitements for y,;one;JT due them for repairs made after <br />an electr"_cal storm. The C:' :l~k re:çorted th2t tis '\'Till be covered by ins- <br />urnnce 2nd that the matter -¡.lÌll;)e referred to Cobb Strecker. <br /> <br />Kitts Hoved, H2mmersten Seconded t'éd, ~.:;l,OOO.OO be traLsferred f ~Qm <br />Liquor Store #1,2,&3, to the B. O. S. Fund and t:w.t payment be made to the <br />Conr2d Co. in the mTlount of 'fpl,OOO.OO 2110 that Conài tioned ~ir be paid :::35l~).00. <br />Roll C211 Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Roger Short reported that the County -vÜl1 be tcking bids on December 17, for <br />~Ügn2l~3 to be located at Lexin¡šton 2Ild Co. Ro,:,d 11211. This could delay con- <br />str'J_ction on the sewer, tY'erefore an adendum may be necessary. The contractor <br />for project fl6 will be told to get e.t thl_s portion of the project first. <br /> <br />1'1cGee 110ved, Kitts Seconded that B:cnister Engineering, Hr. Sautter, and <br />Hr. Gesrin compile sUGgestions for éJ propçsed ..laY of h2ndlin[ se-¡.¡er assess- <br />mEnts. Roll Call Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />TRUCKING <br />COl'JF }\NY <br /> <br />STR1\E'!:' LIGHT <br />PE'r":TION <br /> <br />STATE 1-II¡JY. <br />SEimR rE!1H:'CS <br /> <br />SlL1lJDING <br />~·l!!.CHIHE <br /> <br />G·EO. REILII~G <br />DE1"'D <br /> <br />fficiPLOY. EET <br />l',-PPRUVAL <br /> <br />CONDITIŒTED <br />AIR EC¿UIP. <br /> <br />Iv101{-~:Y <br /> <br />'I'S.l\...1\JSF SR <br /> <br />SEi¡nZR <br /> <br />SZ:ŒR <br />ASS.r:SS¡ .JIJ:JT~ <br />