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<br />l~ <br /> <br />Cé'.rlson i::oved, HalTIc'.en-:en Seconded the r::ppointments of t>G:ë:e nen to be postponed POLICI': <br />until December 18, to ha VB the g,bove named men present~'or the rest of the cuunc:' 1 CT . SEHV <br />members to FieE:t. R.on Call Ayes (3 )-Ns.yes (2).. K:itts md Sol verda op~osed., <br /> <br />The Navar recommended tlc,t tlJe VilLé1.[ß Council kke tbe nece::~3ary ac+ion to ¡~I¿C'LIONS <br />chanGe~ Cell' 1957Vil1.a&ß elect=-oEs to November inste2.d of December. The matter' <br />w~"s t~bled until the next regular meeting. <br /> <br />The follovTing is 2, list of recon, endC'.tions by the I'layor. <br />1. Effective J 2..1'lUar;T 1, 1957, all il'1Spectors be aid for ?ct1.'.C'.l mile;:>ge <br />tr,weled on off~.cial business 2.t the r2,te of 7J;·¢ Der mile 2nd the <br />pr2ctice of paYTl1ent of :::;100 per month for tr:ovel be discontinued. <br />2. A time-date stamp be acq:'.1:iyed ':!Y'C) 2.11 pieces of, applications etc. <br />be st;::,.mped upon receipt at the Villac:e office. <br />3. Þ. box or b2sket Öe provided for mail for the council Y:lemcers to 2void <br />possible mispl2.cement. <br />h. The clerk prepare a sugc;es¡þed system for requisition of materi.als for <br />consideration by the council at thêir December 18th meetinc. <br />5. The Clerk and treasarer a 3D-zesteel. s stem to keep thE COlillCil <br />mer;lbers better informed regarding the b2,1:nce on hand, by departnlents, <br />when ~~l~s 2re presented for payment. <br />.. 1vJ~ é'ndC1erk ~Jere instructed to ~JOrk up a system in relation to the <br />above mentioned point t~. <br /> <br />The H2~yor submi tell & list of SJ.gges"',ed c'.ctivities for the Village Personnel <br />Harking Conditions Committee. The Corr1'"l1ittee members are Kenneth Haigh, <br />J. p. ~'::~cher, C. ß. lí'.us:'ell é1.nc1Kenneth Kehr. <br />HcGee l1oved, Ss.lverdÓJ Seconded :,hat the IIéiyor contact t:Je comrÜ tee and ask <br />them to proceed Hi th making a study 'or tile cO'lDcil to study the personnel <br />conditions as l:lÍ( out. ~i.oJ.' C".U A:res (5)-.;:.\yec (.~). <br /> <br />1Ia:---r~n2:"'é;'!Æn Noved, C crlson Seconded <br />a~prove0. Roll Ca¡l Ayes(S)-Nayes <br />Ci~; J~li,ÞJ( C.-J--r_ST-:.t~_S TIr.J~S <br /> <br />the fol1mÜng license a rJ.ico.tions be <br />(0). <br />PLUT'·C:~j~-::;· =~ (;·_r~.s <br />A. E. ~'Jj.ckHcrth R. Sóms Rivard Plb¿;. <br /> <br />--- <br />Ed 1:-] 2,gner <br /> <br />Tõny-";Yr·~ <br />Herman Zuettel <br /> <br />Ed Hagaer applied for a contractor'~, license éJ.nd permit. The <br />Attorney sug;;ested that the council hold up on building permits until <br />easements have been signed on lot 7 ar.d 8 of block 4 of NidO;~ks L·ne. <br /> <br />Kitts Hoved, ~'lcCee Seconded thAt certificates be redeerned in the amount <br />of ::~100,,000 for the se"rer fund. Roll Call Ayes (5)-Nayes (0)" <br /> <br />Kilts I'iqved, :-12è¡ners-:,en Seconded the follmring bills be Dç1id. <br />i-i.oll Call1yes (S)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />C"i~'·:EPj\J-J <br />B.;l.e:"nor ~:Ie[lei tner <br />Lillian Hhi tc <br />Florence Hamre <br />Sybilla C'elbm9.1ln <br />Eleanor Sincpson <br />i,Jilme lìalegh <br />I-:.u th Do 11 <br />'.:J2nra ::dbel <br />Eettv Smith <br />Evelyn O~nej.l <br />l'Ic,rgaret Strecker <br />Evelyn SU2.nson <br />Adriana IIai£h <br />Bertha Dalldorf <br />lláJ.Z€;¿ 1 ,.Tn son <br />v3lrt.:tnie.Yoley <br /> <br />l!.~.SO <br />1::.50 <br />1!.¡.50 <br />Ih.50 <br />11..1-.00 <br />14.00 <br />1):.00 <br />1)--1-.00 <br />Ih.So <br />1l!..50 <br />14.50 <br />14.50 <br />14.00 <br />14.00 <br /> <br />Ht:88 <br /> <br />JI..rtiz Stal101a lh.oo <br />Betty ¡Ihitebe.-ck lL.oo <br />Gladys &1101a 1w.OO <br />Fr:'nces Johnson lL.OO <br />John Hallgren Ih.50 <br />Verna C'regg 11.,.50 <br />e'Tmel IvhLmsteò lL. So <br />Mrs. Paul Heuser 4.00 <br />Dorothy HRthaWay14.50 <br />Verlyn ';¡~2.rd lh.50 <br />¡,Irs. ¡¡m. OIDonncl1 HI.50 <br />Harjorie rlunscn 14..50 <br />I:lJ.rceline r-?egnier 13.00 <br />C2therine llocrdfer 14.00 <br />Rl th S inrl8 rmsn 1).+.00 <br />Helen F~L.nlœ 13.00 <br /> <br />Corrine Haglund <br />IVlary Ann lhcci <br />Frances Bb kldnk <br />Lillian Sperl <br />S:¿uires &. Borden <br />Carrier Bros. <br />Tieso Elec. <br />i'fvJ Bell Tel. <br />Farnham Stat1y. <br />Thoelle Frnt¡:;. <br />St. Paul Book <br /> <br />I'.lAYŒtS <br />BECŒ...,E:':D- <br /> <br />A'fI6NS <br /> <br />P)~>~.SO}'·ErßL <br />~'T~·!I~~I~~i~'N(,· C(Jl....:·¡--~. <br /> <br />c.., <br /> <br />f'ì -¡--"-,:;-' <br />, CJ.-J <br /> <br />L~i~ (-:EES}~S <br /> <br />Lot 7 & 8 <br />Block 4 <br />HidOo~:s Lt'. <br /> <br />(~EI-lT~LJ?~~'_~ CJ'...lp~S <br /> <br />PEDEELED <br /> <br />lJ.t .00 <br />ll~ . 00 <br />14.00 <br />14.00 <br />25.00 <br />3.9J. <br />25.30 <br />'39.65 <br />1.20 <br />139.25 <br />~5.20 <br />