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<br />it!. 3 ... <br /> <br />McGee floved, Kitts Seconded that all regular council meetings henceforth be <br />set as evening meetings to com~ence at 8 H1 and that 211 special meetings, <br />"'There possible, also be scheduled for 8 p¡v1. Regular meetinc;s to be the 1st, <br />2nd, and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Roll C~ll Ayes (a)-Naye"(2)-Ha.mrnersten <br />2nd Carlson opposed. <br /> <br />The Attor1ey submitted the follo1Jin[' list of ec,seme,-t a\tT?rds 2nd l'eq'lested <br />that the checks be prepared fo:' the S21ne 8-Yld sent to hj.m 'or delivery. <br />John L. ~¡e1-rers and Catherine M. :1e¡·;ers <br />Note: Infull for easement <br />less Earnest money <br />John E. ReGenold 2nd }Iarie Regenold <br />i.n full for ee.sement 100.00 <br />less earnest money 5.00 <br />Henry B. Blurr.bers O1ld Jeanne H. Blumberg, Robert C. <br />Bl1.l1Tlberg, First Co. 'í),Jny o_~' St. PéJu1, GU2.rdi2n <br />B. Putnam in full for easement ¡~9. $1,178.00. <br />Ha;mmersten Hüved, Carlson Seconded that the ec'sement avr':œds be paid. <br />Hall Cdll Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />$100..00 <br />5..00 <br /> <br />;;~95.00 <br /> <br />95..00 <br />Blumberg and CJ.'lu.clia I·I. <br />of the Eskte of Elizabeth <br /> <br />A letter HD.S reo d from E. C. Bethel' rezo.rdinc; his revieH of 1;, road construction <br />problem on :vagner Street from ·,joodruff Avenue -~IesterlJT. A pos~Üble solution <br />Has offered in the lB tter pr avidin£,: 211 p2.rties concerned 'H0111d agree. The <br />Attorney reported t],,·t since tlÜs eTe,s 'tJr:è.tten he hoC' t21ked to a party <br />concernedr,¡ho is not in 2.¡z:reet.:ent ,,¡-5th the solution. No action ':Tes te.ken. <br /> <br />A 18tter w's rCé'.d from t.ile i'layors of' St. Paul 2.D') Einc2¡:;01:í_s announcing <br />HuscuJ.2r Dystrophy Days throuc:hout the State of Ninnesota December 15".: 1(. <br />HcGee Ì'Ioved, Carlson Seconded thé't the Village of RoseviJ.le 0.100 proclaim <br />these dates 8.S Hl1'3c111~r D-j"stroph;, Days.. B.oll Ce.11 Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />A 1", tter wa: read from Evert Jernberg requetJting thC'.t b-i,s r esir:;n2.tion from <br />the Planning Conn'lis::ion be considered effective m:;dnight December 17, 1955 <br />instead of ,January 1, 1957 which Wé'S skted in 2n earlier let l,er. <br />NcGee Ì":oved, Sal verda Seconded the resiC;118.t:1.on be accepted effective Hidnight <br />December 17, J956 and that the Council CDlliiehd him for the fine WDrk he has <br />performed TÚlile on duty vÜth the com.m:_ssion. R.oll Can f¡,resCS)-N2.yes (0). <br /> <br />A letter W2S re:,',d from Júe Juen requesting t:lat Lorentzen Road be ch,,>ne:ed to <br />re2.d I-hcubin Street North. Ed Bsther reported that Cohansey Street is more <br />in line tbc:b. Haccubin Str. No. The ClB rk 1Till notify Hr. <-hen of this. <br /> <br />T],e Attorney submitted 3. proposed Section 8 to O,:,din:'nce No. 213. IIRr'tes Dnò <br />Charceslt. The proposal cTill be drR"m,'-or finel prc2'3n'¡,ç-,tion tot the c01m~il. <br /> <br />The Attorney submitted tt~c fiHlmring list of nc'nes for eaSej~'lent ['Narda in the <br />200 series. <br />A,.'"1ton Gunnard :¡¡>500.00 Herbert 1:el&k ,,;~lßS.OO <br />BJlEell Om.è.ahl 300.00 dm. Sni,'le,rski 21+0.00 <br />Fred Davis 250.00 Joseph Ap~el 120.00 <br />Fred Davis lOO.DO Sifo:rd ~llomcren 320.00 <br /> <br />i'lcOee l,'oveè, Salverda Seconded the Clerk 2.nc1 11c'yor be c'.è'.thorizeà to sign the <br />ae;reeèents. 1"J.oJl Cd1 :çes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />The builc:inC inspector òisc'·,' ?"l '::~!)} t',s ~:~.:mcL' .!:: (" "Cuc'Ulì:'.ty of J:'éJinç <br />j;(-',j"è', ."' ~éctC( L', L .' i¡ :Lng Ins118ctor on' a fllll t~e ba3is, ~ <br />BehTeen the tlVO of the't"ll, they could ha.ndle each others jobs. He also spoke <br />of doi'.";; D.'-rú.y Hith 1Tell inspections. Nr. Salverda stc'ted tlJé"t vTell inspections <br />are of no adv2ntCige. <br /> <br />The Hayor reported t.Ìlat . e has c}-Josen PhiJ.Jip Bourne for 8 one ycc¡r term on <br />the Police C:J.vil Service CormrlÌssion, Rodney Rich2rdson for a two ye¿T term, <br />and '~ern ~'eJm.e '''or 2, t,"ree ¥Tp"r --'::8'1""::. <br /> <br />Council <br />Neeting <br />T:Une Change <br /> <br />EAS>~_ .El,TT <br /> <br />A":T!Jl'.DS <br /> <br />~JI~Gl~ElL ST. <br /> <br />HLTSC1J!,fa <br />DYSTEOP:.¡y <br /> <br />D;.....~{S <br /> <br />JR.'llJBERG <br />lŒS I GI'L.TI ON <br /> <br />STIŒET NA.E <br /> <br />OtlD. #218 <br /> <br />EASK·~~·.:.'"fT <br /> <br />L' P.DS <br /> <br />BLUG. r~;3P c <br /> <br />POL I ¡~E CIv. <br />SERV. C.)ÌjI-I. <br />