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<br />2 <br /> <br />Application to ple.ce burieètelephone ca de on -vioodlyn Avenue :2>?5t of TEl 7;;5'1 <br />lJas !'eé:'.d frO¡il the North¡Iestern Bell Telephone Company. _ <br />ri8K.¡Grsten Hoveçl~ Cé:œlson Seco"'d'3d t1:1e aY)''-'lication be aDproved.ttol1 Call <br />Ayes S)-Na;yes \u). Å"" <br /> <br />The Eloctrical Ins~,ector recomn,ended t;.'i2t a reQuirer.ient be made to have <br />sHi tches inst211e:' on all furnaces as a s2fety -meo.s1Jre. <br />IGtts II:::7eÔ, Hammertìten Seconded the attorney ,vork with the electric9.l <br />inspector and present to the council a proposed c~2nge in the ordinance <br />coverinc; such matters. 11.011 Call A:les C5)-i':ayes (0). <br /> <br />Kitts lI10ved, HcCe8 Se~O'nded the name of HO\cJDrd O'Connell be added to the <br />list of names chosen at the 1a st council meeUng for the Personnel ~iork- <br />..nC Conditions Committee. Roll Cdl Ayes (5~"Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Hamrnersten Hoved, Carlson Seconded tha.t authorization for :~h.oo tuition <br />be paid for as many members of the council vfhO' can at::.end a meeting on <br />danuary 12 1957 ªt the Center for Continuation Study at the University <br />of }1inne":oL:, l-Ihich hps been instituted for ne,.¡-ly..elected mayors and <br />cOlh"1cilmen. Roll Call Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />A letter Has read from the League of Hinnesota î1urlicipali ties announcing <br />a twin cities area regional planning OJ nference to bc scheduled on December <br />27, 1956 at 2 PI1 in the HUS8lUTl of Naturecl tIistory on -'ebe Un:'versity C(::'¡l1PUS. <br /> <br />During disCL'.ssion on the Neu ZoninG; Hap, HI'.. }larkham pointed out that <br />}Irs. Hatfield, Secretary O'f the Planning Comm:l.ssion made it quite clear at <br />a Ros8ville Businessmen's Meeting that he H01.11ò be forced to move his busi- <br />ness "Tit:'lin tHO years. Nr.. Heyne baclced up ¡¡net Hr. Harkham he.d to say. <br />1-:1'.. :Ieyne also stated the planning has been going along toO' fast, thus <br />making t]-1e people jittery on the subject. Hr. HcGee st2_teè tlrt the final <br />decision Hill be up to the council - not lIrs. H(l.tfield. <br />Llo:rd Dash st2.ted that he vlished to go on record as saying that the Planning <br />. Comm:Lssion has tE'.lœn great strides in their :¡:Jlanning vI) rk and if' they Hant <br />to improve their plan 100~(, they sbould hr. Harkham and others in a like <br />position into consider::-tion" I'h'. Dosh also s·J.ggested th~t if the proces~ <br />woulè. slow up some and if all are considered there should be harmon;)r. <br />Hr. Lloyd Hocraffer eX5,ressed himself a~ feel-:'n[ that the Ro::;evil2.e Business- <br />mens Association is not in Ùnror of a Village Plan. <br />Verne Heyne spoke in behaU' of' the Businessmen I s Association asking to go on <br />record once a¿:::ain as never h?ving Gone aGainst planninG, but only against <br />present Comrnercial zoned property beinz shmm on the map as c.nother type of <br />zoning.. <br />Both Fir. C~œlson and Hr. NcCee proposed tbat the planning procedures be set <br />up for c.fter the first of the ;rear for the ne,<] council to act on. <br /> <br />HcGee Droposed the n2ncsof Dr. Donald R. Hackay, to fill trie term of Clem <br />I'Iesserli and Dan Notl, to ;:.'11J. the term of Evert ,JernberG. <br />Hanunersten j\'Ioved.1 C~rlson Seconded the matter be to.bled until aftel" the fh::;t <br />0:: the ¿TE'<'.r. llol1 CoIl Ayes (3)-Nayes (2~..Kitts and HcGee o:?posed. <br /> <br />H2.rrmlersten Ho:Ved, Carlson Seconded the fOllcHinc; license o.pplications be <br />e:::"8roved. <0'11 C;-ll Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br />-L-L <br /> <br />S=",~':-!lJ II~B.I~Crr~':~·~·IC· <br /> <br />G!:lc.E\'IT COI!TIt. <br />Anthony <br /> <br />; IidFay . S~·Znao. <br /> <br />K:L t G3 Hoved, He"m.:mers-!:.en .c;ccondêd t~h8 follmJing bills 1)8 :raid. <br />Roll Call Ayes (5)-Naye.': (0). <br />::tOAD <br />fill & DouGs Texaco <br />Ph1-11iIj~i <br />'P'ni1.1.ips 'Petro. <br />aldwin S1l'Oply <br />lsor cl1ert Ing,erso 11. <br />í) ~ ì ,'\.~ ,;1,:' ÌÎ e T'T <br />'.'''·''.íf.~1). 1\.02.1) l' ,:,vH.l.l. .; <br />::. ''::::'- ~. ì\\ ~\).\'£ ~\I\ DS. 6G rtrç;:lS'~~:ort C1.e¿lrir ~ s <br /> <br />~ \~~~\'f!J.~~\Ç» <br /> <br />GIi:N'EH...i\L <br /> <br />BTJe,J}iJ) <br />'_j~~IJEFHONE <br />C!~~::'LE <br /> <br />~'J'ITCIŒSOR <br />FIJP.lTACES <br /> <br />PERSOl'EJEL <br />\·¡æKING COlID. <br />COl:IT'lIT"EE <br /> <br />IJfEETING FOR <br />j\jE~í COU¡,JCIUlEh <br />AT U. O,l' H. <br /> <br />PLA1JIUNG cunF. <br />AT U. OF N.. <br />SC:-Em J11ßD <br /> <br />FLANI-IING <br /> <br />PROPOSED J\JX'1ES <br />TO ;,'IJJ:, E:-:PLJ.<.."D <br /> <br />PL. CO:.JI . TEFJ-:IS <br /> <br />IJICElTSES <br />Iù'PROV.óD <br /> <br />Otto Zibell <br /> <br />Ric111 ~i ló.OO <br />Public Uks. Equip. Co. <br />Otto 11. 1~sch <br /> <br />~3. 77 <br />80.30 <br /> <br />1.50 <br />5,03 <br />12/2..~2 <br />6.78 <br />31.L~o <br />S .\.0.\ <br />3..09 <br /> <br />12.00 <br /> <br />~hDele -~rint. S6.S0 <br />Rrunaley Print.16S..70 <br />~ tl" 'T",,~, "~c~, 31.'71 <br />'\l J\¡ . ,~ \. , · <br /> <br />FlEE <br />Pittš. Pl. Glass <br />'\.",OTI.Ci:rC'b. '?01-i6ìl <br /> <br />30.h2 <br />'2...'(S <br />