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<br />Ro':er Sho:rt. J;)resented the tabu13tion of bios for nroject 6 of s"nit¿u"r seller <br />improvenent j!l. He recorrrro,end8d that F. ÌJlori t.tini- be 2.warc1eð the contract in <br />t:ie 2mount 0.1.' '}216J382.S0 in view of the f'lct th:->t they Ì'Jere the low biddvt", <br />the b:j.d Has €ood~ 2.n.q B?nil?t~:n' Engineerinc has had ;;,:)prozimately tel. :'8ars of <br />exp erlence Ul th I'Ll'. l'lOrlttlnl. <br />HéJlnmersten Noved, Cé'rlson Seconded Project #6 be é!H"rded to l". HorHtini in <br />the amo'Ult of ,216 ,382.50. Roll Call Ayes (5)-NaY2s (0). <br /> <br />A ë~?S read from B3Jlister EnGineering Compcmy in a í'orm of a reDort <br />:rert2ining to presently considered pl;;.ns for the futu:t8of the l'linneapolis- <br />St. Paul S "nÜary Sevier District. <br /> <br />A report \Jas reé\o. from the Attorney reEarding a letter of Peter Lametti Const. <br />è'Jhich the Council referred to him sometime é'-Eo. The Peter Lametti Letter enclosed <br /> st::>i:.ements from Northern Stéltes Po" er for renai 1"'8 to '''as utilities in <br />Rosevil] e as the result of' sevier construction<.mè re"'qlle~ted the Vill:tc;e, in effect, <br />to honor the enclosed statements as 2.n extra to the contract. The Clerk wi 11 <br />return the st::tements to. L3Jn.etti. <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />LIQiOR <br /> <br />0. c. ~. <br /> <br />H. E~. i\T ~~___'-J--' (,\ l~~ <br />J.rnn Johnf'oy) <br />l{. S. P. Co. <br />Eohensteins <br />Huber SiGn <br />St. Paul St'TG.p ')ks. <br />HeLe"m Dist. <br />llcLaufJhlin Ee~erage <br />S'1~.J'2:.~i0r IvT~tch <br />Ed Phillips <br />Old Peoria. <br />C'ri£:;gs Cooper <br />'~onher St. Fxterm. <br />N. ~. Bell Tel. Co. <br /> <br />I,JnYJn11~J~.IDØIDXF~ <br />Hemmls 3,197.19 <br />FAmous 3rands 2,778.~6 <br />Hauhensteins 92.20 <br />N. 'J. Bel:t Tel. 45.00 <br />Peterson (Rent) 200.00 <br />1;'-'3 p"-' -, l . 2 702 3r' <br />.uL' .. 'llL_lpS ,. ;/ <br />O~d Peoria. 113.68 <br />GriGgs Cooper 2,358.11 <br /> <br />POI~I CE <br />Bill & Dougs <br /> <br />11.+.07 <br /> <br />8)~8. 71 <br />473.34 <br />35L.h2 <br />75.70 <br />25.00 <br />3.70 <br />11+4.73 <br />1lJ.!. . 99 <br />l65.0J <br />654.08 <br />389.07 <br />1884.b2 <br />5.00 <br />21.60 <br /> <br />PEOJECT II 6 <br />A·.~ 'J~rß'J) <br /> <br />SEfÆE:R. <br /> <br />SK:rf.E:R <br /> <br />'1'he Cl"l rk read an ordina~,ce an ending ordj.nance No. 218 by adðinc thereto n <br />section prescribing rotes and charges for seHer dispos¡.:,l services, providing <br />time for paY1nent of such chClrge::; 2nd providing pemÜty for late pa;'{J!l'2nt of <br />charges for seÌ'Ter disposal service. <br />E3mmersten Ì·loved, Carlson Seconded "the Ordino,nce, Ordinance #222, be adopted. <br />Roll Cé'll k¡ (5)...Nayes )0). <br /> <br />HeGee Noved, Harn.mersten Seconded that certificates be redeemerì j n the ê110unt CERTjTICt.TE <br />of :,p35,ooo.oO for the seFer f0.nd. Roll Cell Ayes (5)-Nayes (0) '" ':\Em:Ei'fE:D <br /> <br />ORDI:N\lCE <br />HO. 218 <br />ADOP';:'ED <br /> <br />C2.rlson lvioved, H2T:l'i18rsten Seconded the Çounci 1 enter into contr:'cts Hi th '2~M;E;::':j<iTS <br />Ra;:,imond and Ed ~;agner for e2.ser..ents of ;¡¡)150.00 each. Hon Cpll Ayes(~)-Nayes(O). <br /> <br />fill easement from St. Eichaels Church i'or a road called St. Hi'." , s was presented <br />2.Del pIoced on file lmtil tile road is graded and accepted. <br /> <br />H2Jmee rsten :-Iove(1, NcC~ee Seconded t,;:c 18cting be continued lmtil December 28, <br />1956 at 8 PH. Roll C211 Ayes (5)-Na~res (0). <br /> <br />_ß~~ ------ <br /> <br />CIeri;: <br /> <br />I'¡Ia:ror <br />