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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 20, 2024 <br /> Page 8 <br /> of rounds of this and maybe it is good to start having those conversations and <br /> thinking about planning for that as a part of what the City is doing now. <br /> Chief Brosnahan stated in his conversations with the City Manager, the Fire <br /> Department is leaning on more of a study since while all five current <br /> Councilmembers are warm to the idea of more firefighters, maybe not all five <br /> Councilmembers will be here next year or in two to three years from now. Staff <br /> felt that a study at least allows future councils to see that the Fire Department and <br /> staff have done the homework and have something in place that can be worked on <br /> for years in the future. <br /> Councilmember Schroder indicated short-term needs are different from long-term <br /> needs and since the Council is talking about strategic planning, the 2040 plan, and <br /> the City has done studies on all of that, short-term needs, she thought the Council <br /> does a really good job. She thought strategic planning and long-term planning in <br /> the Council needed a little help. She did like the idea of a study if the Fire <br /> Department can find someone who can do it well. She did know that some studies <br /> were not worthwhile that the City had done in the past. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon indicated staff will get some more deliverables and bring that to the <br /> Council to decide whether or not to move forward with a staffing study. <br /> 8. Council Direction on Councilmember Initiated Agenda Items <br /> 9. Approve Minutes <br /> 10. Approve Consent Agenda <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, City Manager Trudgeon briefly reviewed those items being <br /> considered under the Consent Agenda; and as detailed in specific Requests for Council <br /> Action dated May 20, 2024, and related attachments. <br /> Groff moved, Strahan seconded, approval of the Consent Agenda including claims <br /> and payments as presented and detailed. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Etten, Schroeder, Groff, Strahan, and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> a. Approve Payments <br /> ACH Payments $756,745.90 <br /> 109383-109498 874,199.88 <br /> TOTAL $1,630,945.78 <br /> b. Approve General Purchases or Sale of Surplus Items Exceeding$10,000 <br /> c. Approve 2 Temporary Gambling Licenses <br /> d. This item was removed from the agenda. <br />