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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 3,2024 <br /> Page 10 <br /> decision legally and normally the Council would approve this and move on. He <br /> indicated he is torn because he can see the benefit for the public, but the City <br /> Attorney has said the Council cannot be doing something to benefit a few homes. <br /> He thought that was the catch and he was trying to figure out if there could be a <br /> compromise with the easement but he did not see an easy compromise. The point <br /> of accessing behind the property is there are certainly thousands of homes that do <br /> not have this type of access to the back of their yards. He did not think that could <br /> be a reason not to vacate. <br /> Councilmember Schroeder agreed. She appreciated everyone being at the meeting <br /> tonight expressing their thoughts and helping to educate her on the situation. She <br /> thought the hard part for her was the legality of what was right for the City. She <br /> noted the City wants to do what is right for everyone and the legal piece is what she <br /> was most concerned about. <br /> Councilmember Strahan explained she was in the same boat because all of the <br /> Council lives in Roseville, all have electric poles in the backyard, and have to <br /> access their backyards in some way. She noted it can be frustrating but at the same <br /> time,it is hard not to defer to that public the Council is representing. She noted the <br /> Council is trying to look at the common good for everyone. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated this is not an easy decision to be made. He noted the Council <br /> had a tough decision to make with the Tamarack vacation a year or so ago as well. <br /> He thought for consistency's sake and because, in this Country, we respect private <br /> property rights, that is why the Council is leaning toward vacating in this case. It <br /> is very clear that the City has no intention of providing access to these pieces of <br /> property and will not take action to approve appropriately approved surfaces for the <br /> public to access. It does not make sense for the City to maintain ownership of the <br /> property. He noted while it presents challenges to the property owners and may not <br /> be satisfactory, at the same time, it was something he would have to support. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Strahan, Etten, Schroeder, Groff, and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked the public for their input. He indicated this was a hard decision <br /> that was made by the Council, and it was important to hear from the public as part <br /> of the process. <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 8:00 p.m. and reconvened at approximately <br /> 8:07 p.m. <br /> c. Receive the 2024 Community Survey and Analysis Presentation by the Morris <br /> Leatherman Company <br />