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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 3, 2024 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Mr. Greg Wisher, Grandview and Victoria <br /> Mr.Wisher echoed everyone's concerns including property tax increases. He noted <br /> his property already has a guide wire on his property where he cannot use a ten by <br /> ten-foot area. He is in favor of keeping this the way it is. <br /> Mr. Tom Malloy, corner of Lovell and Grotto <br /> Mr. Malloy explained he was concerned with increased property taxes. He does <br /> not like people driving in the alley because it chews up the grass. He would prefer <br /> this to stay as it is. He would like signs on both ends of the alley indicating the <br /> alley is for authorized vehicles only. <br /> Ms. Lois Witsell, County Rd B2 <br /> Ms. Witsell indicated she could not see why the City would want to change <br /> anything. She noted the residents maintain the alley and the utility trucks do go <br /> through there. She indicated she was opposed to any changes. <br /> Ms. Annette Otto, Grandview Avenue <br /> Ms. Otto indicated there is a utility pole between her house and the neighbors'house <br /> in the alleyway and she wondered if this neighborhood is the only area that has <br /> utility poles re within somebody's property. She has not seen where other areas <br /> have access like this for utility vehicles in the City. <br /> Mr.James Haugen, County B2 <br /> Mr. Haugen indicated the property lines are a question for him and asked if these <br /> will be resurveyed. He commented on the utility trucks that came in the alley a few <br /> years ago when it was soggy and did a lot of damage to the soil. He noted he is still <br /> taking care of it and trying to bring it back to the condition it was previously. He <br /> indicated he was opposed to the change in the alley. <br /> Ms.Judy Navarro,2392 Victoria Street <br /> Ms. Navarro explained she has a pine tree connected to her fence on her property <br /> and she was hoping someone would come and help them with the pine tree. <br /> Mr. Tom Hessler, 838 County Road B2 West <br /> Mr. Hessler indicated he would like to keep this the same as what it is right now. <br /> He noted residents maintain it and use it. <br /> With no one else coming forward to speak, Mayor Roe closed the public hearing at <br /> approximately 7:16 p.m. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified the property tax system to the residents. <br /> Mr. Freihammer answered resident questions and explained unless there are utility <br /> needs in the area, a utility vehicle is not allowed to use the alley. <br />