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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 3, 2024 <br /> Page 6 <br /> explained the water comes off the street and collapses the alley. She has spent <br /> thousands of dollars on repairs. She noted the area drops forty feet and if anyone <br /> were to use heavy trucks on the alley, she is afraid the alley will drop in. She noted <br /> the alley is sand without much structure. She wanted to be sure the City was aware <br /> of the safety issues. <br /> Ms. Lisa Delgado, 846 County Road B2 <br /> Ms. Delgado explained right behind her house there is a very large cottonwood tree <br /> that has been there for years. She indicated branches come down off the tree <br /> frequently and her family is tasked with the maintenance of it and clean up. She <br /> wondered if cottonwood trees are considered problematic trees, which are safety <br /> issues, and can be taken care of by the City before this is approved. <br /> Mr. Rich Lueder, 794 Lovell Ave <br /> Mr. Lueder indicated he has a property with two sides affected. He noted a couple <br /> of years ago, some storms produced a lot of damage and he contacted the City to <br /> find out whose responsibility it was. He did not get a good answer to that question <br /> but believed the City took responsibility for things that hung over the alley space. <br /> He stated if the vacation went through, he believed the responsibility of clean up <br /> would become the property owners. Without the ability to infringe, he asked for a <br /> definition of what encroachment meant. If the property owners did not have any <br /> rights to that space, he asked why would the property owners take on the added <br /> responsibility and liability. In terms of property taxes,he believed that adding 800 <br /> square feet to the property would increase the property value. He asked if the access <br /> would be used by large trucks for utilities and wondered if their property markers <br /> would be moved. He wants to avoid any problems with his neighbors. <br /> Mr. Bruce Patrick, 794 Grandview Ave <br /> Mr. Patrick explained he had the same questions about property taxes and if taxes <br /> will go up because this land is of no use to him if he cannot use the land and he did <br /> not understand why the City is doing this. <br /> Mr. Tom Arnold, 831 Cope Ave W <br /> Mr.Arnold explained his concern is that the homes on his street have only one way <br /> out and that is to the east. He noted when the street is being paved, the residents <br /> could always park in the alley. He sees an issue with this. He explained if the City <br /> went down some of the alleys,people in general keep the alley up well and he does <br /> not understand why this cannot stay the way it is. <br /> Mr. Gary Flaherty, 755 Lovell Ave <br /> Mr.Flaherty explained he has lived in Roseville for forty-three years and he thought <br /> it was a great idea to keep alleys the way they are. He indicated everyone keeps <br /> the alleys up with utility companies using it for access without any problems. <br />