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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 17,2024 <br /> Page 4 <br /> entire property length. He asked if Mr. Carrara contends that different or other <br /> information was a part of the application. <br /> Mr. Lemmons indicated in reviewing the information he received from Mr. Carrara, <br /> the proposed application ran the entire length of the property. He had noticed the <br /> same problem and there was a discrepancy. From what he has seen, Mr. Carrara <br /> intended to build a fence the entire length of this property. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked Mr. Lemmons and Mr. Carrara for the information provided. <br /> Public Comment <br /> It was noted the City received many emails regarding this item which can be viewed <br /> in the June 17, 2024, Agenda Packet. <br /> Mr. Roger Anderson, 13605 1st Avenue North, Plymouth <br /> Mr.Anderson explained he is a developer and Association Manager for the Enclave <br /> development across the street from the fence. He indicated that during COVID, <br /> they held a team meeting to approve this plat, he developed it, and is now the <br /> Association Manager. He explained the appearance,aesthetics,and trail connection <br /> were all discussed at great length during that process. He indicated as a developer, <br /> this fence is a `smack in the face' for the folks who have purchased in the <br /> development. He indicated the Association supports the revocation of the permit <br /> as the fence never should have been built. He reviewed the survey of the property <br /> and indicated part of the fence is built on Association property. He also thought <br /> the fence that matched the rest of the fencing should be restored to the way it was <br /> before. He noted when this plan was worked through for development, there was <br /> extensive work and planning done with the right-of-way. <br /> Ms. Susan Follett,249 McCarrons Place West <br /> Ms. Follett explained when her family bought their home, the property had a view <br /> of the lake and there was a walking trail with a fence along it for safety until <br /> recently, when a black wall was built at 257 South McCarrons Boulevard. She <br /> explained this wall has compromised the view for them, fellow neighbors, and trail <br /> users and has separated neighbor from neighbor. She indicated her family concurs <br /> with the City's resolution calling for a removal of the fence, which violates the <br /> neighbor's culture and safety, and opposes approval of any variances or <br /> encroachments. She urged the City Council to remain steadfast in the stewardship <br /> of the McCarron Lake neighborhood. <br /> Mr. Roger Hess, Wagener Place <br /> Mr. Hess asked if this item goes to court, would this be covered by the normal <br /> yearly fee for the City Attorney or would there be a separate charge. He also asked <br /> if the City decides to remove the fence and put up a city-owned fence again would <br /> that be possible. <br />