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<br />-2... <br /> <br />Å petition to rezone a parcel of property for the Speed-0-Lac COmpW1) was <br />presented. Harrnnersten::..I ved, C~.rlson Secon(~ed tha petition 1:::e refGrrecl to <br />the attorney for su~ficignc:T of the ýetition and to the Engineer for report. <br />Roll Call Ayes (S) - ~nJ~s (0). <br /> <br />Fire Chief, f-ierb Lynch sa1:::::c.ittec-' the aPnual report of the Rire Dept. <br /> <br />McGee ;IÒ',~ed, Hajümerster, Seconded the Sewer SUferintenc8nt be <br />authorizcc~ to arrange fo!' refuse pick-up at the lift station near the <br />Rose Vista Apartments. Roll Call ~-es (5) - Nayes (0) <br /> <br />Eammereten lvloved, FeCee Secon¿e6 that Treasury Bills in the arnOt:''1.t <br />of $30,000.00 be redeemed. Roll Call ~Tes ~5) - N~~s (0). <br /> <br />Ed Bather reported that he has cneckec' th~ drainage pattern in connection <br />'Vii. th the proposed North Ridge Plat /13 and find that the proposed <br />development of the area will not interfere vdth ths present nat~ral <br />drainage problems if properly constructe0a <br /> <br />A letter WaS reaCt .from Ed Bather in cOlli"1ection with his investigation <br />on dra:L"1aGe cond.:.tions that rr.ay be encounterecì in the development of the <br />proposed Roseville Pills #2 Plat and Julanna Hei;;hts Plat. After <br />inspection in the field ælG the contour map covaring each plat, it waS <br />fOill1d that if the streets and lot gracing ~ const~Jcted properly, <br />the normal natural drainag8 'will not be obstrr.cted wd no Grainage <br />problems will develop. <br /> <br />Huge Radman WaS present to reQ.uest a per:r.i t to wreck the Fis:. House <br />on Snelling AV8nue. Ha~~~mersteD ~oved, 6arlson Sec.onded the ferwit be <br />granteò providing the ne£:8ssary bOilc: ane. are secured~ <br />Roll Call Ayes (S) - N~íes (0). <br /> <br />Fire Chief, Here IJ"nch submitted a letter of invitation to .::tten.Ò the <br />annual Fire Chief's Conference in Memphis, Te~~. He reouested that <br />thE; Assistant Fire Chief, Adolph Olson, be authorized to attend, as <br />this is an educational program b;y which both could benefit as well as <br />the Flembers of the Fire Department. <br />Mr. McGee and M~or Kitts felt the ~~eunt of money for an additional <br />man to attend should hqve been mentioned in the budget. 1~. ~ch <br />stated that at the time the budgàt was prepared, he did not know that <br />the Assistant Chief coulè. attend" and that there is enough money in the <br />budget to send the Assistant CrQef. <br />Carlson Moved, Hammersten Seconded that the Chief and A 2istant Chi8f <br />be allowed to attend the ccnfert::.Dce with expenses ap to <'$200.00 each. <br />Roll Call Ayes (3) - Nayes (2). Kitts anÓ :McGee opposed. <br />Mrs. pëxton of 302S Asbury voiced her opinion on the matte~ <br /> <br />The Fire Cr~ef asked if the door between the maintenance garage and <br />fire staticn be closed peI'!'l2Ilently so that the fireman might have more <br />privacy for their quarters. The maD1tenance department are presently <br />using the lavatory facilities in the fire department as there are none <br />in the maintenance department. The Clerk will discuss the sit'l:ation <br />with the Personnel... ,. - ,... ~ ... · <br /> <br />~mTmT'''"'''' <br />J,.-Ùl..;.J..J..v.:.\! <br /> <br />TO <br />~r:ZONE <br /> <br />k-IJ·NF JJ.., <br />IillPORT <br /> <br />REFUSE PICK*GP <br />L 1FT STAT ION <br /> <br />Tm~ASVRY 3ILLS <br />mmEE::flm <br /> <br />NORTH REGE <br />PLAT #3 <br /> <br />ROSE HILLS #2 <br />FLAT <br /> <br />,\ ¡..rr'. <br />~'lj.J <br /> <br />JUL.AiHiA -r::r IT'!' <br />PLAT. <br /> <br />Vf'P.zCK <br />FISH HCnSE <br /> <br />FIPJ~ CHmF'S <br />CONFERENC:8 TI~ <br />MEl.Œ'EIS <br /> <br />r: ~ 'e e., D .¿\--1 <br />--R c--l v t:.; ~>+ <br />