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<br />-3... <br /> <br />I. private p~one W<,?S 8lso requested in place of the extension of thé regular <br />village office line, as calls have been cominz; in lê.te in +,he evenings and <br />disturbing the fireman who haPpens to be on dlJ.ty all night. n~e Cll': rk will <br />check the availability and cost~ <br />The Fire Chief stated that he hoped the COkncil members would visit the <br />fire departæent at their meetings more often than they did last year. <br /> <br />The Kayor asked the Fire Chief tc check into the ?ossibility of the <br />Fire Departnlent using the gas in the pumps at tte Village Hall for <br />refueling their equipment . <br /> <br />Discussion was held on whether the maintenance department Sh01Ùd purchase <br />a used pick-~p truck or a new one. It was decièed that Ed Bather proceed <br />in getting specifications for a new tr~ck. <br /> <br />Discussion was held on the proposeè (~ara6e Building for the mainten&"1ce <br />department. Ed 'Bather süggestec;. that an extra 20 x 40 foot extention be <br />aè.ded to the crig:i.nal plans for the huilding to take care of any extra <br />equipment that might be p1;rche.sed by the Village 1..'1 the future and also <br />to house the police cars. <br />Hammersten Moved, Carlson Seconded the Engineer draw specifications for <br />the orj.g:inal planned b-ùilding with tl"'\e 20 x 40 foot GJI..-tension and that <br />s~)ecifications be drawn for an alternate wi thont the 20 x 40 exte0s:ion. <br />Roll Call ~ves (5) - N8yes (0). <br /> <br />A folder consisting of the Com.mercial 8.nd Industrial El:::ctric rate <br />schedules was s~bmitted by ì'¡orthern States Power Co. for information. <br /> <br />Mr. Loftsgaarden reported that the bonds for the constnction of <br />Skillman Avenve, just West of Snelling; Avsnu.e are in order. <br /> <br />Mr. Loftsga.é'..I'den reported on the seweraGe situation e.t t!18 C1;.t Price <br />Store located in tha Lexington Plaza, which in his opinicn should <br />be delt with as a health measure. <br />Hammersten Mcved, Brennan Seconded that the Health Officer and <br />BuildinG Inspector make a survey of the stores in the Lexington Plaza <br />relative to the sewerage problem, and report back at the next regular <br />council meeting. Roll Call Ayes (5) - N~res (0). <br /> <br />Carlson Y~ved, McGee Seconded the Attorney and appraiser be authorized <br />to proceed in acquiring easements for right-of~ay, ei'§her by easement <br />or condemnation. froIl the Madison Turkey !i'arm.. Roll call Ayes (5) <br />Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Peter Popovich, bond consultant, WaS present to discuss the sewer <br />hond issue. Hammersten Moved, authoriza.tio:1 be granted for the sale <br />of Sewer Bond Issue Series B. on Tuesday, Febr~arJ 5, 1957 at 1 P.M. <br /> <br />Mr. Popovich reaò a resolution in connection with the date of bond <br />sale to be held on Tr:esday, February 5, 1957 at 1 P.M. <br />Hammersten Moved, Carlson Seconded the resolution be adoped. <br />Roll Call Ayes (5) - N~es (0). <br /> <br />.A. proposal WaS read from the Rose ì'Ihéelers asking that the village <br />fun1ish a parcel of land for the p~Ipose of erecting a garage ~nd <br />meetin& hall for their club and that the Village Council alter the <br />plans of said buildiag to the interest of the Village. <br /> <br />PRIVATE <br />?~i:CNE FOR <br />FIRE :::JEI-'T. <br />ASKE.D <br /> <br />r - " <br />r. u' <br />n·, <br />l...:..::r ('-- ~.." <br /> <br />PICK·*GF <br />TRUCK <br /> <br />PROPOSßD <br /> <br />GARAGE <br /> <br />DUILDIHG <br /> <br />EIJ';CT?~IC <br />F..ATBS <br /> <br />SKI1B;t\J."''¡ <br />AV:-:jiJE: <br /> <br />CUT p:nCE <br />SKHEKr¡.CE <br /> <br />PRÅ’3LEM <br /> <br />]iiADISON <br />TU?Y"':':'-Y <br />FARM <br /> <br />S~IGS B <br />BOND IS.Sú""E <br /> <br />RESOLUTION <br /> <br />ROSE Vi}{8Ell--:R: <br />