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<br />Villa~e of Rosevil~e <br /> <br />Res;u12T me'òting of t~le 7il12.~:e COlUlc:'l 'I'"'.ef'è2.,y, <T~n12.r~J ~l95ï <br /> <br />The council :,et 0:; t:L ¿:bo'R dDte ;'r'~ tll t~1e ~cll()~·;in¡.; :e'l"'::::;:'" <br />Brenm'.n, C:orlson, Kitts., 'Ié'~n,lersten G.Ld Ec':cE.. Attor'·:ey". <br />and Ens:;ineers ?et:ler 2.nd Soutter 'iT3l'C olso :9resent. <br /> <br />:3 F., . <br /> <br />S'·,·,+ . <br />,:;: .', '...' . <br />Lofts::.;aErden <br /> <br />:':c~~oe . oved, 'I~.YY\: ersten Sesonòed t:1Ü :,,::--,tes 6:f t~1e J3.n1J2.ry 15th T:1eetin.g <br />be 2ccepted as co'C'recterJ. ~cll C2:1.l1'\:;.Te~: (5)-1'Ls.y:es (0). <br /> <br />Ham.nerste:::. l-'o7ed, C2Tlson Seconded tile nirlT'::e:'j oi" toe J2:(1~la.ry 16th rr..eet.Lnc <br />be accepted as corrected. l=toll Co.ll Ayes (5)-l'Tayes lJ). <br /> <br />~::::'::::TY TclTgeon, ma..Yla::;er of the liquor stores ,pres¿;:'1tE:;d a reDort t.e the c01lDcil <br />3.nd the t..:x:p2yers of R03¡j'¡ílltò. T:le re:ort t::lked of conf~lsion in the m2nner <br />in ,-¡hich the qüa.rterly reports are presented. Dollar profit and percentage <br />profits on the liquor stores "Tere discussed. Inventories and competition <br />'Here also mentioned At thiscoint, :'1lTgeon broußht t",e bar and lounge <br />into the picture and tolc of hìs P&st expcrience In the business. The <br />report was conchlded b., serving notj,ce to Bremla.'1 If that lmless he make <br />a puþlic 8fology to me and :ny falfiily and to other E!í:lplo:ree in t'le liqlOr <br />depal'tinent of this vil1a:::;e, especi~lly the ont oi' tmm Œ'~:;:10ye2s, I ~'Jill <br />bring 19 c:Ü octi0n ~Gai~lstro,~ for defs.::a"::'on ::;f clwT2.cter, darnac;c to rTr <br />reput ':1 ttl.m~£f~"1l1.12111ig.:2-.r~-A:,þ.e.:- 8Jn0 '.Ul t of ,? SO, 000.00. II Nr. Turgeon also <br />stEcted, ulf you do nbt crwoàe to ma~:e this ~-::., die apology, I é'Jr: even going <br />to E[,O one step fnrther--I é1'11 i:;oinC to explore the =:os sibll:Lty 0= il2.ving you <br />imp~a~hed ~s 'l'rustee, ~ld ~:uestion ="our lJ;'Jrkiness ~üld fitness to hold this <br />posl"Glon 01 tr-,...1s:~ ;:),!'H1 O~!··¿ll}.t=,..1i <br /> <br />C2T130::-: si:.:ted t;'lat tlle rnat':er ':FS tabled 1mtil tÌ'8 ":.lJarterl:r report :i.s <br />presented, 2...YJ.d therefore, dièb! -1:, thir.k it f:: ir tc t<C2 ç:'.c [,~.on ::-t t is t'.J11e.. <br />Brennan renoTked v:·""t 118 lias nfôvero.tL·c:Œd T-;r"Gcr. :=,crsår:é.lly and th2.t tl~e <br />D"Ders ]~;:JVP evaC:éC'era.Led 1'lhat +¡,ev "''''''<0 '~e'Orrl 'W' t~'0" ,~,:(,lar-.L Fe ct<'ted <br />i-~"':--¡.L. 1-;0- ~""'l-- +.·"o-a0?"... :-:'"' ..",~ r-!{p ~~ -';~~,'~,~ '~- Cl( v:tqé-7-~'-~·;' -tt,'-"'·".I.J··,_ ....L.>,~~> )ho <br />unc.l' dlS _etLJal. vv ,-,.1e c....,..J.Il..l._ 01. tJ...n',,<":..ry 'T' _,/ lû 0',8 ü(LY u'..J-lð·~ <br />has Hri tten anc1 if the lettcc;r "~~ :-8:' (' it uil':. ~:'1''''; F;=t it is not a ;;er30nal <br />aV:é,ck 2.u',inst 'I"r:;eon. <br /> <br />Hr. 2j.ssick, Presj.c~ent of t~:e =,~iIè:lc,sc;t3. Cr.2pter:d ¡'\.l'Y'.erican l'i?rketing <br />Association, ''las introduced b:r NcGee.. ¡'ir. '~"s'~ic:c c;ef~.ned tLe \:ord nmarlŒ~inGII <br />and examples of HÌ1élt ;:a::..~¡:eting snTveys '"l,:'."le done f:J:"~ ~3'ls:'ncsses vtL;:l <br />:1&Ve s:~,:ni12.r problerlS to that e)f our li'J.uor store. He e:::pla-i.ned tblt the <br />Ccuncil mayor rcla.y not be ha~'py Hi t'n the result ofete surve:r. A rough <br />idee. '1ì2.S 6i ven as to -t-,hc cc st of a survey, as it vo:.~l-:: :'sl:end upon hOH ma..YJ.Y <br />of Q'lr stores 1wuld be t"",',:en into consider3.Licn 2nd. t:,e Yl1'.1T'ber of communi tie~3 <br />in ,'T}oich the survey ';JOuld be conducted. <br /> <br />The Hayor apI,ointed HcGce to work out a defini.tion of O"'.lr proi:lem, that <br />could be agreed upon by tlce council, to e pproach merketing firms vTi t.h a <br />proposal as to cost of a survey. <br /> <br />The amount due to Griggs Cooper (;: Co. of :j2), 927.54 was brou~;ht up. <br />The M2yor and NcGee remarked that they had no lmoHledge of this bill <br />until the Clerk brought it up at the meeting. Ro~ert Jordan from <br />the audience felt that if the \'Ihole council lmev[ about the bill, possibly <br />'other purchases 1.¡ould not have been approved by r,1embers of the Council. <br />I1r. Niller from the audience VI::'.S curious to knO":r vThy the bill ¡CD.S not <br />p:28sented months ago Hhen payment :1:,,8 due. <br />Later in the meeting the Clerk referred to an 2.gende, c',,,,ted fort,:,8 cOl,ncil <br />meeting of October 23 , 1956 and shmred that he r1id not T¡TÌ thhold fro.:n any <br />c01.fficil members, the 2.J.ìlOunt of .}20,S;S7.2L due to Grise;'" Coo~"er. <br /> <br />A letter H?'3 read fro"l j~atfield-Co~);.J c.dvj_sing the Vil:'.2.[e that they 8);lJed <br />to build on the 16 lots ;n the :=outh side of Autumn Street nearest Lexing- <br />ton Avenue 2.S soon 2.8 possible. 'They '-rould a~~preciÓ;.te anything the council <br />can}" no t,r"1 hpve se'·rers éJ.V3:i.'2ble i'or these lots as it \'TOllld ss.,\Te t]-,e home <br />;)'jIèerS 2. cGns:~der?ble sum of money. <br /> <br />i'"LL:. rT'."r'ES <br /> <br />l'·iJ~~~r~~ES <br /> <br />TTI~CEC!-'T , <br />Ll<~. sr:,c' -~~ <br />líjLTAC;"~R <br /> <br />=·.;~~~=Œ~~'-~·_·~~: <br /> <br />5'~,¡:~~"\IEY <br /> <br />GRIGGS C~·,:Ol<S~; <br /> <br />:SII.L <br /> <br />~.TFIEIJD- <br /> <br />COEB <br /> <br />SZ:IER <br />