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<br />2 <br /> <br />~. <br /> <br />.wother letter :,:'rofl ~:'rtfielè-Co~,b ',;:.5 l'2:è. s-::, tin:::: t~:2.t +~ey 'J:;uld 2c:;reci?te <br />2nJtbinc th2.t tne cO'..1ncil CJúld '-;0 in e:ì'~~ed:i.tin¡; :m e::-rly c;onl'le:t.ionf'or the <br />sec'Tcr line for Eld.ridge Avenue from Cbhémsey ~~O ':.estern,'nd Irene fro,m <br />Flo::::-'ence '~o E!è.ridge,3s ,Tel}, ?s -::estern A'.renü.e, :cs t>cy Ì'2! e plans for <br />the constructiéJ:\ cf 25 homes during E 57 'rTh:Lch cT~)Ulè cODr;Üete the develop- <br />ment and (',0 net '.¡is}: to inst::<.'l dr·'infields. <br /> <br />.~c.e~" SO-crt of Benister En':ineerim' vT::,.s:resent :rel stated thé'.t the lots <br />on the south side of A-:.tum; Street ~'iTiL!_ t'G inclnè,ed in Project #7, for <br />, . , 1-.' ..J . ~ 1, 1 t '~ b "c:: 10 "'7 ' J.' J.? . t '1', '11 <br />,Ti"llCn ulu.S ',ILL oe _8 on f.' e rU2ry ¿/' ,/ > , "',no lone. v ro J co IT)' vTl__ <br />t,¿.ke care of seHer :~'or the ~:treets ;;entioned in the second letter, and <br />that both projects s>C"ld be cŒl~leteEl wi thin the construction se2.son <br />,of 1957. The CJ.e 1'k Has directeè t.:.' ::ri te a 1£ tter ,,·¡i to! reference to <br />/ the above to Ratfield...Cobb. <br /> <br />Hanv;ersten Eoved, CEXlson Seconded tÌEct a resolution approving ;~lans and <br />specifications and oràerini"~ advertj,senent f'or ':,ids for S nita.r~r Sener <br />Improvement No.1, Project 7~;3 'be é.:.dor;ted. Roll C211 AJes(5)-Na:-es (0). <br /> <br />The Clerk reé-;.d the aC:v"Brtise::.cnt £'or bids f::Jr sevIer project #7 2nd /Ie. <br />Carlson ~~c;v3è, l'IcCee See nded ti'8 ,"c'·,¡ertiser.:e"t ",3 read '.:;c submi +, 'eò for <br />1yu')1"c""'l'on +"C 'IeeV Lr,.L.f:' J,e'-:""r" ¿"Q, lc¡c:'7¡ îO~.Ll r'all A'¡-co (t::)_ ';:¡u-"s (n) <br />.,¡,,' , ...L _-.1 "J~~"""" ~..~ ",_. .~,_ t1 v, /./..J.. v .~-'- <,._ -..... \.._" -~_~.¡j,-ç; ..."J. <br /> <br />P.ATFIEI.J.D4 <br />COJu, <br /> <br />,""T --...,-:- <br />0.'.1 j , "~ <br /> <br />~ESCL''T'IUI,J <br /> <br />J.B'/'?'" "", <br /> <br />"", ,-rm <br /> <br />_I'. <br /> <br />"- _ ,_,j~ J. <br /> <br />3 -,,;-,2t <br /> <br />- 4'-"'~-' <br /> <br />A co:çy of a let+Jer ii;ith :"e:f'cre~ce tG é2. st~¡aticn resèll tin~' from in2de':~J,c.t'2 fTJ...'..ZA <br />Se1;J2<_'e dis:Jos,?l, frorn 1:-1".e S:,~)_te De~-:,art,;ent cf A{::-'rig11lture Dairÿ- .:;r, :Toad to .52'.JAC::S <br />tl1e C'J,t Price S':):[er J:larket 11':S receivsd :;.n6 :¿.,l?c:y; on:'~:Le for ir£ormatioh. E~C3LE:'= <br />:. letter ',T2S .:.~('ad from Dr.. Se]<:on, 'hL.2.'8 =:Icalth Officer, on the S2.ille <br />subject also expressing the feeling t:-c.t the se-tTt!ge disI·'osal is inc.èec~1èate. <br />The Attorney st2,ted th2t the Str,"3S in :'i.e 1.:;xin:=,to.:.! PJ,aza could be forced <br />to close for lleal th pur90ses. <br />NcGee I!Ioved, C"'rlson SêcŒèded ehe AttarneJ, and one counc:'l Y'lember 'be <br />aDDoint,ed to 2D:TOQch Péster ~nterr; one: 3.dvise til.em of he si t'.l2.tion <br />s"o - that a sat5.;factory dclte C2.n '..:e- arrived 2t :~or sewe:g/J inst:-:Eation <br />,-£'cr the shoppin¿:: center. Roll C:2.::'}. Ayes (5)-.l\ayes (.^)). The C1.-erk '!T2.3 a):.:-ointed. <br /> <br />At tLe ?¿:r,e Üme ti'le AttC'rne:Jr "/Jill negJ~::"2.te ,¡itl'. Nilv'J. of Fa.ster Enterprises <br />to arr~n¿ß a 1£ se for Liquor Store #2. <br /> <br />A ]e tter ";-¡as read from Ford DeeD lîcc:{ Oil Co. 2.dvisini! ttat on 2nd after <br />Jan'2.2.ry 11, 1957 a.nd on Hhich t::e aver:'.;~(:; of tile hi3h - and loc'! prices:~c.oted <br />in the '.T2.11 S.¡.reet Journ2.l on re[';'.Üar ::;J:'cde i.;,asoline colas :::.dvéUlced from :,~0.11625 <br />to .¡?O.1262S .:er gallon, ';' 0 b Grou::;:: 3, Oklahoma, on Hlnt re¿:;û::"T grade f;asoline <br />they are cO.lled on to deliver to',he Vil '0 ge of2.osevine '.mti1 81J.oh time as a <br />contr2ct 2.rr2JlP'e¡lent is ,-0 rked Oi.;,t, t'--:eir sel1in.c-, rrice ,<Till i)e increased from <br />.,,;0.15236 to ,,~O:1623éJ per S211c.n, e::clusjve of t .:-.:;~es, 'iIhich is in accordance <br />vil th the provisions of the invitation to bid dated Fe bru3ry 7, 19.56. <br /> <br />A le-1:rter Has r 8::d from the CU,ef of Polics :.)_ vin[; the council reasons for <br />tradinG in the 1955 Tudor Forò for a new car, ~referab1y 2. sto.tion wagon <br />ænbuk nee. EcGee IvIoïTed, C¿:..rlson Seconc'ed -'::,i1e TI'2.tter be referred to the <br />Police Comnission for DOS ible eo~~ents 2~ their earliest convenience. <br />Roll C211 A~res(~')-I\¡2Jres C'). <br /> <br />A 1.~ tter ,ns re:c.d from .'incent Ccürtney, in be:lë,lf of O. J. HllSby, with <br />re;;ard to his petition for ,,¡idenin[ anò improvement of Co. Rd. B-2. <br />~!¡r. Co.~,rtney asked for '3. CO~J~r of t:1E action taken on the matterat the <br />November 20, 1956 CCèillcil ~~eting. lne C~æk will Hrite to Court~ey. <br /> <br />A letter Has read from the Board of C01lnty CœillrJ.:iissioners :'.nnound,nc; an <br />apportioYr",ent é:)f \~14, 77ô.52 in the Co'mtyl s Road .} Bridge Fund to the <br />Villgge for U:e const.:.~_,etion 2nd maintena..Ylce 0:: streets, roads, or bridges. <br /> <br />:?CRD DEP <br />3.üCK ODJ <br /> <br />C OI-:Œ) IC":;'C <br /> <br />POLICE CAJ. <br /> <br />:.1"Sl!'[ <br />PETITION <br /> <br />lLAD 8.: <br />B:?..iDGE ::i1íJ- -:T <br />