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<br />::Iar,;mersten Hoved, j;.rennan Seconde..: the Cl? rk and L20r be D',:I)lcrized to s~ßn ESS,:'T: <br />an i3.:?Tee:'lent in the 22'iOunt of :¡þ6S .00 for an easel"8nt from DOl'J21d, K:t;lr.;m E~lon. <br />Roll C21l AJ'8S(5)-J.'aye::; (0). <br /> <br />NeGee lelaved, H81wersten Seconded <br />ac;reerrent in ti'18 2.mOllXlt of'; 75 .00 <br />H,oll Call Afê;S (5)-;'Tayes (:). <br /> <br />iIo3- <br /> <br />:\. letter W2.:~ l:':,"lè fr^'ël ~.:heo:cr(l of Co'mty .s :k:-:er ',., ,~+', , 3.t <br />they have referred tot::s ',>, ""0' EnGineer, the 11ayor's'request that con- <br />sideration be ::-',,\T:.;n to the CO;J.nty taking over tile project completely or <br />on a cooper:.;.tive venture ',¡ith the Vi=-~3?c, in C':''nstpuc~~..''''· C, new east-west <br />nl0'hiiay :L1lcorpor<: "'In ~ ::=,or-tlons of e::=i~J.¡i.."1g County B.02.d tlC'" and IIC_2n and <br />extended from Rice street to ::i..::h-,T2.y ffd <br /> <br />Ha.'ìllilersten l'~.,-ed, IkC':ee Seconded th2.t ?n.eo. C. Schultz '08 ,"~;I:oj·J.lted Ueed <br />Inspector for the ensu:illg ye2J.' at 1::18 SCJ!1e rate of pay 2.S last ye'~.r.. <br />Roll Cdl A:rc;s (5)_1~ayes (0) <br /> <br />The IvIayor reminded the CO',::l.::il t:12t t110 ::a~Jors 2nd CCl.::1ci: reDresent&t:::"'Jes <br />~r9~A s rrou."1dinS 6orlJ¡,lLL.'1ities Hill be ~ hpldiD[; ~ meeting at t',:; 450 seville <br />1~ ",.se Hal~ o~ ~2nl,12,€y 23,.-?-t 7:30 ~.:<:;, C. .úbler Anoerson, J:::ohn Tr:"cy <br />Anderson ano L,c1lle _12.nk '/1111 be f·-".c:1t.. <br /> <br />The matter of '0:18 Council boinb on reco:c'd either in f2vùr of c:c opposed <br />to ~µ'CPO:::>tinb a bill for Hetro'Jolitæ Planning was discuse ed ;:~i;cJ ~:' a1led <br />to th"ð Fetrè:ar-J 5th meetin[. ~ <br /> <br />:Hr. Troje, Executive Secretary f::-:.' the RElsey Cotmty :Detenèion Eome, <br />asked parmis:Üon for the home to connect -¡.ritl'l the se!tTer on SO'.lth <br />McCerrons Elvd. Attorney Loft3[22r0en SUG68sted that an 2creement be <br />\'To:çked o''..t fn:, t~1e cO'J,nty t,o -;Jay ? ':J.' ortion.. of :'>,"e. 0vsr ~.ll eaSei!1ent <br />be.Lore the connect:'.on :is ·;', :'.r.: +,~le :(:r,J~.ert~¡ ~Ti::"l 1-)8 bcrefited. <br /> <br />;~. B. Lofts>,d~:r(]en, Eo ;'or Short, <br />,'Iere des';r'nated to ':Tork Hi th Er. <br />to t:ne C011ncll. <br /> <br />D,nd (~"'"::8r:;;j.ssr J .A;-;-"~:';'1d:,rf-~[, Ylee6e::J) <br />'T'ro-ie 7~n V,':ot+er ,>,":¡ 'YICJK:e t,'e';r rpnoY't <br />_'- 1...._ J _~\J .I.,J.__~ V ...-','. ~-,,- ~__..I- ......t-...'. V <br /> <br />:Hr. Kur:ler W2.S "Çre~;8nt to find OlJt ~,ilé_~, éction the council ~JOuld tdœ on <br />his deiícing schôol. The at::'orney reported, ?s;)Cr +,;}8 c01U1c';.1I:,"; :::>eq,18st, <br />tm the interDretation of tj:e Horii "schooln ,Ü th reb2rd to the zon:',nz <br />ord:ill2nce. The attorne:" t.J!,ò. of 2. siYJ1ilJ.r C:è.S>Õ: in!he S:"c,e of. Ee:r 'Tork, <br />D.nd on the bõ"sis c!,' LèC :-lecision made tL8:~e, :'.e Cal"18 to the cone11'.sion <br />théct t;o,is type of school '.Jould COI''.8 under::le S2Jìle zonin:.; aé.ò a public schol, <br />C'I.2.SS A Re,;Ü:e.1ti2.1. The school "0 presently si t',ated on res::'denti:Ü zoned <br />property. Brennan 110ved, l-lcGee Seconded the Glc rk be instr>;.ct.ed to 10rH8.Y'd <br />2 letter of the Attorne',r' s findin·'·s to Hr. :enson ':'~nd }'h'. Christianson 'rIho <br />ånnouncecl their objection to t:1C šchool' s loc2.ti~m :r.'8c:ently. <br />£1'.011 Ca'.l Ayes CS)-l';ayes (0). <br /> <br />A, letter, to th~ VilJ.2,~e Attorney from V1J1Cent Coürtney 'IE.S r22d rep'2Tdiw' <br />t,'1e purchase en a 20 oat striD for Dionne Street f,~~' a. dist:mce ()f 229 feet <br />,;est of Lexin::;ton Avenue. 4 <br />Hr. Kluler felt that Dionne should be; Dèlt thro'l,h to Lex:L'1¿ton for the purr10se <br />of fire access. <br />BrerJlan Noved, I-Iarr:mersten Seconded D. resolution be dra,m "'.nd conðerrIBation <br />proceedings be st8.rted for 33 foot road width. Roll C~l,l Ayes (5)-N:1~-es(0). <br /> <br />A letter from Attorne", Robert Gearin to Attorney 3. E. Lofts¿:'?2Trlen VT2.S <br />read requestLYlg that Mr. Loftsgaarden ask the Viliage to prepare checks <br />for easement numters 201a, 201b, 202 through 212 and 120 and 6e12ver them <br />to l'lr. Gearin so that he might ezchc...r'l¿;8 them for the exec1;.ted easement <br />documents at the time of closinG. <br /> <br />'HcGee Eo \ed, Hammersten Seconded the CJe rk be authorized to pay for the <br />e2.sements as listed :ill the J.e tter. H.oll Ca.ll Ayes (,S)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />hcGee Hoved, Cerlson Seconded he Clerk and Eayor be authorized c,::J sicn an <br />aereement in the éJillGunt of :klOOO.OO for a ri~sht-o:f-Haj from 1IahjJ!1:: Della ¡'I. <br />Hadison. Roll C "1 Ayes C.5)-Nayes CO). <br /> <br />t'r~e Cld'k 8Dd 'O~ be 2.'lthoriz8C1 to sign?n <br />for an easementS' rom. Clif£'orò ': Carolyn Lund. <br /> <br />1,iI:.-~~C·,-~ T S <br /> <br />r1'1 T;\ -,,·-,',r <br />,1, _' ;.-,~ l.;.,_~l <br /> <br />COU1~~_lY <br /> <br />.JEL'D <br /> <br />II'T:;FZ:~;TOf~ <br /> <br />1'.'..:'.YO'8.5 I,:]) <br />COunCI:~":=~:- -1 S <br /> <br />I·3~~TIlrJ- I--:El?~~ <br /> <br />þf-:T'i''í'Rnp,"!- ',f .~, <br />..+,';!t'r~. . : <br />_-L...~...Ll';U <br /> <br />n}~TE~: T"~": <br /> <br />~"'-' r: =~=:~. ~.~~:;" <br /> <br />~....- - r~ -;- -- \-") <br /> <br />,-."~ '",Tr' -:- - - <br />.--...---..,;.'; v .~_. <br /> <br />.\.~ '. <br /> <br />~; I ,:~:~'J :.~~~ <br /> <br />(tr'f") <br />...) ",. <br /> <br />S.å.SE=,~:S:"'~~;.'S <br /> <br />:S~\':(j~:.!:,~~":~ T <br /> <br />',""" <br /> <br />T? ~ ,~:,., <br />_J.i. ~..J " -' <br /> <br />" <br />