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Chair Ficek indicated he attended the Rosefest Parade, and he thought it was <br />wonderful. He thanked the City staff and all of the volunteers. He thought it was <br />well attended and it seemed like everyone was having a good time. <br />5. Civic Campus Master Plan Update <br />City Manager Patrick Trudgeon gave a presentation to the Commission on the Civic <br />Campus Master Plan. <br />Vice Chair Hodder indicated that currently there are solar panels on the <br />maintenance facility and he wondered if they will be transferred to the new facility. <br />Mr. Trudgeon explained that is the intent and should still be in good shape. <br />Mr. Freihammer indicated the solar panels are designed to be modular so would be <br />taken out of time for the service and coordination of phases. The new facility would <br />theoretically have more space to expand the solar in the future. <br />Chair Ficek explained thinking about sustainability as a whole, is the City looking <br />at other options or touring other facilities that are being built around the metro. He <br />asked how the City is viewing this. <br />Mr. Trudgeon explained the City wants to embrace as much sustainability as <br />possible. He indicated the City staff has not ventured too far into this yet but he <br />thought if the referendum does pass the City will start looking at those alternatives <br />and look at touring facilities. He thought this was very important to lead by <br />example and he thought there would be direct conversations and a high priority by <br />City staff. <br />Member Mueller wondered if any special considerations were being made. She <br />knew that there was a gas station in that area, and she wondered how that would <br />factor into these plans. She felt there would be a lot of costs involved. <br />Mr. Trudgeon explained the process the City made when purchasing the land. He <br />was not sure if the City would be able to do a direct swap, but the City will look at <br />this in more depth. <br />Member Mueller explained her concern was once the City gets in there, what <br />additional costs would there be for cleanup or addressing possible contamination? <br />Mr. Trudgeon agreed, and the staff feel they have a fair understanding of what is <br />there, they do not know, and he thought the City needs to be prepared for that. <br />Beyond that, the City is not aware of any other environmental concerns. <br />Chair Ficek indicated with the maintenance facility moving to a new spot, he knew <br />the City staff has had some conversations with residents in that area and he asked <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />