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Mr. Trudgeon to touch on that a little bit because there will be heavy machinery <br />operating where there was once a park. <br />Mr. Trudgeon indicated that is a real valid concern. He explained as a part of the <br />master planning process and design there was some direct engagement with the <br />neighbors. The neighborhood was very concerned about having a maintenance <br />facility instead of a park. The City is trying to work proactively with the residents <br />to address those concerns. The City needs to continue to work with the residents <br />and try to mitigate concerns as much as possible. That will be the biggest issue <br />with this project. <br />Chair Ficek explained one of the graphics showed the property tax versus the sales <br />tax and he wondered if that implied if the sales tax does not go through, that is what <br />the City would be looking at to fund this. <br />Mr. Trudgeon explained that would be the only option for the City, to bond to <br />themselves and have that backed by property taxes. He wants to be very careful <br />and not mislead anybody. He thought that if the sales tax did not pass the only <br />option would be to charge it to property taxes, like what the City did with the Fire <br />Station and park improvements. That would add to everyone's tax bill. The <br />seventy-six point nine million dollars is what the City estimates. He would <br />advocate for another conversation about looking at the project to do things to limit <br />that cost because it would be one hundred percent born by the taxpayers and <br />everyone in the City would need to make sure if there was anything that could be <br />value -engineered out. The City staff does not think any extras are needed in the <br />plan, but he thought it would be important to revisit that. That would be the only <br />option the City would have in front of them. <br />Chair Ficek asked if the City could go to a referendum again in a future year if it <br />were to fail or would push everything out too far. <br />Mr. Trudgeon explained the City would not be able to go for another referendum <br />for sales tax unless the City got Legislative approval again. The question is open <br />to if the City goes to a referendum to the voters to bond for it and have it on property <br />taxes. In 2012, it did not go to the voters that preceded him in this particular role <br />but he recalled there was what is called a port authority. Port Authority is a bonding <br />mechanism that the City can use. In that case, it did go to the Port Authority. There <br />is a way that the City can do that without going for a referendum. It is a policy <br />choice for the City Council. <br />Chair Ficek thanked Mr. Trudgeon for coming and presenting this to the <br />Commission. <br />6. Bike Plan Update <br />Assistant Public Works Director/City Engineer Jennifer Lowry updated the <br />Commission on the City bike plan. <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />