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the Commission is covering. She thought it would be nice to have that story to <br />tell the Council. <br />Chair Ficek agreed. He thought he would like to go in that direction and asked <br />City staff for some help. <br />Mr. Freihammer indicated he would work with Chair Ficek on this and would also <br />attach what the Commission has worked on for the Council packet. <br />Chair Ficek asked what the Commission wanted to discuss with the Council on <br />what should be tackled in the next year. <br />Mr. Freihammer thought that is a good question to bring forward to the City <br />Council because it is up to the Council what the Commission needs to be involved <br />in. <br />Member Mueller indicated one of the questions she has had was how the <br />Commission is partnering with parks and other commissions or areas in the City <br />that are all touching on the environment in different ways and how can the <br />Commission be more impactful. She thought Ms. Bakken did such a great job in <br />her role and the outreach but she felt that sometimes talking about trees, as a part <br />of the environmental piece, also falls under the Park Commission's purview. She <br />wondered what the Council's vision is for the topics that overlap. <br />Chair Ficek thought that was a good topic to bring up to the City Council. <br />Member Mueller explained the Commission was going to talk about pavement <br />management funding at one of the future meetings and this was something she has <br />wanted to talk to the City Council about. She indicated she wanted to dig into this <br />and wondered what the City Council's thoughts were regarding this. <br />Mr. Freihammer indicated staff does need to review this and find out what the <br />long-term funding for this was and would need to bring it forward to the <br />Commission. <br />Mr. Freihammer thought he had a good idea and would coordinate with who <br />would be at the joint meeting and would send out information to the <br />Commissioners. <br />9. Items for Next Meeting — July 30, 2024 <br />Discussion ensued regarding the future PWETC agenda: <br />July Meeting <br />• SPRWS Presentation <br />• Climate Action Planning Update <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />