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<br />2 - <br /> <br />:,.~ t··~.s ~'IC'ir::;,::~., :._ _,~.e·-'5~S~1 <br />~·lr. IJGJ~:-:~()~¡-t, is d~..rf:cl_ ~-le <br /> <br />,..... , <br />·:'2~: ;..:.-~_!.2....,- <br /> <br />, ' ~ <br />-. ;~81 ,:,¡re <br /> <br />...(.... "lO'ClOn 'r"" ~~.:--J;~:'C8C u <br /> <br />st·· ~ r!'::.:"s ~~1 <br /> <br />,',l~~ti':i to tJ-18 ccun:;il tl1:1.+~, <br /> <br />h.e ~_:~s (1.:. 8 1">J 33C'_ of c.~ì.l of :-~:.s lic:·J.or ir1teres-Gs. <br /> <br />J:10l1 Ci?lJ. on '''1'.:0 <br /> <br />-v~.~...... 2.0 ~;~-,:.e nded <br /> <br />(3) -~:Ed¡e s <br /> <br />('))_ C~r1."n'c ,c.~,r' <br />\....... ~'"" _,....u_... _........ <br /> <br />ArES <br /> <br />....,- .-. ., <br />L.CL-ee .j~~,p::.;sec.. <br /> <br />." .1 C 1 t '\-.,..~.C" /....,)_'.TC'~.re0, ,,'r.,\_ ~'(-i + C' ,.,1.....,.1" ".......... v"'I~ cr:'l <br />r",o~:_..;~ ê1......}_ 0Yl t.¡".:-e j::C ~on - ..1.t.o' t.;¡.) \J -'~t.I ' \-1 _"'p_~J,:o .11,,__ i~c,-:-c;t:: GJ.-,~_.000Q. <br /> <br />X;0j!£ <br />Carls0:1 i:cve6, ~-=êJÚ.rners~:er: E2~C:_""'-:!0C: ~G~~;·t ~;'l ~¡\lers~Jcr.ber;.-; be ? .:' - <br />fer t118 lO~'~ origi~1.2=_~_:- "f·!:·_"t~~~~eld ë.nd .:r?2.~'>J i·or ~~~st~:.lls~ticrr Cl1ê:.r~;e for <br />t~le Rail!~';lc:"l~er e~~lip1:~eI:t ~J}-'=-~h_ T·1"::.2 i:2-st::--; ~~ed ,:'-t tÌ~e ~.é~r ~Lid :LC".l~-:~·G. <br />Roll C ,~il l~res Ch)-i:2yes (1)- ~lc:"'ee o~};osed. <br /> <br />Jo~ep}1 =ettendorf t;ave a reFort on aT: 2·fpre.isé..l -:i1ic:~ l:e made en 3. farcel <br />:3 feet by 22;.27 alone E iJortion c:" :Qio:n,ne Stres~ ';Jest of Lexincton. <br />J:t 'd?3 t['~e attorn.e~J1.' s o~~;j_-"-_j_G::1, on t}~~e ;J~~2lS cf the 2.~}~~:r0_i~,2.1, t"~~~t the <br />street ir. qï..1..est:t...on s~':-_oìJ,lc~. be c18r":.~~8 ·~~,;::-'c;. ,::?nè _:e -\Ii~~ ,_<~'E: s~~~o(...::cl :~ot PD.Y"" <br />anythinc £'or +he street. <br />~~re~":. 'an. .,·_oved, C2_L'}_2Cn 52 ,~;J::,:l_c::l _.r. Lcft32.'~:.~:.r:5.en oe ,"·~t,:-~c=C'ized to flotif:r <br />the 2.tto:2~';ey of the 0-'i1"er8 Of' t['ce p;Tcel in :"est:"c¡n cf tree posit~~œè -l!-ie <br />vi1J_~:_:;e t¿-;~~':es i:1 ccn~~' t~:le ~\Jl:Cj1t of~}:e alJ~·~r;iser ~:'nè. t::'2.t !}O :mc~ey <br />1,Iii.l '(~C 2_j~d fc~ t.~-.:.e 8~~se"~cnt .C~~..1 ~ :.~ ~ I ,,>:.t ~ï": I ~ (I ~ ,-" I >.~'~j ur:- <br />';F~0'tlt,'-:HJiJ ,_.,~"&'~'nM". :~oll 02.'1 .\,~-es, :::-')- ::-:-:"8-' C)). <br /> <br />rt:3y¡)y,erf'ten i;o'!cd, ::-:re::r,cn Se cn~,ec:.:c;-:e Fire Deparv:!ent be :=è'J.t:lCrized to <br />~ "y\",,,,-.'i11,,~,'- '1'0,·,r'.,.. ',')')~ "0 ?"' ",l~ t,cc:..C' rt::\_'.T',-,n;r r(ì) <br />~=·~_~'.rl...-,~:",se ,--_~J.~ ,-'. _..........._'-"...../.1' .../l:..J.l-'-lJ J. J_ "~..,..;....-.u,, -..0__-,-- v"'....~~ "'-J ,-"J2Þ\..// -.GJ_s \'-" . <br /> <br />A letter 'ie,s re:cd :'rcY:l DouS;l::-,s ?ee:~, <br />,::..t SnelJing tiVemle so,th cf T.~,. ;:5. <br />f:J r the cO~~:~'1ciJ~ til1i cl" ='~ç.!'ch 5th <br /> <br />re12.-':,:l'le to t"'-e )~c~;cs2d cross cve~ <br />]2 .:::s:œd to "E pL'ced on t>e J::;cmde <br />":0 discLlss t:,e ,,,aLter. <br /> <br />T\obe:,t C::..&::::,':::œ, ::..'ropert;{ :::,' ét ~:,e n:::-rtl'luest corner of L2.rpenteur 821d <br />C'12.tsTJOrth !'otified the CO'.lr.cil by letter of 2, r1r2.iné.ge p:'oolem ~T:<.ch r,a3 <br />c',evelcped since Se1-Jer ccnst:,:'ction ÌY'_ the oreo,. The engir:.eer reported t'--:::'.t <br />'18 l'!.2..S C!'!.8C ~:~8ð. :)~1 ~he ~~[';. t·~:3r :-¡ .·~d ., -j_l~ report bis f i.'~d:~:-:gs to I"Ir. C.~_é~~t:c,l~;~rÁ. <br /> <br />E2.nister E'12::"neerin:; surmi tted Addendum ill t,o project 7 0nd 8 of S2nitary <br />Se.Ter ImprovEX~81,t ;;~L <br /> <br />A letter c' s re::od f'ro:m Bel 7011-'13'oer of the Ros8vil"e Corru:ni:=:"ion <br />re ~J,e:::ting 2. more "'orl::al notion iJj' t'r1e cO~"1cil in re:=;é'rd to appointi:Jg <br />the comrfÚssion so tho.t they co,n function on a leg,ll 1:lJis. The matter <br />':'2.8 tabled until H::orch 5th at "'T>~ch -t,iJne a list of people appointed last <br />yeer can be presented. <br /> <br />A :Letter ¡¡3.S reõ),d from !:.ckerberg 91ld Coo~ern:an, architects, reQuesting <br />pe~,is~ion to present their firm to ~~e Council for consideration ¡or <br />the proposed civic center project. <br /> <br />_ ~_~,~::F~~~e. <br /> <br />lJ.J <br /> <br /> <br />fuU: ~~ J:J. 3Ft I:~' J1 <br /> <br />DIU":E ~;'::"~,. <br /> <br />::3sr~ (.'C? <br /> <br />~:j~-::~' ,{-~ TO~ ~ <br /> <br />=(\~:~B#=~ I~~. <br /> <br />.,' .-" <br />01. v_...... <br /> <br />~.', ~·c c.,' <br />','-'_:..\......'....);..,) <br /> <br /> <br />:J2J~-=~. '" !~~~ ~~ <br /> <br />rT{C3T.Z: - <br /> <br />.!~'D:sl,·IDL;l;: í'f 1 <br />PFtOJ}~cr: 7 -~ [ <br /> <br />·:_tUS}~VII.:_CE <br /> <br />'(OlT':!:'B <br />COLLI S 3::: Œ: <br /> <br />CIVIC C3'\]TEE <br /> <br />ST¡\TE I'IOTOR <br />BOAT &. ;T::~S:::L <br />LA1T <br /> <br />A copy of the St,te Bator E02.t émd S2.iliJl[ Vessel L3.';iS He,s referTed to <br />the ccunciJ. from t>e off:'cce of Sl:.eriff Thome.s Gibbons. It T.¡0S found that <br />MoundsvieTT CL.'1d Rose yiJJ:e do .,lOt folIo,'! t:1e s "De BUle s 2nd regulations vTi th <br />rei:,2.rè to the matter. The Lct thé:t part d' kke CWasso is in Roseville <br />and pe,rt i:1 =:oundsviev" creates a pre,blem, theref::œe it 1"¡-2S requested that <br />T:TG reV~'"8vT 0'11' regulco ti0l1S and perha~~s tie t::en j,n -.J:~, tli ?lol1Jldsview' s. <br /> <br />A l'(~=>est 'ii'S ' ~de i'c:' 2n~:~r stri:¡:) fDr lH>iv::"te ~lse at Indian Hea~ TrJcki::s AIR ST:UF <br />8or':i)¿n:r. =1'.e C18!'~": ~·-:Lll C;-18Clc \,:ritt. t[~e aeronautj_ce.,l cor:'!li1=-ssion.. IL.:~QU~ST <br />