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<br />-:; <br />~' <br /> <br />Þ.. letteT ··'T ",-" '''''e'':c'_ _:~C'lT.:. Dcnz~1d L;'X18ll~ ~'~f~~~l ::t~- <br />d .¡ -~,....oc ")(_"I"...,..~ ,..." .., ~::,:::I-'; :'~_3~~ect.i2r.S. <br />3., e::"~~~- ':,8 ~.;.'- ~:.....,_--'~'...i.. ~\",:".,-:,.r'-~"',ll.~..,'-' Y"", ,S'~:~~"..-·_",',Ci... :d ~.'..,'.('"P <br />>ipr~'1"¡lers-J:)en l:lO-VS(, ..... . ',' ',-,~_ __'"' ,- - ~ ":-::o.."t-::er ~=c <br />l:;-,spsctor :'01' c:::'cnt. 3.0;.1 Cell !:-':;,"es (;:)_::>:c~, <br /> <br />~"~c re <br /> <br />,..-'....... <br />.''; .¡. , <br /> <br />c- <br />.) ~,_u- <br /> <br />reí'erred <br />,r ~) <br />,,'J . <br /> <br />to <br /> <br />t~__s <br /> <br />'~- -: 1 <br />..- ~~-- <br /> <br />C'a-l.C"c,ten ;.n',red C,,...l son :3econr:Jt30 2 <'etition '':,0 rezoDe:C:'E: ;;ortheè'st <br />i~f'ht:~e i'To';t~l~Te~t r ~i" Se~tion 11, t~:-'T;:s:,i:¿ 2S', ,c::T.2;e 23, So:::';, of <br />" ')"1 u.....'tt .,.. t T r.L .-' --...(' p·c ..--'-''Ì~ 2;. Iï'al"T¡l 2esi6ev·Lt:~~.2.1 to <br />\.Io'J.nty ~':'):Q, ~. ~,:':~ ;~2S oi',,'v~~.j~r:'c, ~;~-'-v~~._:~~::~ r-',~,^,'",,~ en' 1" -'-n . <br />~, C -, '-u(' ""Cl "', a-' "'Tr' cT bn Y",,_ crr'ooa vC .".e ~ lc ""'J.d¡:: vO",-,,___~·. ,_0.. ,"0_ vÅ,eiJ:' <br />~Ü;l~j~¿;~'?, iõi~n.-'~' ::~oîl " Call' ;,~o8 __ (5) -=;2-yes (0). ~6.' 1=.. ~ .\¡, , ~ f~. ~"'. <br /> <br />A re;íl:i.ncer i'::"Cil t}-:e ~:os8vL~e ::J1.~sille:~rJ:.enl s :.::::::JC:l2"ciorl ~'&s rc:"d <br />'M"":cdi11'" :' 11esoLltion ':j;" +he'r .<èèC'~ted i~'l .':.:::ril, 1956 ".nè. sent <br />t~W~~~le c~1J,ncil req'..lestin:; t. t ,:,Le co';mcil£:':~rst ccns",der vilage <br />apI)licé.!1ts ,:;~en hh'i;lb f-ersonnel for ·J2'1Y l:::;osition. <br /> <br />HcGee Il0ved, 3rennm .3econc1ed ~>rt a ",ec":,es: <br />l'l?rie Hintz be referred to the li(~ucr store <br />~-(oll C2.11 .\yes (5)-lh.yes (0). <br /> <br />:"cr :,ncr3J.:::e :~.n pay for <br />!.D a.ger "~CT ::-eco,T-:end: ti O"l. <br /> <br />A letter from :.Jé,tional := '--seball Con~Te,c:r; ':~?s T8"',d 2skinz~,f :~o:cvi',___e <br />õ.,. .."ld ~.,""r) -~ .L..,...,~q L'J.. d.. , ..~.~::. ,~"""·....r) ,; +-1~Ç:, ì.-~.....("'.J--i·l:" ,--P +',..-.'e ì:,-¡C''7 S-L <br />,'JO_!..-,-\... "...c.;; __TI'Jt...,.,.:e.:::v8 In O€ld.:.,) ~. ~ç_·...i..__e,-,~ J_~~' __C,:J'J_... u ''-'-- v___ --,'/' - ltG <br />C:':3::':rJions~'~ip 33se~all fuurYl2....·~'2·'"' ~~. =~'le Cle~,.,k '.Ti~_l c~-_.ecl:: .for :~:cr8 <br />L.'"'~Grl'ilatioE on t~1e ~;:~tter. <br /> <br />Dren"l2.n =·!oveè, :kGee Seco;ds~~ 't e r'"1~~p-.l~ "'I',p~",r 101'1 ~ol c,r <br />;:,'-r, :~.~ ·u~-~ :.~,'_::~ _'-"~t: ~ '1 ~o ~ ~~~'l~~:~::~ t¡ /' f,ê' ': '" ~ r ," <br />:::'01' t~1G 'liJ,i"cc;e be a:¡'TdeG. tc ''''''-,1;:; v ü!i)"ç. -._v__,'"-- "~'---' ho e.. ".) '--'-- ~~ ,..). <br /> <br />liatti1eH :s. ;¡Cu'1.son of lÜ92 Cl:":"':"3.r ,.:;;æd L,e c;'"nci~ to (;~:'ns rJer t:::e <br />probler:1 ere,s. ted b:r 0.C ~:s -« ich ar-3 ~-.c t i:e) --~ le~~ys::.ed ,'1..-- 5_.s ?·Cé'i~·~st <br />ordir:.ance ~!'150. <br />HcGee Novec1.,:3rennan Seconded. ,I- e C~2rk ~~e i::-:::trèlcted to adv3rt:;se ',n <br />the loccJ. rapers 'or 2. doc: c~ tc':~er to 2.:'sist ti,e ;J::-"::ern:, doc: C2,tcher. <br />Roll C?ll A~"c': (5)-:\jayes CC). <br /> <br />1'¡att:1e~'T L. ~-l':_rlSOn s1JJ)r;1~'~,-t,"Géd 0- )ct¿_,ti.OI:. ¡'¿;-__~,-:,es'0in_~ tÌ'J2t C~_::.rrn2-D Street 08 <br />cllaJ.1¿sd to ClarIilar Lc_ne. <br />IIa.;"':lersten Hoved, ;'::;rerUl&n SecQ"lc'.e:: v' ~ "st::..tion '0e Te::':'erred to -o=> en¡~i'Jeer <br />c..:--:d t:~c.t he repcrt bé:,c::k. ?ol1, C¡-,2.1 .\~"P~ (5)-.'é,::e--: V::r). <br /> <br />--JT- <br /> <br />~:T~_~C r~.l~~ C~'~ S <br /> <br />iillZC¡:,:I~ ~C <br /> <br />F~j~T=~IC~,; <br /> <br />~~>J SJ -·rI"~-:_,:~. ~~ <br />}?'T'::S~:.. ·l~SS~·.2~T':· t <br /> <br />:'.._;3CC. L.1~~T~~~~~ <br /> <br />œ. <br /> <br />'u <br /> <br />, '-.. ~ <br />:. ~~."-' <br /> <br />.~ ~ '0 <br />..1..;)..- <br /> <br />,- nf~.. <br /> <br />.~-.., ,-, ,~~ <br />''- u ~: ~·..L-'~~~~~ì 'J <br /> <br />. ~·,~~~~~,~,iC·~:~~·. t 3 <br /> <br />~..J '~~.... _... . <br /> <br />.i.. __ ;.) T().~~.~,T CE <br /> <br />--',.'( r-' <br />.1...\""·(."21 <br /> <br />?2:'.: ':' ~~ r.~ == cr ~ ~~ C <br /> <br />8,~}~~';'~'E S~~~~~,~, <br /> <br />,.,.m <br />.¡.}".: .J:' <br /> <br />"'ienr,y Pot:~en asked the cOlJndl :'-'or pe::::',:'.ssion to buiJd on a ho X 134.15 ¡oat 'J:TDEnS.':;o: '1; <br />lot 1oco.ted on the C'J:r'rc;',' ~f l~3.TIlli:De 2.r:d Roselmm. LVI' <br />Ki tts I'loved, BîT~ersten Secon::1ed the r1é'.tter be refe:ì."red to the builc1:L.c.g <br />ins::.'ee;tor for a report S.t the :lPrch 12th n:eetir..r:. <br />1101i Coll A=rAS C)-¡2,,:re CO). ~ <br /> <br />Herb Lynch, Fire Chief, ':ïas present to thé'nk members 0:;" tile CCU:îcil ::'.'01' FIRS D.óF'J,'. <br />sending him to the &illl1l.2.1 Fir e Cil::'S! I S Convention. <br />The CIe::'k i¡¡ill cr:.eck into the c::Jst 'Jf <' priv2:iõe phone ~'or the <br />f:"rer:.en IS c,u?,rters at the vilJ::age hall. <br /> <br />Bre:îJl3..Yl Eoved, Hæmnersten Seconded the attcrney be 2.ut'-::::rized to Ò.r2H a L:L(lJOrl. sr;'",':':~ <br />five /:;2.1' 18é.se arrange:::ent at)250.Oo fer month pl~,s a maximum of 1.;100.00 L':ASE <br />per fe?.rfor maintenance for Licuor S'~orç) ;(12 2,t the Lexinzton ? <br />::1011 Call ~res (5)-Nayes CO). <br /> <br />The attcmey h2,s cc:,"t2.cted Er. 'Jilvil', of Ped,er Enterprises reg2,rd5.i'lg the <br />seCTc.:;e ;Jr:,blem &t the shlhppin::: center. r-Ie e;:'}JE.c-'c.s 2~;:; 2.rls~rer in about a <br />-Tee~:. :.~:- to v¡hen;7"e~r ,;:',12. ~:-:;-T.ect to t:18 se':'ïer. <br /> <br />The attorne:/ reported on a q'.lestion re~:.rdin=; ti,e J'.:m.pi~lb of se~"œ in <br /> <br />'D~.\' ~ <br />1: ,._"c ,J" <br /> <br />""'.'" r <br />:J ,:¡,-v.. <br />