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<br /> <br />',"'.'J, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />·;:I,:-J c'_LO-r.., "',". <br /> <br />Kitts f1()V8d~ Bl'B <br />one '::Jf:el< anÓ :-J':-a a;, ",I. <br />Rol.l Call Ales (5 ),Naye~, (J). <br /> <br />~)J~' 1jÌ'\t::: U.L·,j <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />".') <br /> <br />Kenneth Mueller Has present to f'j.i"1e' Drd, 'iJilether th(~ V:tllGge has taken any <br />action on releasing the bond he putnp ()'TSr a year ago for t.he donstruction <br />of Laurie Road.. <br />Nrs", Seaberp;, ì'írs" Scherr,d.nk'l ,md V.:·s, Schmit.'!. ~'rerc also prl9sent to ( :i.S¡::Ll~3S <br />the drainage problem on Long Lake Road near Laurie Roado <br />"P.e.nÞllfl:0ved, Carlson Seconded t.hnt :::11,",:c1e3 Soutter check for more :.1.n.formation <br />with r-,ilner Carley l.,rho established the grade of the :road at the tir:~e he Has <br />Village Engineer, and that'" be requested t.o report on the matter on <br />March 12, ...951.. Roll Call Ayes (5)·~Nayt;;.; (0)0 <br /> <br />LAUIr'.E <br /> <br />J"" ,-' r,' <br />)rUÜ:'/!\ <br /> <br />Mro Haglund, Inspector, commented on a letter from Donald Lanoux, vlell driller; HELL <br />which suggested that the village ad!'pt a more adequate well inspection practice" IiJSP . <br />Mro Haglund felt thAt 250 gallons per hour ,,,as not high enough, but was in <br />favor of a more adequate inspection0 <br /> <br />The engineer reporteñ that he has checked into the request for change of <br />street. nane froIi1 Clarmar S'/:ir'eet., '00 ClB..í.'mar Lane, and has found no reason <br />for objectlono <br />Hanmersten r.oved, Carlson Seconded a resolution be drawn for the change <br />as requestedQ Roll Call Ayes (5)",Nayes \0). <br /> <br />The Clerk submitted a list of' name>'!:, appointed in 1956 tothG Ro seville <br />Recreation Cmmnittes0 <br />KiM,s 11oved~ McGee Seconded tho Cle:~k Os instructed t,Q con/~(:t org,;Ü1ç, <br />izations 1n- tJ18 village :Lor a na.~Jla of a representative fí'Om Ga(jh to œ <br />submitted not later thm.1 Ap:r:Ll 9t,h~ at ì.;hich time the council Hill ~~cn" <br />sider tile matter, Roll C:.Ü} A/-¿s (5)c~Nayet; (0), <br /> <br />The Clerk read a l>',tition;,;) T'8Z0!W certd~, ppoper~y om'led hy Nic:lc Sallas <br />on Rice StrL~et. :f.ì'cmi:::1~ Aref·ridlm+,ial t_;:> n bUBiness distri!cto <br />NeGe",! Nov€d n H;:üTJr'Îfn·~t8L 3:'"'r.<:: 1f,::<Ì "tr.o pe t:H',Lr¡n be :referred to tha P18m1ing <br />Com---'''''s4""" fer a '·'e~·r'"Ìr· '("<"í'~ ~"}rï ,."\c,::':', <:"0," "orne'; 'i) he,:p"lP~ "b<' s<"'"'.'dl11v+ <br />~ J ~H~~.,.,,~:~"',.:..c u~";"-:_'0.' (,<"'" . Co', ..",-, '" ~":;r:: ,- --.. """'0 . ". "..... , ..,., <br />J..or},p,::t!·, 2, J.;' !I".Il,i: .-.,,,, ",' <br /> <br />~ <br />~~) <br />~~/ <br /> <br />Mro Garrett. of 43j6 ','¡ '" Con:J1t,r Road ¡; jll azked permission to á;dl~l 8. ..mIl <br />deeper next to his pr"E'::~entwÜ:;'. Hhere the '/Jell has be9n for years,! instead <br />at the required 75, distõ.;.nç,'{ '" <br />McGee MovedfJ Brennan Seconded permission be granted", <br />Roll Call Ayes (5)~Nayes (c); <br /> <br />Hammersten Moved!, NcGee Secunded tha'l;, Theo" Schultz be recommended to the <br />COUl1ty Assessor~6 ©ffice for the position of Village tax assessoro <br />Roll Call Ayes (,) =Ua,.ves (0)" <br /> <br />Mro Rollie Erickson from Nati.onal Cash Register Company ~.¡as present to <br />inform the counc:i.l of a savings wh.ich ~ould be made on machines for <br />liquor stores #1=2o~3 if wø could order them by April 1, 1951" It appeared <br />that the council members weN> intej:'~sted in taking advantAge of the offer, <br />but not enough funds are av~,ilablf} at -!:;.his timen t<lr" Erickson stated that <br />a financial arr.angement (\}oulc1 be v;orked outo <br /> <br />]ì"¡ersten Novedv Brennan Secoeded Lha"i, GDrd'L~n Gilf':Ulan be granted a permit <br />.nÜld a htY X )~Ci!J1 ¡'~ié:'~"tI\·nc";.> ß'coy'e r.~ J.930 I.sxi.ngt.on Avenue.. <br /> <br />CLAH.hAR ,S'í' <br />CHJllH~EìJ TO <br />CL,~m;AH. Lf· <br /> <br />I~.EGF'.:~ <br /> <br />C'J?-':;"¡ ~, <br /> <br />HJ:~~':C;' ; <br /> <br />PI~rJf~::t~ <br /> <br />FEH.~,.. l <br />v'ELL:"(!j <br />THtlÌ'1 i.' <br /> <br />ASSE~;SOf-: <br /> <br />NAT-ðL, <br />MA CtII1I~ ~' <br /> <br />HIJl-l:. '7:r~ <br /> <br />FEP¡',Ij' <br />