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<br />HüJ.l. C~:lJ. <br /> <br />(I:' ') <br />-... J~ ¡' <br /> <br />:.f:J·J~('~.~ ; :¡,'~I <br /> <br /> <br />.,. <br /> <br />J iln S11:te'lcl~~~, 'Lhc, :;o1Jr4t:i)~ trlat, ^ ".. is ~~~;'~'\~':'. ::.":,f~ 3 '(,{; c-; ).X¡ b.-~ CC2j~5:~Dg tt ¡"e:{) <br />resen'c,at:L¡¡e of ROS8yiD.i.' in t If) Ch'8dtcr ::;,15.r.((:. PD.ul Srd.'üty GGu.ncíl~ <br />Hamme¡"ste~j l';o\~e(¡,) l:·!' Se~onded thRt, b.G be <~pp():i.nt.ed as HOS8Vil1c <br />represent,f!'(,ivc ill the G::'eater Sa5.nt ?é:1.~lI SDfGty CO\.l'!1c:DL <br />Holl Call. Aye s (5 )~.Ne.VC3 (0)" <br /> <br />A. P Q Kell(~:t· 'iíl'l~:¡ pr8sen;~ to w'sl;: :í.i' j,t GO'-Ú.c1 bü l1~ade possiblE; for <br />sani tatio11 \\~o~J1pa¡1:tes to c1")1;l1J S01~·(tge :tn tl'Je rto~;ev5..11a rjCylel~ ~~lysteml3 <br />~~\ He \-:as to]~cl thBt 1:.110 C1B~!.\~}C :Lc ir~ tÌlf~ p:co;ce::,1;:; cfchec~::i11g :Lrltz1 ·t~h~:1 <br />matter \-Jith the city of Si:-,,, I'[}::tL <br /> <br />Brennan }loved, Garlsol'J. Se·;;ondad that. a bur-TIed farm house betN'een <br />!Üdlotliian Road ar.d l"airvi0't-J on the north side of County Road tlB'1 <br />be condemned and that the ()vmera be notified b:¡ the bu.:l1ding inspector <br />immedi,atol~{., Roll C~]J. Ay;:;;s (S)')-'!{J:rt;:1~3 (O)" <br /> <br />l>~Gea Ì"¡oved~) Carlson Secûl1cJcù the bu:i.ldly¡g peI"ÌiÜt, feq.foL' the ,-:; <br />of t.h3 proposed (Ja~mt.y de'Í:(mt·ic¡[R homü IX) ',¡aivcd, Ii011 (;[.'1::. Ayes (5),NaYGdO:; <br /> <br />1'¡B1~'-:!rje¡4D"t,v:L: :i;OVCJ(t1.~ G:)j~"lHÜi) <br /> <br /> <br /><);L" /,IO'{.'L';f;t)E:r '?:J <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />regs:rd:..~'1f: '~;"1C \r~~ 1.1 ,.:lg~ 1·:.a~:).Ilg ov :?::t '!:,_~1<-' <br />as t.he rr~'A:"ef~~'¡;r hno !~evø.:r 1'~~3~11¡ d;Jd:~~·,:~,r!.tQd ,:1;~, a cOU:1'"t:l :.~oac¡ <br />001" 0,'ì ¡ lI,rp"" ( ') )'J'''Y'''fl Ie)'. <br />.t.:.. ..:.oJ. \.},_.._<>..... J~fJ _ "'" ,,/ '. ¿·o~ ",,¡, \'." ~ <br /> <br />'-':.r"' <br />;.'-:;. <br /> <br />..i.'~}~,~; ,.. ~lliing C~:H;:Ll.i ::'~ ':~~ i )_7~\ x"r0en:VI:i,,:.:;nd,od 'J'~C <br />ROßGvi ;J] !1:ilJ..s J:;2-) <br />MeGa,-) i'fo~¡ed" ffs,~:m;er~rb~}.n. S{~(~O~1.dcci t~e rn~r-¡~t,':;l:~ <br />Tl"':l'l r~'ì"¡ A~~fF (¡~),J'¡F.;Vi;>tI ,\'0" <br />.... !;J. ~_ ,,_ ....,._..P .." "'........... ~'ð -..I ".-', <br /> <br />I) j' tho c[' <br /> <br />ce <br /> <br />t2.1)1(~tj lH1'i';lè i:~j,~(":¡'-l <br /> <br />12. 29S;'/., <br />-' <br /> <br />') :' <br /> <br />r:~ :~~; F .') <br /> <br />.-..!.', <br /> <br />S'P <br /> <br />i-'i\"f,'i'tJ <br /> <br />SA}í'}!;'].'''::' CC: < <br /> <br />SEll J\l'1£ <br />DUhPIlJl1 <br /> <br />CO~¡DE1< rq <br />po¡ ARI(1 i\OU :~~, ',,:~ <br /> <br />''''r -;-,,,, ! . <br />nu'AJ'o ' <br /> <br />'D'~IDE ~:"i' <br /> <br />.; ',~~~~; ~-,;}, ' <br /> <br />~lJ"f ' <br /> <br /> <br />Attarnøy Loft~Jgaal"dei'l 1'6pCn~1\;3c~ th;;'(, Cl~ï:,t,J.i'icatì;~3 of' indebt.edness >.':a11 bt'j <br />issued t.o be pa:fah:';¡~ b;r"il of 1958 1'01' the proposed w·':~ Jtenam:e ga:rage ü HÙXN'3.'.. cr,:, <br />He will dis<'<1t:i·it."d,ng on the matt-er unt:L1 rmt:h ti.'I7!t'I a.s the counci:l <br />".as L C..,LI (I~(.mtinue" <br /> <br />KgGaa Noved" Ilmnmarst.'Brl Seconded the clerk notify the engineer ,{ho platt.ed <br />~ie Mi©hole S~iena Plat to be present at the spôcial meeting of the <br />P1roming C017Jmission scheduleð for March 141) 1957 <br />Roll C~11 Ayes (5)~N~ea (O)G <br /> <br />Attorney Lortsga~rden reported that he has located the heirs and decendents <br />for 'Obtaining easements along Burke Street. EJast of' Laxington Avenue and they <br />will be signed at no cost" <br /> <br />Cl:uo1scn £.101i~di) Brennan Seconded the clerlt~ s i'inam;ial repol..... be accepted as <br />preaentedo Roll C~ll Ayes (,)=Neyes (0)0 <br /> <br />l'. tt,ornøy L3ftsgaarèen report'3d on liquor ftmdvo>,·one should be designated <br />as bu.:11dlng fund and one ~lfJ the 8in1dng fund" <br /> <br />A )¡}!t'tÆ!' Has rend f:t't:Œl Pu'G:d.€.:k Delmont stating that he has given up his <br />h1';:,;:n'<;;s't,s :iz~ tWy liq1101" busj,na::m t·;; bookl«~øpel'" for t.he village¡" <br /> <br />Kit,t,5 I'Icnyt:ù,~ r"l('~G-et~ Se~or,dt:ð '~:,'~">l~ ;(~le1"l~ rJ6 in,::r~)I.''''lC):-t:~d to ~jOlrta(<,;t Kenneth <br />';"\'"~:(' '1",;:, <',(, ',:.;;: \';C .-(, c·:',3ne)1 r::::e\:,ir.g 1"oga:r:'d"lng his nppli-cati.o¡:;'. <br />~'~~i.; ~ ç, t~:·:, r:<:'f ß::-.',~~~~";'Jì.ll~~r;. 1.>;; ;-1, sh';3t:i ·~~O ljc p2"'eserlt at tl~, <br /> <br /> <br />': L. <br /> <br />:y ()) J <br /> <br />arCHiL);, <br />SCHIENA <br /> <br />"--,;~). <br />,l,. ..'. <br /> <br />EA SEJ·;I~;.\I l,r,:: <br /> <br />J?I}¡^l-JCI;~II~ <br /> <br />REPort£, <br /> <br />LIQUOR <br />FUNDS <br /> <br />P A'I'" DETJ <br />I1EffiIT'}¿ <br /> <br />mG Gf:J.\.' <br />