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<br />5 <br /> <br />.... ~,~,' . ,.. <br /> <br />:~c,'·'." <br /> <br />~_'~T; ; <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />"', <br /> <br />iilJ~'1rnGl"S t..e'f'! <br /> <br />'~; ;.' j~~ j, ~.; 2) ):.~ ; ,,(:-; :; ':,i 1_ ~ \,>~~I d .f, " <br /> <br />, ,"J <br /> <br /> <br />rejocted ·t.h,\l.t ,,:':,'ì <br />tJpen:L'1g on .A p:r'il ;H~:¡ <br /> <br />~-' :'-\C~ <br />"' [' '.' <br />1) "1 '7 <br />".0_.,... <br /> <br />:¡.(;é" <:J,Ol'}:3 L'~.' <br /> <br />~-;:'( ~~..L ',:".' ~"~ t'.L G <br /> <br />¡-> '-:'~ <br /> <br /> <br />. -' :,:' ~ <br /> <br />GDJ. :1. 2~ \ <br /> <br /> <br />s ~:J)" <br /> <br />l:ia.mmerstan 11o"ile.clp C_,\IIJ.~)("H"~ (:cr-d,~?~6 t,,12G :j"~.(j..:,{.-',nx:~'~~, '¡--~ 'I ,.,f" bn ,.,·~~:.;,~;c..·,,:, <br />·00 t.he recormner1òations of tbt~ (.~n:·!.e_n ~.:.~"':J 7.~ <br />1" The owner stat.ed .':.c' "',:"',\ ,;';"' t,h <br />have agr-eed 'GO dedicate) 3Cj ~:.::.,' tn ;'::\',\ .Lov''JiJ. ,"':)[UC <br />full width street" <br />2" It. was c.1ao agreed 1~ Ì1:J.VO tl':\(') s·,tc;,:;;:\,>, :J.'~\'Ü~ e'lid <br />Lovell and GranåvÜM i¡:1C1."·ÜS1iGÛ to n :;.()) :L't. rac':'.tW <br />:; <> It is also Ð.d vifJable t.o e,c :;\;0 ,:Jh :!.!';J (>:n·.~£œ:; im <br />Lorentzen Road as ~1h01Hl Oil th:i.~' n'1;)·"..<'''' <br />surve;loJ.' indtcated thëd: hç~ ·,rÜ·.,'. <br />Roll Call !!.y-es (~)." Nay~s (0) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Hammoroten N()\red~ CaJ.'lGvr: <br />be dccspte~~l'": Roll C~11:¡, <br /> <br /> <br />'r. <br /> <br />"; J, "".. <br /> <br />" <br />_nlI <br /> <br /> <br />}icc.,,:!'~ HoV'ed~ Carlr;o11 Seücndsd '(,\::' '.:: ::".: <br />+..... l~''. ~ f'f'o-d" .."",,' C~ l-m y, T ,j ",,; - , <br />U'V '~.!.....ð...... _ :..' r....r. !:\J. (":,ro.' , .u., ..I..f.·....f ¡-,_~ '_-i.:;' 6'~' ~ ''';,;';t\ ,:·1.\}'~ c.; <br />:~lO~OO for Se¡'12l'" e~eIfim.\t:¡ Di)"l~:o:'L;.'(')'.L P.-,:1..1 ;>, ~ <br /> <br />"~-. -;,~ ,j " <br /> <br /> <br />_~1 ....-;.". <br />- ,.:. ,~~. <br /> <br />.- <br /> <br />;." <br /> <br />( ). <br />\ ,-~ <br /> <br />1'l11e ~.',·t·t.orne¿r 8"'J.bnitted a {~t,~:~.'- <br />'lhich :lnfor:HJed +:h3 Cf.)~mci:L (oJ.:' <br /> <br /><..¥; ~. _I.,; _. \. \ ..';'f.-· ... <br /> <br />,:\" <br /> <br />....,. <br /> <br />. ......, (. " <br />?:~J,".Lt.. ~~·,.j·('l"':i.~.1<'~:~· <br /> <br />); <br /> <br />.,' ~ rt , <br /> <br />of" Ff1.r.ù1eapoli~,1 \~'jìlich ca:1ta:t~B t fol:tc<..¡:·;~n ,~; . <br />"All prOiJOsed ordinélI1c':;s cr ar:lenf1.u'.·S'!:/:.r~ <~¡D ", f'" (. ~~T~:;S~J ~';:.-' <br />digest summary thereof 81wl1 be .,·'3h,·'è .' ~~:t~j·:·:![; ,-' -I' <br /> nel1spaps:r ';~oge'l~iw:ï:' :1i th '1 :;ci,:L'.;03 '¡','; r:lt/J.i:: h:,~ -ll':~n:,: <br />uill b3 held" The publicat.ion Zlh'1D. bG èr;a.d¿; :ltL';J:;';';:'~0Y1 :L'jn:; <br />prior to the hear:tng, Such px'Opcs\,:ð :.':"·din~:r1c.~s or ;·1l7,'3,,·:'.h~3nti:: <br />to f.3xist:lng ordinnneos m:;:r then b~Jc~()ptcd in i'c,,,;¡::ro!,:osGd fez'1\) <br />or in éltl mnend~ ,"-~ j-orrn. 1-1ith:ln :;'0 d:'Y':-::J f:;~c::n d=1t.;1 of ::~.~.lid 1~f.J::1J:~:1.r1.g <br />\.;1 thou.t further publ:ì.shcd rì.ot,ks", '.ellc \;;:'!lidi~,y of :'011) 01';] (;0 <br />may not. OG questioned af';;,,:?/:¡: f3:i.x 111::mt¡1:J j":r-~m tl,;"t,(,) ii¡.:¡ passage <br />by reason of an all\!Jged (~efect in '~,llC J)U\'.Ü::O :::()qu:!J'JÔ :¡Cl"';:dn, 'l <br />Hamrnereten J.loved, Carlson Second0d tl1e council go on r·ec.o::"d ~.S DppT'Gvin;:; <br />this sen.üte f.ile and t.hat legislators b3 I1otiZi!~d of O1.u· :bte;,es');" <br />Roll Call A"PJ8 (4)oolIJayes (0) ." <br /> <br /> <br />Benif.rt;':'1> Engineering (;00 rmbmittod est.imate Ilh ?OA' ~)e"'ií:¡r P!'aject :¥1 in <br />the amount ot $39,728097 and estimate #4 f,')r Smw.;.' P:'1'ojc{.:1~ /12 :J,n the <br />amount ot $29,705..3$ and :reco!!iTi'ondod th!l.t they her p",iL'L <br />McGee Moved" Hammarsten Seconœd the cO''J.ncil COiMmr :Ln tho :....~CO:l!!7K'n"i.ð~t:1.oò <br />or the lhm.:tsta!' EngLt1¡;;sy,'ing Compsny.,. Roll Çall Ayes C.)o"N~J;rt~S \( C) <br /> <br />""., <br />.. <br /> <br />....-.'."'" <br /> <br />Atto!"1lt' ;:~ Lof'tA3gaar&.n 5tlbm:'ct.taèi to t.he cr.nmc:tl memcers i'or <br />of a lsaae from Mro Ui1",1:i of Paml":!> ~l1tcrpJ:'ise~3 fo!" ~j.q\lc:c <br /> <br />st~.ld:l· i <br />" <br />ntcl~S if;:;, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Charles Sautter reported tba':- PetGl' 1ænet;ti Con:Jtz'uction wouJ.d ::;'':;.kEJ .;;;:; <br />extend t."'1e con¡;t,I'Ucti.::,.n.?:f tl)(: ~X,F;:J::' 150.3 Ðight, feat, n:::r'i~h C>S:;~!),:81::i~77'1 <br />and Host of LoxiJ::gt/,)):1 <br /> <br /> <br />'\ '¡ <br />.... 1'; <br /> <br />·~··0 fo:.1Q1;dn..:, J.i',~,2:n!!I'~'; h'3 ê:P?rc·¡~;(;" <br />",n3.~·i::L (~~~:¿~HAI~ CO}j'TF':..- <br />'L;:.~Rf)Y· T<;-:"'.~.r~~·'J ~TI~-·'J{':J ,~t1ër~:'r;':""7:' <br /> <br />, ,-, \ <br />L...,'~ '". ,. . \_ <br /> <br />I-h"1m¡er:;,rGûn l-".:o7ðd.~ <br />/:loll Call AYGS <br /> <br />Cê'..:(T::;t.'7.-~ ~:';J~~O~~~ I <br /> <br />3E1í]::".G.2: j':'",~ "'. <br /> <br />--: ~...., - '"I-' <br /> <br />',; <br />