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<br />F~Gne' L,(~Di(:.:<3r' ';:;~;' <br />Artht;.r ~soiiæ:-cbíni'" <br />H/.)berl Co Ball <br />Vernon 1" IJjungren <br /> <br /> <br />¡{~,\l(;)Bki <br />Hil1:l.æa H5 Caldvwl1 <br /> <br />The Mayor reported on t"ha ¡-eactivat;j.~n of ¡Jar;,;; yea!'" s t...'t"affic cor.U'1l1,t,tee 8Ild TH.AF'J"IC <br />has found the following persona who AA:t'Ð to serve: on the committee: CûV¡tE'l'T[~F <br />Mo Anderson, Ja.v Blank" Ken Green, J03 Husby, I1r" HcCa..rthy and !1ra" Hocra.£'£f!1"" <br />Brennan Moved81 Hsmmersten Seconded tt!') matte I' bE! tabled uutil t.he next mee't:.i.rí.[> <br />--"Roll Call Ayes (S)...Nayes (O)" - <br /> <br />'rbe Clerk reported that Mro Tel':!1 of the Cit:t of St" Paul Engineerü e office SE."¡!AaB <br />will be writt1ng hill a letter to '!;be of.fect that Roseville Sanitation companieD WHPIKG <br />will be allowed to dump sewage at a. certain point in the Rosev11la Sewer Systtim'1" <br />McGee Moved~ Brennan Seconded the engineer be requested to orlgL'1aw .a mimao<'> <br />graphed tara that sani'tatien companies be r 6.¡;¡ue~ted to UDe t..o determ.in13 the <br />8JIOWlt. ot waste they oan put in the Ros6V"111e ayatem" <br />Ron Call Aje 8 (,)-ivqas (0) 0 <br /> <br />A let,-wr was read trom 'iela N(~tio:1sl Baseball COllg:rE~8S arlvisL'1·s tll~ co,mcil i'¡i\1>;Y.t~i .~J/\.~~'~">' <br />that t.hey have not established tJw Minner.ota atnt.:3 t.ourmill1Ðn": Hnò J.~ØaliZI3 B:'J;I, <br />that we do not ha\!'$ a baseball }.ìa:r'k S'lli t,'1blc ftH' host:'mg the 3té.\t~ tOu.\"'11a.l1en~:jc <br /> <br />Hænmersten Movedt Carlson Seconded the cour.dl l:M3et ~.¡ith School Superintendant <br />Emmett Williams and Bond Consultant Peter Popovich on Ym.:rch 26t.b to discuss the <br />school assessments regarding se¡1't.::!I'Cc> RQ11 Call .;<'ye.s (5),~'¡!aye3 (0) 0 <br /> <br />Hammersten Moved!, Carlson Seconded cc¡..t:lfiad checks be f'urnisœd to the state <br />highw83' department in tho amount. of $4000",00 for cross:mg certain st<1te <br />highways during sewar, Roll Gall Ayes (5)",Nayes (0)0 <br /> <br />McGee MOved, Brennan Seconded the village road ~es~~ic~ions commence on <br />March 20tho Roll Cill Ayes (5);oHl.$yes (0)." . <br /> <br />The building inspecto:.." informed the council ÛlaL hø has posted a condemnation <br />notice and notified the owner of the condemning of 3 hazardous condition cxist.= <br />ing on the property facing County Road uBu on tho nOl~th side betW'een F'airvi01'J' <br />and Midloth1an Roado <br /> <br />Calvary Baptist. Church informed the council that they have engaged an attorney <br />to institute a petition to vacate Burlœ Avenue aastW'ard 266096 feet from the <br />center ot ~'1\gton.. In return for this land the chu.rch will dedica.te a street <br />be'breen Burke and Coo Road "BR across its lots 12 and a of' KraussG., Plat, a <br />distant!., of 329096 tee'\; from centers of roads, for aCCe88 to Burke Avenue,., <br />'O~.. ey drew the councll°s attention to the tact that ser,¡.1.c:e <br />í'" ..:.0 Lexington School crosses Lex1..""gton at BUJ."ke" The~at Banister <br />''''-''''Éngineering be 1mmediate1y requested to work t.he School Board and develop <br />plans for an acceptable a1 ternnte connection from Lexington School to a point <br />northward at COW1t..V Road "sn" <br />During discussion~ several alternatives were mentioned.!) therefore the persons <br />who represent the ch:urcb were as1Œd to vlork on the matter further and report <br />a~ the next counci.1. meeting", <br /> <br />Xi tts '\Tas eX~sed at. 11 ¡ CO P ,,?-L, <br /> <br /> <br />SG IiOOI-: <br />SEi:i3r~ <br />ASriL:;S;':.! .\ <br /> <br />Ill"'P' ..,... <br />Li.ûJ.!· _ <br />F'EÏ(}E ';' <br /> <br />SE):r~,~'R <br /> <br />no An <br />REST'RIC ).~,': <br /> <br />BUILm;;-:: <br />COt~t1J2J'I:~\~:·:-:·, r <br /> <br />CAIN AEI <br />l3.Aprt"IS'i' C' <br /> <br />M2".. Rysgaa.rð llPPOéJ1'ed in'JcÌ'.wJ.f cd' Little League B1?søball and stated that he LITTLE~L?'· ì <br />would liko fA lo':wi::e th'J 10<'280 D:JD'ìí';Bn t.he Village and IJittle League 90 that <br />~:he :Ji.s_;r:f:·:~··tYi(~-8 ~>::-"'~,'. ..- ~,\:'- ;;''', :~.'."-s~:?~::,·'''<~, I'::;::·;D2~t..r.:e:1 Ol! t...?~(; "':Jl:.\:r!3 <br />