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<br />i" ~ <br /> <br />l~geT Sl¡OI""'~ f.:H..1.'t£·nj.;tt~sd ç~ ~:;^:;;:J·J~ll·;·:e ·Cf~¡~~ :t88.S0T'liDg '";,'¡:':::~)::~I~Jr <br />rty himself'!; Apprr~ise!· ~:f .", IJct,-t,GY1<:1or.f and .il·~ -;~ûrn-ø:y'" :6'1 Ii c IJ():L'G3gJ.E1_r(1Gr~:i 3~:t::!~ <br />Hro Troje, Secretary 01' the 'Detention HOT::C CÜm:¡rD.:;f.d.Olz., :b (:,~t2};",Yán:l.:(¡.(; <br />that II total sewer ccnnZ!~·;'¡:.iCin charge of t2,.O~~o'llld 1",û:;:3fbJ.~r 1:::8: ·,-:::ed <br />f'O'" pa-el ..1.11 (C·, ·¡'.~r "'1'1...1 (!O\l...·¡·-¡)' í}'·"¡';""-/l{>oio·'" F')'j"¡~'~'\;\r""'''''''''''¡'''''f'~'"¡'''':¡ 'J ."~~''r''(.1'" .').-1" <br />.... ' ..\ '\'ð 11 .". UJ C\.iJ..U ...,4)')i/ .t.. v ...~,,"'" v ..tI ..<;,. . .,..~ ,. ;.¿o~) ""'1,0 <¿, ....~'"........... .1A... c..:...... ''; <.., ~-.... <br /> <br />$1,680000 against Parc(:tl r'v:. (County F:t'o:p(,n:.t;~r) -" u <br />McGee Moved, Hanmersten Seconded ijh2 Village; app:~'(ive thiH and t:::.e A'~~t,o~l!:'1J <br />be author1sed to draw a contract to be present.ed to the COtL'l't;y off:t.r:ials <br />and Detention Home Commission for thair approvÆ1J.~" <br />Roll Call Ayes (5)<=Nayes (0)" <br /> <br />,.1 copy of a letter from Rees" T'homapnJ Scroggins, In~" to'" E:ngi1',eero-, SEI~E¡':. <br />ing relati~ to the possible acquisition of' a san~tar,. sewer easement a.«:ross EASF..\1EN'¡' <br />propertQ adjacent to County Road "B" and Sne:l..lirg Avenue Has react, <br />Banister Engineering reported that it is deSlr...'-'Jillé that such easementÅ“ <br />aoquired provided it can be obtained a.t. D. reasonable casto <br />.McGee Mowdt; Brennan Seconded the ntt¡orney be au'!;ho:;."ized to conta.ct. <br />Mr.. Rees to explore t..~c {~OÐt of obtaini..1Jg the easement. on the southwefJt <br />corner of the Reas property" Ri,~U Call Ayes (5)~"Naycs (0)" <br /> <br />Roger Short reported that Haymond Sché<clrt had (lì:"itteri. ldm Ga~ring he rtl2.S <br />interested in getting~,"'...;:Hi on his Kay-Hc::m 1'1":::'0 <br />MeGee MovedÐ Hammersten Senor.c1ecl tb.~) S~hacÌ1t,'Ì:.f:.u· be i.':;.¡;1'erí.~8d t,o the <br />Engineer for investigation regarding cl..~a::,r'>['50 and be cOi'l.'1idan'Jd at -the <br />April 2nd meeting" Roll Call1\Y88 (5)··N(:~{c[J CO)" <br /> <br />Hammerst,tln Moved" Brennan Sc.-)conded tl1.i3lJi11age pu.:....c.:hase a :l9S7 station <br />wagon, intercoptor type, in the W10U.11;",' of ~:5'.:Lßi3h"O(J f/:'ûm E¡:;st Side NotoI' <br />Salea as they ware the la..r bidder" Hol1 GÐ:U Ayes (5)··llayes (0)'0 <br />î!ro Rosentb'1l of East, Side MotoY.' Sales ~lill l"6P0l"" next ?Teak on the cost <br />of parts and labor for "ì~..ring tl1e sil'ent red lights o.TId o~'1eX' accessories" <br />Verne Heyne '\<1il1 bring in t..he cont, of man hou:.:'S if the work :ts';.o be done <br />by the Village Mechanic" <br /> <br />.\ ~ <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />Sß~~~~1 <br /> <br />KJ\ Y,:;.·n;~~I~) -" <br /> <br />1957 POLE;· <br />CAH <br /> <br />Ed Bathe:!:' surnni tted II tabulation report on the bids for a maintenance garage" l1AIU'l'Ef{- <br />The report showed Petersem. and Tamplin as the lOtI bidder in the amount of g~,,;~ OAF' ': <br />$35 ¡;¡ 158 "00,, Kitts Moved:- Hromersten Seconded ·tbG matter be tabled for ODe <br />t-reek at 'l.¡hich time the engineer ,-rill bring in a fil.,f\ll"e on t.he cost of <br />reModeling the pJ."esent buildinge> Roll Call Ayes (5)c=Nayes (0)., <br /> <br />A let'tier to the C01mt¡ Engineer and Village Council from Eo R.. Stoltz of <br />114S w.. Coo Rdo "B" was read requesting correotiye action be taken to <br />relieve the flood water problem at. Lex:1ngton and County Road ,~u Q <br />Since Lexingtoft AYsnue i9 maintained by the State and County Road "B" <br />by the COunt"Ð the Village cannot cor.y;-ect· the matter" <br /> <br />The bí.\il4ing inspector roported on his investigation of a drivswq- <br />constructed at 222S Draper Avelwe which is encroaching OD a neighbor' 8 <br />properv" He advised the council not to make 2. special deviation from <br />-·')e code in this Case as it 'Will establish a precident difficult:to over<=> <br />íe in ¡ß~. .future similar propositions;; <br />ùts ?{oyed!p C81'18oo Seconded the Clerk be instructed to notify the owner <br />,hat the counc,J. can not take action to grant the requesto <br />, Ron Call Ayes (S)=Na.yes (0) Ct <br /> <br />'!he Mayor. infomed the Cou.ncil 1~at a contract can be') worked out with <br />:?tldway Ford or 0¡-211d Avenue Fora on at" appointment basis f'or repairs w <br />~,he pol~f;~ eal'f:! ~ Ve!'TI<~ H~.vnf~ 1J~;D"~$d ·~~at. the Village.. ro~dntenanC(~ gÐ.l"HgØ <br />¡··-~_oe:'t~' n.oO;:, .:; .'~(;-r:, y~b ,,.., ':1~~~:r/r-c:~r Y/:>t)1~~1 't~:;') ~ uJ.nt~.\'f-) 'C.hD ~.,;-oT1: (:)ff:t {~:t/]rrt,l:l~ <br /> <br />LEXINGTOH ;.' <br />CO.. RDù ::B:', <br />DRAINAGE <br /> <br />DRIV~¡ A Y <br /> <br />SERVICE fm <br />POLICE C!Å’:¡:~; <br />