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<br />Er0Xlna~..·1 .rlr.."''i8d '~~, <br /> <br />'J.". <br />¡,....\. <br /> <br />, ~ .,"';~:., "...t <br /> <br />'^"~) ::\::: {~,~: ~:~;;-c:::,' -/l,' -~ (~'~. <br /> <br /> <br />,'". ."" ~'" ,'. . " <br />,,'.;' '", I"~ . -. ~., ''','::;': <br /> <br />','. ',.' r~' ,.,' to, <br /> <br /> <br />8ystÆffi fo:1:' the poll::;:) <br />ri~yeß (0) J <br /> <br />. ., <br />;",',;; CL; pU.·!\i~;n·~;.:;~~~,~'~g :~~:,~:<,:\ <br /> <br />,- <br /> <br />.:~ :l:i.tJ:: <br /> <br />K·¡tt<' '<'i"''''ed ',In..,',,,",ü·,,,,,,<·Ú¡" !::c, c";··..JP.', ';'1}f" 7'1';'1 ,.:~..., (,·(...·¡....t.,·.¡;.. .';_. ·...·l{,','.·\ ·_·'"1 <br />..a.. II,) " VI 'f'p ~.,. dJ.d, ~\;+"&".;I lr·J""-a..,. ...v....\LL:..'!,,1 ~~.J! ~ ..,........~¡..'.~í-,.t'.J ~-.. " v ,,~ <br />Midw8Y ],i'ord Ol'l a fleet. ba::;is .11 th 01l~J.' ,~;q~ad <.;r;::-,:;" <br />Roll Call Ayes (S)",·Nayes (0)" <br />15% off' on laboJ¡" coats du.ring ';;:,he day, 5:& off C'¡:. 1l3,boz· :;;;OS1;3 (luring the <br />night and 30% of! on parttJ c.~osts .¡el"e qllo tad by the ~It\yo!'" <br /> <br />~":)cGee Movedf) Car150n Seconded the atto¡·ne-.1 00 J.rID·!j;:'UctfJd W check :lrrél) <br />the possibility of waiving a pe~t for a tampor~~ concession stand <br />tor the Little League Baseball Club .:md !'Gport. April 2nd" <br />Roll Call Ayes (5)=Nayes (0)0 <br /> <br />'~.o have grade st..,l!.Œ!t1 :Jet Hest, of Autm}¡u St.l"eo't. just <br />and that the r¡¡¡¡o1L'.\'t~f I:Jc:::å .for tb:>; ,::;;n:~zt:;:'uc"'¡¡ion be <br /> <br />M 1"0 Struwø as1œd <br />aast of Fernwooo <br />determlnedo <br />Hammeri3ten Moved" Carlson Seco:1œri.::.hc <br />co.4o' 1 R ll'· r. ï 1· !',..,~~.. <br />1"epo,h. oac:.c.. .0 _.a_. ,\~YG<~;' ~..,.ì,=-,~j~~'fo:" <br /> <br />C!"1Q\,:,;1{ on. '(,l':!:J .9.2',<.:1tl <br /> <br />ðn.giJ~eeTS <br />( () '~ <br />'.-__,' ,-.1 <br /> <br />~:-:T' ...::9, <br /> <br />Clla.l":le s SO"!lt4œ;:IJ repQ2·i:t~d 011 ';~l'le {¡.l~a~J.gû 'p~J{'()~!..Cl ~ ¿;rt. GúD.X; t7 ~:\(J3d B~:'1! 2Tld <br />Grand v.i.6W" '.i'.h~ Ccu.nt.;r fo:r't3m~1 '¡,¡il:~ hav'ø ¡flOrÐ i\1fo::'''ïf~?·t.ioi1 on the 1ilß"I, ÎYðr <br />am raport 'Go hi.ra M:1TCh 21th) <br /> <br />11:Jl~id!lfj~l~3te~ 2~fo\Tei{~ Cal~l.oo¡'l SeCOl1.t!ee'\ <br />t.:; t}~e Er.r.gineea'o Roll 0;:.;11 ¡i.yes (5) <br /> <br />slEn l'8qu.U S'\:.3 GO Taf:z¡¡:r¡.:::J <br /> <br /> <br />County Rd. C-2 be t'IVeen Hamline 2,nd S!1elli!1g Ave. <br />County Rd. B-2 between LexinEton 2nd Victoria <br />Oakcrest and Fry Street <br /> <br />- SloH Sign <br />- SlovT Sign <br />Stop Sis.:n <br /> <br />~ '-. '. I <br /> <br />;;';':":)...:~ <br /> <br />¿-II I); ilL::' <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />.:"OIJI r;~ <br /> <br />,("~, L;::( <br /> <br />}lEI)Þ~Ii1.3 <br /> <br />I,I?TLE <br />LEAGUE <br /> <br />AUrrlJ}:N <br /> <br />S1·RE;~~lr <br /> <br />rIL'\ ~J~N f\ ,,-,I <br /> <br />Kitts r~oved" Carloon Secondodthe C1eJ:':!'k'G'..?:r8 p:dcefl f'l"Qr.1 at least. i:..ll"ee CHt\IR <br />S()UTC}OS forva cha:.r for thø ~-:lerk of court, and repot't bac~" ûLI\, OB' <br />Hell Call Ayes CS),.,Na:YC3 (oL <br /> <br />HÆunersten Mov-edt, <br />cornpauie s to <br />$1000 per load ha <br /> <br />HcCt:;e Seconded 3n ol·ci:t.1:a.r~C~:3 1:3 ::lrmm 'GO enab:Le <br />sen,¡gge jl~lto t!'l0 8a.nit.~"!:¡'.:r {;C:7~J(3¡· s)"ßtsrn arH1 th;rt <br />";r}. HolJ. Cal"J !ì.~'e':; (~L,!'¡a~-:w (0) <br />... '> ... .t, ....; . "--'-¡' .',.) c <. < ~. . ..." ..... <br /> <br />s c:;rlÌ ·tati021 <br />!l f' C<';i of <br /> <br />Ratfield=Cobbi7' In~", ¡>,;:quGt,t.cð permis.:.d.oa for u tempora.....y hool~=up XOI' Iii. hOUBC <br />a.t 1871 I.ex:iJ:lgtcn ths ~tJ..fÜ·~ary 8e:HV~~' :1.5 .'l''lailll.òlt~h f'ol~ ;lh:1.'~h bids ht1\ì6 <br />been lot,o McGeø Movei].:) Bl"enn:m '~0eond3d tho C1el'k bt? :L.'1structed to not:Lfy <br />them th~t the counc1.l Ocr! not deV".J1-¡ìt~ from the code in thJ!3 oCF.'.sa" <br />Roll Call Ayes (5)~~ayes (0) u <br /> <br />'\. let.ter from tJ1ß ·olar.mirw.: CorrÅiaÜw:h..¡J) 'J.í:laniJwusÞ¡· ret:ommeú.ded the ;:¡CCØDt';Ü·..C8 <br />¡ . ~ ~ & <br />i?f t11ß M"i.;Jl'i)lG ~chimw l'L.fJ.'t", <br />HmmTtezos'ton Moved" Carlson Seconded tht} ct.rtlndl conour in the X'ScOImì'!EmC1GtJ.O!l <br />'!\ :lc©ept 'the piat." R(Ùl Call Ayes (5),2m¡T'3G (oL, <br /> <br />P1am1ing C~:í.ssion ul1lm:t'¡:oliSl;¡ l.>cJfZŒi1ìtlœ!{';,Ðd the hiring elf Carl Y'o <br />,jdrther l!.'\'ld A85'0,;:111 ien fOl" t.h!Ç t5J.'m (;~l ;:m.e :jE:2.'f) fcn.' .'1 t{}'¡~::ì.l m~!I.l of :336o;;,.():'J. <br />f·icGe€l tkr¡ed." Hammo!'s'tcn Secon¿:ed i:h~J:::?·i:.t(,,:. ix: i:£!,'blGd foX' à:tsr:lission aJ'.."1 <br />cons5.da¡;·atic71 rr\~ thE! i':i~'3t t3ee·~~:ì.11g "7' .\~:r·J.1, <br />Roll 01311 Aye~, (S),=,~ið}I'(-t0 (OJ,; <br /> <br />~1, ':'~~,~::.f) r.f:~t;,: .,..~ l~::;:, <br /> <br />-, ,', ., .~. <br />',>':;"'.,-,-,1 1.,1 <br /> <br />. I,} ~:. ~~~ t ~~~'.~' ~j . <br /> <br />: ··\~·ì <br /> <br />'2\~: ". '~.'::.., <br /> <br />:<:r~ <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />.;,.~; <br /> <br />.;. <br /> <br />~3 ::'~d i~ (_'J',>~ <br /> <br />!~rJ~,r:" :C¡::C <br /> <br />2"Al::'?]>~L), <br /> <br />(:Olm <br /> <br />3E~'rE£1. <br /> <br />s CHr j?1'~ [.~ <br /> <br />:~Lfi.'r <br />ACCI.;;P;' <br /> <br />,,>~ 0:« <br /> <br />¡{DCC';,:,',:;: .. <br />C..L, err,l! <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />'1.", '.,.~' <br />