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<br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: 9/9/2024 <br />Item No.: 7.a. <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br /> <br /> <br />Item Description: Discuss Cannabis Regulatory Decisions that will Inform Future Draft <br />Ordinance <br />1 <br />2 Background <br />3 The State legislature established Chapter 342 of Minnesota state law, known as the "adult- <br />4 use cannabis law" during the 2023 legislative session. These regulations were revised <br />5 during the 2024 legislative session. Since that time, Minnesota's Office of Cannabis <br />6 Management (OCM) has been established to oversee the implementation and regulation of <br />7 adult-use cannabis. Included in OCM's duties were the creation of model ordinances, <br />8 which cities can use to formulate local adult-use cannabis regulations. This document was <br />9 released in July and is provided as Attachment 1. The legalization of adult-use cannabis <br />10 followed the 2022 legalization of lower-potency hemp. Locally, Roseville has implemented <br />11 licensing for lower-potency hemp, limited retailers of lower-potency hemp to eight, <br />12 prohibited smoking in public places, and enacted a moratorium on the operation of <br />13 cannabis businesses. <br />14 <br />15 Under state law, cannabis business licenses will begin to be issued on January 1, 2025 and <br />16 any locally-enacted moratoria will expire. As such, the City needs to draft and enact local <br />17 ordinances by that date to ensure regulation of such businesses is done in a manner that <br />18 meets our local needs. However, the state law is fairly prescriptive, limiting the City's role <br />19 in both the regulation of adult-use cannabis and lower-potency hemp. Before drafting <br />20 ordinances, feedback is sought on specific issues. Also, the Planning Commission will <br />21 have a role given there are zoning impacts in terms of where certain cannabis businesses <br />22 can locate. The City Attorney has drafted a memo (Attachment 2) outlining broader <br />23 cannabis regulatory decisions that need to be made in order to draft zoning and <br />24 registration-related ordinances. Staff is seeking Council feedback and direction on a few <br />25 questions that are outlined within the memo. The Planning Commission discussed the <br />26 zoning-related matters at their meeting on September 4th and their comments and <br />27 recommendations are included in the below paragraph. <br />28 <br />29 The City Attorney has provided a presentation (Attachment 4) outlining several areas for <br />30 Council discussion, including: <br />31 1. What cannabis business should be allowed in what zoning districts. Staff has <br />32 provided a draft Licensed Activities table as Attachment 3, suggesting where various <br />33 licensed cannabis activities should locate within the City. The suggestions offered <br />34 by staff are informed by the City Attorney memo, guidance from the OCM, and <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />Qbhf!8!pg!26: <br /> <br />