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<br />\7illc.¡gB 01 fI,fJSEï-d..l1'i <br /> <br />'.. <br /> <br />R.ogu,,1ar ID¡:;eting çf' th$ V:H1age Council ¡Ù¡:::s;ia:>~; AUf:Uõ':; f,:. 195'7 <br /> <br />2&00 P :r; , <br /> <br />'l'he council mat (in. th,~ ¡;·'b,>'y.:¡ date l.fH"b tJ.1D Xol1;:)H:t~lg r¡.~:<ì.11tìrB pl"BSent: <br />Brellnant Garlso~ and }:lM:r.1Gl"St.eI1r, 1\.b~ent. ,~ Kit't,s,:, HcGae and <br />Á'ê,i:.omey Loftzgaardenr; El1gii'k"':ì81' Chad,~s S"'mM,EJ:l" ,¡-;;as p.r·øsant" <br /> <br />JI. <br /> <br />E<,mlnersten Movfflð.i' CarÜjc,n &:tconded b:(,d;;! 1'01'" I'e~"od:f.f·iDatlon of 'l?:i.llage BIDS <br />ord:U1ances be openedo &11 0&11 Ayes (J)"Ha.Y'Bt1 (oL RECODIji'ICJlTION <br />_~~ bids were as fc.llo'Ws: OF ORDrÑANCE:" <br />.,,>;,,) Michie City Publicatioì.13 of ~'hai:"1f)ttesvil1e;t 'J~ '. $2;_000,,00 (Incl" prtnting) <br />_ Venm11I" Nawhall and Ac~n or HlImeapC211ia $1650,,00 (Not inclo <br />\\', Hammersten Movedc Brennan Seconded tn0 matter 00 tablf.1d and a committee <br />be appointed to check into t.h+1 8nWWlt of work n'H11t·..r,~(t·rcrr this project" <br />Rf>ll Call Ayes (J)...N~os (oL <br /> <br />Carlson Movedo H8rIl!I'ler:swn So¢Onded tXJ('; pr:,>poßa.l :>i.' t.J;l~~ P{(lice'1.on P01ICI}.1E?J <br />t.-) hire the íol1c:ndlJ,g m5m 1'ot" tho po~:'i:tlon t1f þol~,ce þatro1men be acc~pted" H1RßD. (lL.) <br />. Roll Call Ayes (J)",N~W~JS (O), <br />Da'ddøon,'.! 1.~rl., <br />Strombergfi GOl'¿rm <br />Woodhouse $ Rae Eo <br />V 81\ lleekj! Ea¡,\Ç!ld <br />tans, J ~Ia~:3 <br />Sal v.a:roa, Rii:hard <br />:.oSSi0p 'B\)o <br /> <br />'Bgrglin.\ G!£¡o~ TJ(. <br />.Jo;U'\lW :t, ,;&~ <br />MmN"¡;)1:ll:~f:e!'., To J" <br />1.e "'ì:'.ng, , B.o b'''r.t <br />~"''''1Ì,15~;;'í' Feger <br />',3j.lcmti.a;; Charle£! <br />r{:) ~ar(;g~ Robert, <br /> <br />Tha Clerk read .!! resolut,:ton adO'¡,rì:.0d b)' thø .20:'1. tee Cc·n~.$s1on to pl'O'fid.e <br />tha.t !f16mbßl"'s 01.' OUZ' P'>lJ.ce dØpa:!:'trlsnt ;~e¡'V".lng ~n acti'n, d.tty' must r.>a <br />working at a mont.J:l1Jr .::\\Tre1"e>.ge eq:,.1ivalentJ 1"....0 750 hours pEl: annuMv and t.'I}at <br />mernbers lù"lable to JJ8ßt t,h,;! requ"l.ra¡r,e'1t w'il.1. œ p18carl 'in a 1fLeav~ of Absence <br />. Without Pay" li~t. until tn:wb, i.i):!!e a~ t,hf'!Y C;'1~ confo3:'~i\ t.o such a. ecbedule of <br />, active du~ servi~cø <br /> <br />Carlson Moved" BaUiiV.erst.<:>.n S\')cxmde1 tjOÆ",'t Ofric~(nU Herb..J::''''t Boh1.rfw1 be gi'lren él <br />pa1.d \' to't.alir¡g riin~tyD8ix hOUl';!i "0 ..::tHtIiOOfleß m1 August l.'thl{ as <br />recønnnended by the¡ Pol:"(~6 Conmd3sion.~ Roll CaD. Ayes t~}=N8\1e8 (O)" <br /> <br />AttoJ"De7 Barr:¡ Ch1Ù.upsk;;r Ð.pp~a1"9d in behal..'f of Arnold &nd Ruth Er:tckson <br />and l!Iubnitted a petition, fOl' a. rezonir.¡g fl'OOt I'IRa:31derl'ì>ifil'lf to uBuslnesa" <br />for lot, 9.;; block 11' K:t'a<":'euu s Pl..!lt<- <br />H31IWsrsten Mowd$1 Garloon Seconded the petit.ion be accepted and referred <br />to the Pl:>\nning C:om,"",i2lsion fœ ~ hearing at theÚ' !ir3t meeting in September <br />pm that, tt o(),.u~il l:Ðscheduled for¡4 l!)tho <br /> <br />. t. <br />"~~Iman ~~JIII1m:l\>ed (on tiu> of Operati.ontor 'the quarter t'IOOiv.g <br />..j~ 3Ot- 19,7 feZ' cur liquor nto1'ð8p mlcb in(~lud~ a balance shNt and. <br />net profit to date.. <br /> <br />Carlson t"'..oved,:;¡ Brennan :3e.CQ:nded the proposal for pq êwhedule and vacatior!5 <br />and th.8 request fox· incr'0asef.! tor liquor atore l11U}lloyees and the man..., <br />ago? as :r>acommendec.1 10 the lè'i¡;.t3:t' 01' At1gust 5'1'..11. bj" t;(')hnMl~,se~v Manag>!)l" be <br />accepted and mado effeçti va a.s:>f Augu<Jt, '. 1957, <br />R\)11 Call Ajre~ (3)N~.yf:t) (0)., <br /> <br />Hwmtl!rr5t.fß1 Mo';'}':! C'?I'hwt'~ ~j.~!;';;"I'J1J.-'iê!rl Q!'(JX'Hl'l~';!i j'1~:3h <p¡,m,Jd,Y1:i S~~et.i.:m 3D <br /> <br />POL:CCDiEN <br />HOORS OF <br />SER'TICE <br /> <br />H" BOHLMA~ <br />V A GA'!'! Ol¡ <br /> <br />Rtæ01f1NG <br />PE'i"I'fiON <br /> <br />LIQUOR <br />STORE R.EP ~ '.I' 0 <br /> <br />LIQ~ F.trrPL" <br />WAGE nlCR, <br />PAY SCHEIYJLE <br />&. \TAfJ\TION <br />SCHEDULE <br />