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<br />,-".~...,..~~~':$,~'","~..--...---,..-..- -- . <br /> <br />. ~,~_. .....".~.~...f. !~.'t..':~,:~.">·;;...,>;o:¡1;"":'··-·iN""''';';c,·_)",,,:,,,.,.... ^.."_,.....__~.,,...__. .-..'.~"'-<O'---." -.. . <br /> <br />,··.·;,:_~·7.'·'"'..:~:;.--'·.':":...;-;<· ·~<f·'--,.-,<_ <br /> <br />or Sewer OrdirAance #219 (Regulat,:~g SE.H(:X" connectior.s) be aóoptsd" <br />Roll Call Ayes (3).~N~es (oL <br /> <br />ORDI NA'\:CE <br />#23h ADOP'l'ED <br /> <br />Carlson Moved", Hammersten Seconded the (.:lerk l.'0 a.uthorized t.o ~et <br />up anexarrln1ng board tor ffHousa Sevel" COlltractorall and tha.t. t'f1ð <br />Plumbing Iœpector, Harold Hagl1md anð Sanitary Sewer Enginee:t' <br />Charles Sautter, House Sewer Contract,ors AoP" Keller and Wal-t-er <br />!ìel\,¡es. and the ClerJ.c be appoi.uted to t,¡.'l~ board., 11.013. Cill A-;rea O)...NaJ"es (O) " <br />(The ordinance also provides .roj.~ a:lCœL.iru;;tioD. Of.' Ì'ÎJ:>" Kellsr D.nd Mr'o He.rmes <br />betorit their activ1ties on the boa....~d C(i.Jmtmœo) <br /> <br />EXAMINING BOARD <br />¡lPPOIN'mD FOR <br />HOUSE S:],';iK~;. GŒ!'ll <br /> <br />Carlson Movedø Hamrersten S&condedthe of Midland View .i\dd.iti.on he P'"uAT ACCl~?!':'£:D <br />accepted cont1ngent upon the p.rovision recommended 1>;-, the Co.-iI;Dion flNIDtANTI <br />tor establishment or a "T" tu%>n·,s."'l"\)w¡d a.nd a water tJtor.!ge a1"l':H.'L, vrlj~" AD:Y? <br />Roll Call Ayes (J )-~!ayes (0) 0 SUB.;., '1'0 <br />A œ'tetr"'J.JSed statement was suOmi tœd an'.1 signed by Dc~', Wilson i:md Tt"E<,Rif¡bX'Udt.~:::ON:DI'l:'(;))I <br />owen of the north hal! of t.J1~ addit;..'ion, ag~ing to set 8.s:1d'J a.p, &, watø:r:" <br />storage basin, the vest 275 fc-ð'(, of tb.,,,; p:ro~J'ty 8.djoird~lg the south 3irl~ <br />of Midland Hills Gclf Cour~e unt.i1 ,':;S a stcn"j¡ ;3('W€y" un.l :re:U.8V'~ <br />the probJ.elllo <br /> <br />Hammersten Mowdg CE'.rlson Seconded 8. sa.nit.ary sewSr' I::hange o:rda1" be pre= SE1>1f'.JI ,,:H:\NI!~ <br />pared and entered into in orde}~ w prc.'v:).dr,} fo:t· the ~ItO~:ti(;"lì tJ::~ ae\.fe~f' OrA ORlìEi{ <br />Ryan Avcmu.e frøa DaJ..e Street to pt'Op08:3i! ¡r~nt Street and on In""Jpoaed <br />f!'QDl ~U\ tAl Ryan which is offsetj) as pf)tj.tioned for by L.. Ii'" Hennagø and <br />W 0 J" Kerr to serf'ice their prtJI:>ertj_es in Mont.gomery Lak.evlew A ddi tion, and <br />recol'.1Ill.ended by Roger Short~ Roll Call l;y'-'!.s O)··Nayea (oL.. <br /> <br />A letter from Suburban Shopping Center's J::nc" in answer 'i'.o a le·Í fNm the m!:rrECE )-'J.: <br />Clerk asking them to improve the servica road at t.'1e rear of 'the Snelling A.~" £tUB <br />Hub was read stating that they tdsh to mak.1'1 the improvement ai"7;.&l' 1nat.allation <br />ot the sanitary sewer to the center n <br />The Clark was inetruct.ed to writ.e t.hem rgquesi:.iI1g that t.h'3Y at.1eaat <br />the holes in the road to insure fire Ri!t1 police P.L'Ot\3ct.ion,. <br /> <br />T'œ . letter trom Suburban Shopping Cent.ðrd also a.dvised the.t. bai'or~) th~ <br />Village erects a sign for the l:l.quol'" otore at the Hub.\"- t.h9Y might con.."id~l' <br />contacting other merchante in 4:.11e cel'1t ..~r fbo leaae that pa.!'t which is Rdt. <br />back to find out their feelings toward Ð. large sign and sharing the cost <br />there.! <> <br /> <br />Dr" and Mrso Stemper reported thAt ths St.'1te Highway Depa:rœeni-;. haø changed <br />i the grade ot H:i.gbway Depa.rbne¡rt properv along T <-Ho #36 a.nd has caused a. <br />problem, 1D the Steçer' s op1.."1i.n~ with regard tÐ safety and the platt~ <br />of their proper~" The problem ~.s oœ between the State Higbwiiy Department <br />and t..~e private properV' o\msrs¡; therefore no ac.-tioa was t::!ken" <br /> <br />Dr" Si;Bp8!" asked the council te di."Sœnt,im.\e 19'tting Mr., B;~!'r use his laud <br />as a. pig fa.mJ which is e,djaœn:t to St.œ:peru IS properv" The 18nd i8 zened <br />"fa.m residentialll, therefore lli'" Ba;.y.i' ha.t:! the priv1ledge of using his land <br />fer fam purposes" The Clerk was instNcted to writE'¡ Mr" ~e!" requesting <br />him W clean up a of cans., <br /> <br />Hammersten Movedt) Carlson Seconded a sanitary .!Jewel" change orde.r be <br />to provide for tbn SßWßl' to be 1.11at',1]~f. cl at a lower cíep'tl1. pL~meú fo1:' <br /> <br />LIQUOR s~('(m <br />3IG!~ vr mm <br /> <br />PROBo BETW <br />1OC{ < DEFT. ,. A <br />S'I1!2'IPERS <br /> <br />BJiE:R PI G l;'M?:, <br /> <br />SEWER CHIHl <br />ORDER <br />