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<br />!!-.;t 2: ,.;") <br /> <br />A letter from the County Commissioners informed us tha.t the Count¡y <br />will cont:irJue to maintain and remove snow from. 81.1 county=state aid <br />roads in the v1llage.~ <br /> <br />A letter from the CountQ Commissioners approving 0\11" awlicatiOD tor <br />coDVeyaDOe of easeJlell't in tax forfeited lands W8.8 reado <br /> <br />COOJfrYí,STATE <br />AID ROADS <br /> <br />COOBfi APPROV AI <br />SEWER EASEMENT <br /> <br />('-~' <br />"" ". A letter from. the County Camdssioœl's and copies of. re801uticms COUNTY"'s'l'A'I'E <br />were read relatiw to deeignatáon of counvc:>state aid h1gbwqs. Alii ROArs <br />Brennan Moved, Carlson Seconded the matter be ref'~ to the <br />eng1Deer for report at the next. naeetiDg., Roll Call .Ayes (S)-Ba.yes-(O)o <br /> <br />A letter was read troa Taylor and lW..cOask:tll in anstJ'er to the reQ.uest TAYLOR & MCCASK <br />of the councll for more records re:tat1vð to the liquor inventory ta1œn IRVEHTORY REPOR <br />in Februar,r. !bø clerk 'Was inst1'llcted to write to them again for records <br />as the letter showed only a breakdown of hours and the bi1Ji~ tor hours <br />put in.. <br /> <br />'RrMfl"ston Mo98d9 Carlson Seconded the action Qf August 13th setting a VILLAGE HAIL <br />date far tho opcm1ng of bids tor ramoda11ng the village hall be rec1ndedo REMOŒLDÐ <br />Roll can Ayme (S)..Na;yu (0) <> . <br /> <br />Brennan Mo~ Car1.son Seeondsd bids for raaodeliDg the village hall be VILLAGE HALL <br />opeMd on Septeaber 3rd at 2:00 P.K. Ben Ca.1l Ayes (,)...tftq&s (0)" RmOIELING <br /> <br />Pln"'~ Inspeotor, 1.. He Haglund" NCOJIROnded that the counc1l DOt WELL lOT <br />pest acceptanca of a D0W 2- wen be1ng drilled at 648 Sbryer which ACUQ1.'ED <br />pumps on'b'. øix galloDa per .1aL"QUW in place of tho requ1red ten 1_"0118 <br />per II1ø.1.te 0 <br />Car1801'1 Me wc.t, Breamaa Seconded the counc1l concur in the rec~t1oD <br />and DOt pe1S1t spec1al deviation trca the code.. Ron Call A1ea(S)-Ra,yes-(O).. <br /> <br />S'rREE'r em; <br />KAY~N <br />ADD! '!'ION <br /> <br />A letter trca RQraond Schacht. l"f5!iiarkeå that our ~ is no~ coçerat1ng <br />iB the dnelopact of tñe st.1"e$tB in hi3 Kay...ReeD Add1tiDn as he is DOt on <br />the job B\1perri.8iD¡ at. &1.1 tiJaM aDd bas placed g:radê st.alœs o~ ora ODe <br />side of tile p1"Gp088d st.reet.. <br />Brennan Moved, C81"leon Seconded the clerk be instructed to write toHro Scbacht <br />:l.DtoraiDg b1a that it 18 our psUc,y to Bet ñakea on.Q- on one s1de aø! that it <br />ccmUDuous eaperda1aß by the village ~ 18 request4td, aD addit10nlll <br />tee tor such services will be charged.. Ron CaU Ayes (;)-11...,.. (0). <br /> <br />A pet.1t.i.oD. a1pe4 by .& number of residønt8 on Ccrant7 Road "C...21t between <br />HaJa'''''' ADd SDDl11ug Avenue. nque8ted that sigas be If1"8Cted tor speed <br />reduct1œs 011 Cowl. Road -c..2t'l" The ma1iter vas previous17 ret81"ft:d to <br />t.1te traffic cCIIII1:tteeo . <br />Carlson Moved. ßrrsnnan Seccmdod the matter beretened to the ~NIIV <br />to d8te1'lÚD8 a dpeec1lim1t aM order 11'ì8tallat1on tor ø1guø t¡,a tJI8 <br />COUl1ty'e Roll Call ~ (5)....186 (0).. <br /> <br />The planning Cœlniss10n recommended the council accept the revised plat <br />of Oakridge Lane Addition dated August 161' 19S7" <br />Hammeroten Moved, Carlson. S~conded tha;~unc1l ,t:pncur in the reCOlftMDdation. <br />Roll Call Ayes (5 )...N&yes \ 0) " ¡, "I.. ¥-"'" "\. 'f1"'~' ..ß.,J <br />(i".t, "_ Å " Q <,. <br />..,. rf"\.r-' '} \) <br />'i"he aayo~ reOO11l!lended t"a"S.. Rt4IJS~ h...tII11'S, Hat1ðnal I'terI Cha1:rtœn tor <br />+..118 IJÐague of \\Ïœnen Vovx(":::J.1 ~+ dgsigr.'2.ted t.o :represent Rosevl11e as United <br />Na ttODf.~ 1¡lee~ Gba:L~'iE'.n, <br /> <br />PEfi'l'IOR Fa!> <br />SPmD COtr.rRC <br />ON COo RD" ( <br /> <br />PLAT ACCEPTI <br />