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<br /><.' <br />.,; <br /> <br />Brennen Moved,9 Carlson ~econded t.he council conC111' :L(} thG ¡·(~(¡:J)¡;j.menda.tion, U.N, ':{EFK <br />Ron Call Ayes (5)-Nayes (0)", GHAIPJ,jAN <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />Appoil1tment of a representat..tva from ·tœ council t~ t~e GOUt1t'y Govern·· <br />mental Study' Commission was held over U11til ilia August 27t.h mec:~ting" <br /> <br />Souttar reported it appeal's that partiet'J concerned ¡lU.h the drail' <br />probleJ l near County Road ":8",211 and Nancy Place aloe favorable toward <br />_', granting drainage easements to direct. surface to t,ha nor'è.ho <br />Brennan Moved, Carlson Seconded the engtnoor lli1d at.torney taka the <br />necessarY' steps for pnrparatlon and ser'1æing of the ea.sements", <br />Roll Call Ayes (5)-Nayee (0).. <br /> <br />..",.~;!;. <br /> <br />Soutter reported that he has hired a. SUI'VEt"'JOl' to l!!tu~ tM drainage <br />problem at MidOa1œ Lane and the problem on Alameda. St!"oot;¡. bt:r~ has <br />had no report trom him as y'st.. He W'8S instruoted to, find out the <br />st.atus and telephone Mrt> Shialy of Hid08lœ Lane tomo.rl'OW, AuglWt 21st, <br /> <br />Soutterw8.S instructed to report at tkH) AUF1.wt 27t,h ~Î0.eting wH.h a <br />reoommendation for or agai.n::rt the ac(;~~p·tance 01 GrtnH~~n.t. I"nne anrl <br />Irene Street.. <br /> <br />co~ RD. Hjj.·,2~! <br />IRAINAGE <br /> <br />rRAINAGE <br />~J:rOOÞ.KS Lti <br />AI. AMEDA <br /> <br />CREscm:T LA 0 <br />&: IHEUE <br /> <br />Soutter reported that he has exarrlnedthe pl"'eliIDinm.';r ;-; sewEll" survey S'roRM SE'JEf~ <br />su1Ditted by E. C.. Bat.har~ as tf) progress and is of '!:Æ¡a opìn:i.on that pay,,> SURVEY REPon'l' <br />ment tcæ said work 1s :in ordar" <br /> <br />Hazœnersten Moved, BrennaD. Seoonded that McGee contact Mr", !1asterash,. <br />applicant for ongineering posttion)) to arrBl1!:."T8 a. sp'3d.aJ: meetir...g toO <br />discuss and set up duties for village engineer v <br />Roll Call Ayea (5)-Hayes (O).. <br /> <br />Attorœy LortsgaardeD reported that we may RO·t hold lID election only <br />tor' the purpose of jes1gnating the purchase of propsrtyr for the villagetJ <br />but. at a regular election the question oJ: whether or ¡'lOt wo shall issue <br />bonds not to exceed a œr1',a;.n amount tor 'the purpo8a of securing land <br />tor a civic center site may appear cn the balloto <br /> <br />Brennan stat.ed that when hô proposed the site at Dale and County Road "cft <br />for a dmjp, he vas not aware that. objections had prev1ous:l¥ been made to <br />the council regarding dumping on the lERi" A petition conta1n1ng 84 <br />signatures or p&J'I!OßØ object1Dg to tt.. land baing designated as a dump <br />vas su'*1tte4. Ed WU1mus. owner of a traet. nearby felt that rats would <br />be att.racted ·to the area DO u.'tter' how it woW.d be cared tor and that the <br />odor, biowizlg __ and debr1s; and .tires would result" Alse he felt it <br />~. would creatAt a harcJab1p when it comes tie tinanc1ng homefl in that easterlT <br />part of the rlll&geo <br />EdII" Admu q,uestioned whether the land is properly zoned~ <br />BJoennan Hoved. Cp.rlSOD Seconded the action of Aupst 13th relati'9'e ~ <br />matter be zrec1ndeda Ron Can Ayes (S)-NqelJ (0)" <br /> <br />IIaJmJ1ersten HoTed. MoQee Seconded the clerk be inst.ruoted to aSk the eoanv <br />to consider erecting nus Dumping. signs on their rigbt,~o.r...w~ near the <br />location in queStioDo Hen Call Ayes (5)..Nayes (0)" <br /> <br />"-._~/- <br /> <br />Mr" Renquist¡> rending at the comer of Shorewood Curve and Wheeler asked <br />the oouncil to reconsider their action or August 13th!! granting a permit <br />to Sin Cla..'Ú' Oil Company to bu"ild a 031"7ioo atatlon, :1.11 vitYrl of the ta.ct <br />-!~".t, ';'.t :'B P::'OP(';'3'2.d t,,-:) 1'8 ·,;¡:::"':":';"3d C<LCfH.: to t,p":)';}" h0~'~,r, of eonrd.derab1.y <br /> <br />E1lcm~~R. <br /> <br />CIVIC CEN'í'ER <br />ON BALLOT <br /> <br />WMP SITE <br />OPPOSED <br /> <br />#NO roMPING" <br />SIGNS <br /> <br />SINCLAIR <br />SERVICE S'fA., <br />OPPOSED <br />